Home men's HealthDiseases of the testicles Home remedies for testicular hydrocele

Home remedies for testicular hydrocele

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Testicular hydrocele is a condition of the scrotal bag. There is an accumulation of serous fluid related to or being the consequence of pro-inflammatory processes in the testicles. This condition rarely presents serious complications or compromises fertility or health in general. However, the most appropriate thing is to have alternatives to alleviate this problem and thus avoid the discomfort it causes.

At FastlyHealwe offer you home remedies for testicular hydrocele to cure them naturally and effectively and even prevent their reappearance.

Coldwater bath to relieve testicular hydrocele

One of the most applied natural remedies against testicular hydrocele or inflamed testicular vein is for the man to immerse himself in a tub full of cold water, thereby helping the scrotal bags be collected and facilitating the return of the serous fluid that causes it. Inflammation thereby reduces the hydrocele. It is also recommended to raise the leg, supporting it, for example, on the edges of the tub to help the reverse tilt facilitate the circulation of said flow again.

Hydrate properly and lemon water against testicular hydrocele

The hydration is fundamental to address these problems related to fluid retention because, paradoxically, sometimes not only dehydration but inadequate fluid intake does not allow the body to have the provision enough of them to make the due process, both hydration and lubrication, as well as cleaning in the different areas of the body.

As we have mentioned previously, inflammatory processes can be involved in hydrocele, which can be caused by infections that reach the scrotum (primarily if the penis and testicle are maintained with poor hygiene or a sexually transmitted disease is spread ). The organism can react immunologically correctly, but it will still need correct hydration to complete the process.

For hydration to be adequate and therapeutic, consider the following:

  • The consumption of drinking water, substituting or eliminating juices and soft drinks as possible.
  • Please wait until you are thirsty: this tells the body that it is ready to use water efficiently.
  • Drink full glasses: it should not be eight glasses a day but authentic glasses instead of sips.
  • It is preferable to drink as much water outside of meals: the insulin released with food activates fluid retention functions, preventing the correct use of the water you drink.

The water with lemon is an option with an extra antioxidant and antibiotic power to combat this problem, preferably taking on an empty stomach shortly before breakfast and without adding any sugar.

Yoga poses and exercises against testicular hydrocele.

The following yogic postures practiced -with supervision if you are a beginner- for a few minutes a day will help reduce and eliminate testicular hydrocele.

  • Shoulder stand or ‘candle’: it consists of taking your hips with your hands and extending your legs vertically upwards, and your feet pointed. The glutes contract, and the body is as vertical as possible. There should be no tension in the neck. This inverted posture helps fluid retention against the legs and in the testicles.
  • Eagle pose: one leg is crossed in front of the other, and, in turn, the palms of the hands are brought together at the level of the face, but crossing the arms between them. This posture requires balance but adjusts the testicles, treating problems such as testicular hydrocele.
  • Cow head poses: the legs are crossed as much as possible so that the feet are on the outer sides of the hips, with the soles facing backward. Bring your right arm behind your back and take your index finger with your left hand. This pose adjusts the spermatic cords, corrects posture, and allows you to control ejaculation better.

In addition to these postures, constant physical exercise helps general health, and that includes helping the body to heal with its resources these types of problems that arise gradually and slowly.

Healthy eating against testicular hydrocele

A correct diet allows the body to repair these problems more efficiently and effectively. Against testicular hydrocele, it is essential to meet the needs of consumers of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3 must be greater than Omega 6 so that the anti-inflammatory functions of the body can be present and resolve testicular hydrocele, among many other chronic illnesses. The primary sources of Omega 3 EPA and DHA are:

  • Fish
  • Seafood and seafood
  • Organic egg yolk
  • Began

These foods should be consumed with the least aggressive cooking methods possible (avoid frying) and change the common flours for fruits such as melon, watermelon, and pineapple, thus reducing the amount of Omega 6 and providing hydration to the body as an additional benefit.

On the other hand, reducing smoking and alcoholism in the subject will be essential in the recovery of hydrocele, among other testicular conditions.

Treat causes of testicular hydrocele.

It is essential to differentiate the two main types of testicular hydrocele. The first is congenital, occurring in newborns and can last up to a year. However, this hydrocele does not present risks and is usually cured without any treatment.

Hydroceles that appear in youth or adulthood are caused mainly by low-grade inflammation in the body, which depends on the genetic load and environmental factors that are difficult to determine for its appearance. These home remedies will be fully effective for these cases; this effect is proportional to their consistency and correct application.

Only in some less frequent cases can it be due to stenosis or torsions of the spermatic cord and tumors or testicular infections, these generally presenting with pain and more significant inflammation, in addition to other possible signs related to spermatogenesis, ejaculation, and fertility.

For such persistent or severe cases, despite the continuous application of the remedies, it is best to go to a urologist or specialist to address the causes to a greater degree and avoid frustrations.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for testicular hydrocele , we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system .

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