Home Heart healthTriglycerides Home remedies for high triglycerides

Home remedies for high triglycerides

by Alivia Nyhan
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Triglycerides are responsible for providing our body with energy that can be used in the long term by taking advantage of the fats that we consume in the diet and those that our liver produces. When this energy is not used, lipids accumulate in the form of fat in our body, but an excessive accumulation can cause important health problems , causing fat to affect organs such as the pancreas or liver, and eventually obstructing the arteries, leading to significant heart disease.

profound change in diet and physical exercise are essential to reduce its levels, but in addition to these modifications, the intake of some home remedies for high triglycerides can accelerate the improvement process and allow you to enjoy all the health and well-being that you need. Keep reading, because in this FastlyHealarticle we give you some excellent natural solutions to combat this condition.

Triglyceride levels

A good presence of triglycerides in the blood helps us maintain our energy daily, however when they increase they can become a problem for our health that should be treated as soon as possible.

Although they may vary between laboratories, blood triglyceride levels are:

  • Normal: 150 mg / dL or less
  • Borderline high: between 150 and 199 mg / dL
  • High: between 200 and 499 mg / dL
  • Very high: 500 or more mg / dL

If your triglyceride levels are at the limit or are high, making profound changes to your diet and increasing your physical activity will be essential to guarantee your well-being. In our article on the causes and treatment for high triglycerides , we explain in detail what nutritional and exercise measures you should take into account to reduce them as soon as possible. This, added to the intake of some home remedies, can significantly help you to guarantee a decrease in these lipids.

The importance of changing our habits

Home remedies alone will not help you lower your triglycerides if, in addition, you do not completely change your eating habits and opt for a more active life. Eating a high-fat diet, being obese or overweight, and being sedentary is a time bomb that will explode sooner or later, affecting your health. If you do not do your best to eat less fat in your meals and be more physically active so that your body uses the energy produced by triglycerides instead of storing them, your body will continue to accumulate lipids, other health conditions will arise and it will be very difficult guarantee a real descent.

The natural solutions that we provide in this article will serve to enhance the effects of good habits, but by themselves they will not have a great effect if you do not improve the remaining aspects.

Oatmeal water to lower triglycerides

Flaked oats are one of the healthiest and most nutritious alternatives for a healthy diet, but they also offer a great contribution that favors the reduction of triglyceride, cholesterol and sugar levels: fiber .

This filament helps reduce the absorption of fat and favors its subsequent expulsion through bowel movements, making it the ideal ally for those who suffer from this condition. In addition to eating oatmeal in the diet, always flaked and in its natural version without added sugar, you can consume oatmeal water every morning on an empty stomach .

To prepare it, you should add a tablespoon of rolled oats to a glass of water, cover and let it rest overnight. The next morning strain and drink the liquid, you will see how your intestinal transit improves, abdominal inflammation is reduced and also your triglycerides decrease.

A clove of garlic a day

One of the most outstanding properties of garlic is its ability to reduce fat and sugar present in the blood, for this reason one of the best home remedies for high triglycerides is raw garlic , since when cooked it loses much of its contributions .

Every morning on an empty stomach, consume a whole clove of garlic or chopped in two, you can take it as a pill with a little water so that it passes directly to your stomach without chewing it. You can also eat foods such as gazpacho or aioli sauce that have this raw ingredient. If you chop it and mix it with parsley, its intense flavor will be reduced.

However, you should know that this alternative is not suitable for sensitive stomachs since people with gastritis, irritable bowel or ulcers do not tolerate raw garlic well.

Eggplant to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol

Another great alternative to reduce triglycerides is eggplant water because this ingredient absorbs the excess fat present in our body and favors its elimination through urine and bowel movements. It is a purifying food par excellence, helping to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and high sugar.

Adding it to your diet is always an excellent option, but you can also consume it in a liquid presentation by putting two simple recipes into practice.

  • Aubergine infusion : wash the aubergine well and cut it into several parts. Bring a liter of water to boil and add the eggplant, let it cook for 10 minutes then turn off the heat and let it rest for 15 minutes. Strain and add freshly squeezed lemon juice to enhance its effects, it is recommended to drink 2 cups a day preferably after meals.
  • Eggplant water : wash an eggplant, chop it into small pieces and add it to a liter of water. Store the jug in a dark place, like a closet, and let it rest overnight, the next morning strain and drink 2 cups a day, better if it is after meals.

Apple cider vinegar with honey

Another of the home remedies for high triglycerides, also suitable only for strong stomachs, is apple cider vinegar, which favors the elimination of fat from the body allowing to regulate the levels of this lipid.

To ingest it you should add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water, stir well and drink preferably on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to ingest it if you suffer from ulcers, heartburn or if you have sensitive teeth.

Artichoke infusion

The artichoke is known for its great cleansing power and also for providing a good dose of fiber to the body, both properties help reduce triglycerides and eliminate fat from the body, which is why it is highly recommended in diets for slim down.

In addition to adding it to your diet always in light preparations such as baked or cooked, you can also consume an infusion that will help you improve your health and promote weight loss. To prepare it, wash two artichokes well, remove the stem and the hardest upper part and gradually remove the outer leaves until you access the softer ones, with which you will make this drink. Boil a liter of water with the leaves and, when it comes to a boil, let it cook for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Strain and drink 2 cups a day one before each meal.

Parsley infusion

Due to its content of niacin, a vitamin of the B complex, parsley favors the decrease of cholesterol and triglycerides. The good news is that it is possible to consume it raw in green juices or salads, although you can also ingest it as an infusion. You should add a handful of fresh parsley branches to a cup of boiling water, let it rest for 15 minutes, remove the branches and drink. Drink two cups a day before meals to enhance its effects.

High fiber foods

In addition to consuming these home remedies for high triglycerides, adding some food groups to our diet can significantly reduce lipid levels in the blood, guaranteeing the reduction of triglycerides.

Eating foods rich in fiber such as whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruits will bring great benefits to your health, because as we have explained previously, fiber favors the absorption of fat and sugar and their subsequent expulsion through bowel movements, so it is essential if the goal is to normalize triglycerides.

Foods rich in omega 3

The omega 3 fatty acids contribute to our body beneficial fats that help lower bad cholesterol and raise LDL oo good or HDL, also favoring the reduction of triglycerides.

You can find these fatty acids in ingredients such as vegetable oils (olive, flax, etc.), oily fish such as sardines, tuna or salmon, nuts, broccoli or spinach, all essential for a healthy diet and nutritious.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for high triglycerides , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

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