Home men's HealthDiseases of the testicles Spermatocele: symptoms and treatment

Spermatocele: symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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The Spermatocele, spermatic cyst, or epididymal cyst is a bulge or benign cyst that occurs in the epididymis, the long and winding organ behind the testicles responsible for storing and transporting sperm. This lump is usually painless, so it is likely that a man who suffers from it is not aware of its presence until it is enormous and can be perceived more easily or until it is discovered in a medical examination.

In this FastlyHealarticle, we tell you what a spermatocele is and what causes it, its symptoms and treatment, and when you should go to the urologist. In addition, we answer some of the most frequent questions related to this testicular problem.

What is a spermatocele, and what are its causes

The epididymal cyst or Spermatocele is a retention of spermatic fluid in the epididymis tubule that distends, forming a bulge or cyst; therefore, it is a benign cyst, and it turns out to be the most common of those included in the testicular area. . Generally, within this cyst this whitish or even transparent liquid contains dead sperm cells.

They are usually small lumps since their average size is 1.27 cm in diameter, and they do not usually cause pain. Therefore, it is common to detect them in testicular examinations.

If you wonder why a spermatocele occurs, you should know that the cause is often unknown because it is easily solved and even before the origin can be studied in each case. But among the leading causes of the epididymal cyst, the following should be highlighted:

  • Epididymitis: the organ located at the back of the testicles can suffer from inflammation or epididymitis that facilitates the retention of spermatic fluid in any of the points of this organ, the most common in the upper part or head of the epididymis.
  • Trauma to the testicles: a blow to this sensitive area can cause not only epididymitis but also pressure in some part of the tubule of this organ that starts a benign cyst.
  • Scarring: if ever, mainly due to a blow or medical test, a slight wound has been made in this duct, the scarring can facilitate the appearance of these small cysts.
  • Diverticulum or polyp: the appearance of this problem in the epididymis duct will cause a slight obstruction, and, little by little, a spermatium cyst will form.

Symptoms of Spermatocele

The epididymal cyst does not usually present noticeable symptoms to the sufferer. Normally when they are small, which happens in most cases, these internal lumps of retention of spermatic fluid do not cause any pain. There are only cases in which the man feels discomfort or pain when the Spermatocele grows and becomes more significant than usual because then it presses on some areas of the rest of this part of the body that makes its presence noticeable. In addition, when they grow larger, they usually feel swelling and heaviness in the testicles.

An unmistakable symptom of a spermatic cyst is that during a testicular self-examination or the medical examination, a smooth, firm, and hard lump is detected in the scrotum, just in the upper area of ​​the testicle.

If you identify any symptoms, you should go to the urologist as soon as possible so that they can check you well and tell you if it is this problem or it is another type of condition.

Diagnosis of spermatocele

To detect and diagnose a benign cyst in this area of ​​the male body, it is essential that a man perform a testicular self-examination regularly; we remember that it is recommended by specialists to do it every month or that he also go to the urologist regularly to check himself thoroughly. As discussed before, a spermatocele is hard, smooth, and firm to the touch.

Another way these lumps are often found is with routine testicular cancer screenings. Of course, they are much easier to detect when they become large, and the specialist can diagnose them more easily. Sometimes tests are performed apart from the physical examination by palpation, such as diaphanoscopy or ultrasounds. In these tests, it is straightforward to detect these lumps, so they do not go unnoticed if they are present.

Treatment of Spermatocele and spermatocelectomy

In most cases, as they are small cysts that do not produce pain or discomfort, no specific medical treatment is required. In this case, what the specialists recommend is to let the body reabsorb the fluid retained in the cyst by itself, which will make the lump disappear completely without this, meaning that it will reappear or do it in the same place.

Medical treatment is only necessary if the spermatic cyst is enormous, swollen, and causes discomfort or pain. In this case, the remedy to follow is a surgical intervention known as spermatocelectomy. It is an outpatient surgery; that is, it is done under local anesthesia and is of short duration, in which the benign cyst that causes discomfort to the patient will be removed.

There is no natural treatment for Spermatocele other than following a healthy life and getting plenty of rest until the discomfort stops if they are mild and, of course, resting after a spermatocelectomy operation.

Frequently asked questions about Spermatocele.

In addition to knowing what it is, the causes, symptoms, and its possible treatments, there are some frequent doubts about sperm cysts that we answer below:

Does the Spermatocele go away on its own?

As we have commented in the section on the treatment of spermatic cysts, generally, this usually disappears on its own because they are generally small and do not tend to increase much over time. Thus, the body is capable of reabsorbing this cyst, causing the problem to resolve itself. But, if this cyst is large enough and causes discomfort, it is much more difficult for it to go away on its own, and it is in these cases that the urologist decides that surgical intervention is more effective.

Does Spermatocele cause infertility?

A spermatium cyst in the epididymis does not cause infertility, so if you are concerned about this aspect both while you have it and after having it, you can rest easy. Although it is recommended that you consult with your urologist, especially if you think you may have infertility, to try to detect the cause so that he can indicate the best treatment for you.

What are the consequences of Spermatocele?

The consequences of an epididymal cyst are usually none. That is, as they are bumps that typically reverse themselves in a short time and do not cause infertility, problems derived from these do not usually appear. They will only produce a problem if they grow and are left untreated. In this case, it may be felt from slight discomfort to more intense pain in the testicles and even obstruction in the epididymis tubules.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Spermatocele: symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system .

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