Home men's HealthDiseases of the testicles Elevator testicles: causes, treatment and consequences

Elevator testicles: causes, treatment and consequences

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

During the embryonic period of a baby’s development, many of the organs, in the earliest stages of their formation, are all found in the same area of ​​the anatomy. They later occupy their rightful place and from where they perform—all their functions. An example of this is the testicles formed in the abdominal cavity and then descend shortly before or after childbirth.

However, like any other organ, the testicles are also at risk of suffering some alteration that compromises their displacement, altering the direction of movement, stopping the descent, or producing a condition that causes the testicles to enter and leave the cavity where they were developed. For parents, this can cause concern, so in this FastlyHealarticle, we will talk about elevator testicles: causes, treatment, and consequences.

Elevator testicles in boys

The elevator testicle is a variant of a set of conditions grouped under the name of cryptorchidism, a word that can be translated as “hidden testicle.” In this case, the elevator testicle is the situation present in babies. It rarely reaches adolescence, in which one or both testicles ascend to the inguinal area due to different stimuli and later descend to its position.

Elevator testicles: causes

During embryonic development, the testicles develop inside the abdominal cavity, where they remain until eight months of gestation in most cases. At this point, the testicles descend into the scrotum, where, under normal conditions, they stay for the rest of life.

Cryptorchidism is the name given to a group of abnormalities of the descent of the testicles, among which are:

  • The undescended testicle.
  • The ectopic testicle: descends by the wrong route to a place where it should not be.
  • The dystopian testicle has a sketchy descent.
  • The elevator testicle: descends and ascends from and to the cavity.

The explanation for the latter case is that the testicles do not have a correct fixation in the scrotum, possibly in addition to an increased cremasteric reflex which causes the muscle that supports the testicle to retract when the inner thigh is stimulated.

Consequences of elevator testicles

While the idea of ​​a testicle descending and ascending from the abdominal cavity may sound somewhat worrisome to parents of an affected child, today, the elevator testicle is considered a normal condition for children because it does not usually produce any alterations in development.

However, this does not mean that it is a benign condition. In the most severe affectations of cryptorchidism, the following can occur :

Elevator testicles in boys: surgery and treatment

Most cases of elevator testis do not require any procedure or treatment to correct it because the alteration corrects itself in the first years of life and, in rare instances, lasts until adolescence. Even once reached this stage, the lift testicles can be corrected spontaneously.

However, it is essential to make a good diagnosis of this condition because, in earlier times, lift testicles were confused with undescended testicles, the latter being a more severe condition than the former. Making a good diagnosis is essential, so consultation with a specialist in the area is recommended.

When treatment for the lift testicle is warranted, there are different procedures to consider before opting for surgery. In the first instance, hormone therapy with human chorionic gonadotropin is recommended to stimulate the canal’s closure through which the testicle passes.

When the final descent and fixation of the testicle to the scrotum does not occur even after hormonal treatment, a surgical procedure should be considered, ideally carried out around two years of age, because if performed before, there is a greater risk of damaging one of the testicles, which are still developing.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Testicles in the lift: causes, treatment, and consequences, we recommend entering our Male reproductive system category.

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