Home Medical dictionary Definition of monohybrid

Definition of monohybrid

by Alivia Nyhan
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Gregor Mendel is one of the fathers of genetic inheritance, a naturalist whose seed-crossing studies gave rise to Mendel’s Laws, a set of fundamental rules about the hereditary transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring that have become the fundamental basis of genetics, used to this day.

The monohybrid crossing was the first experiment that Mendel carried out; it consisted of a corner of two plants with the same genetic endowment that differed in a single character; in this case, it was the color of the seed, all to see how this character it was inherited to subsequent generations of sources. Do you want to know more? Keep reading because, in this article, we explain the Definition of monohybrid in detail.

Monohybrid concept

When we speak of a monohybrid, an individual, organism, or strain that is heterozygous is described, that is, with different genetic pairs only for a specific trait. Therefore this individual, organism or strain comes from the cross between two organisms that differ in single gen.

The Monohybrid Cross Experiment

The monohybrid crossing was the first experiment Mendel conducted to see how genetics behaved based on the study and intersection of two seeds. For this, Mendel chose a homozygous or pure yellow seed, and another homozygous or pure green seed, the only different characteristic they had was color. By crossing them, Mendel wanted to discover how the part of color would be passed on to later generations.

The result was that all the individuals in the first generation of children had the yellow phenotype. They inherited the yellow color from one of their parents, but what would happen if two yellow seeds with a yellow and a green parent crossed? By crossing the children of this union with each other, Mendel discovered that the second generation produced yellow and green seeds in a 3: 1 ratio, that is to say, that for every three yellow daughter seeds, there was one green. This green character that did not appear in the first generation, Mendel, called a recessive gene, while he called the yellow character a dominant gene.

Types of monohybrid crosses

There are fundamentally six types of monohybrid crosses that can occur and will determine the phenotypic proportions of an individual based on a single character, which in Mendel’s experiments was the color of the seed, but which in crossing between individuals can be the color of the hair, height, eye color, etc.

The types of monohybrid crosses are:

  • Cross between pure individuals with dominant genes.
  • Cross between dominant uninfected individuals with heterozygotes that is, different in a single trait.
  • Cross between dominant cigars with recessive cigars.
  • Crossover between heterozygous individuals.
  • Cross between heterozygous and pure recessives.
  • Cross between pure recessive and heterozygous.

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