Have you had tingling in your head and wondered what its causes are? First, you should know that it can be due to many conditions, some mild and others more serious. Tingling is medically known as paresthesia, and it ranges from tingling to numbness or numbness.
Usually, this occurs more frequently in extremities such as the hands or feet. However, it is also relatively common to appear on the head or face. Do you want to know the causes of tingling in the face? Keep reading the following FastlyHealarticle, and we will discover them for you!
Table of Contents
Tingling in the head: anxiety
In the medical environment, it is said that the disease of the XXI century is anxiety, nothing strange if we take into account that, for example, among Spaniards, 96% have suffered it at some graduation during the last year [1]. We know that it is related to stress and nerves, but do we know what anxiety is? Anxiety is nothing more than the response that our body gives to some danger or threat, that is, that our body prepares itself to flee or fight.
A priori, what we know as anxiety is a good thing since it puts our body in tune to face the dangers: the heart pumps more blood, the lungs take in more oxygen, the muscles tense, and so on. The problem is when these dangers are not physical. Therefore, these changes in the body are not only not beneficial but can be counterproductive and make our day-to-day difficult. A job interview, a personal problem, or an important exam can trigger anxiety, something that causes a multitude of physical and psychological symptoms, including the tingling sensation in the head. Here are some of the main symptoms of anxiety:
- Physical symptoms: pressure in the chest, tingling in the extremities, lump in the throat, dizziness.
- Psychological symptoms: difficulty concentrating, insomnia, exaggerated worry, mood swings.
Anxiety is the leading cause of tingling in the head; however, as you will see throughout the article, the reasons may be other.
Tingling in the head: cervical
This is also related to what we have just explained. The tingling in the head can also be caused by the cervicals, whose stiffness is usually caused by stress and anxiety. When we suffer from chronic stress, the muscles contract, a tension that can build up in the neck. However, stress is not the only cause. It is also poor posture when sitting, sleeping, or walking.
The main symptom of cervical problems is pain, which can also manifest itself through stiffness, punctures, and mobility problems in the neck. Here are some of the other common symptoms of cervical problems:
- Headache: stabbing headaches are common when suffering from cervicals.
- Dizziness and vertigo: if the neck muscles are overloaded, they can make it difficult for blood to flow or pinch nerves, which results in the sensation of dizziness, vertigo, nausea, and vomiting.
- Tingling – pain or discomfort can radiate to other body parts with symptoms such as tingling, tingling, and stinging. Some of the areas where we can notice it is the head, shoulders, and arms.
Tingling in the head from migraine
According to the WHO [1], migraine is one of the most disabling diseases. However, despite this and the fact that about 3.5 million Spaniards suffer from it [2], many people have not been diagnosed or do not follow any treatment. In the same way, many people who suffer from it are not aware that the symptoms they are going through are related to migraine. A clear example of this is the tingling in the head, which is often caused by this condition.
Severe headaches and numbness usually follow this tingling in the scalp, tongue, lips, or face. This is what is known as an aura, and in many people, it represents a warning that the migraine attack is about to manifest itself. This aura can be of different types. It is usually visual, although it can also cause sensory (such as tingling) and verbal or motor alterations.
The most common aura begins as a streak of light in vision, geometric lines, or flashes, which may be followed by blurred vision or loss of sight. When it comes to sensory aura, it usually begins with tingling in some limb, be it hands, feet, or head, and a sensation of numbness. Facial paralysis is also common, especially on one side of the face or tongue. In the following article, you can discover more about the treatment of migraine with aura.
Tingling of the scalp from trauma
Trauma to the head can cause brain injuries. These can range from less mild to more severe. There is only a temporary neuronal affection in the most favorable cases, while in the most severe cases, they can cause death or permanent preferences in the brain.
The type of damage caused by a blow to the head will depend on the type of injury, the force with which it has impacted, or the part of the head that has been affected. Some of the leading causes of head trauma are:
- Blows from falls.
- Traffic accidents.
- Violence.
- Injuries in sports practice.
- Explosions
In minor injuries, tingling in the head and itching or pain is often one of the most common symptoms of head trauma. Here we explain other possible symptoms in different aspects of the body and behavior:
Physical symptoms
- Loss of consciousness
- Confusion and disorientation.
- Headache.
- Nausea and vomiting
Emotional symptoms
- Anxiety.
- Humor changes.
- Irritability.
- Depression.
Sensory symptoms
- Tingling in the head
- Ringing in the ears.
- Poor coordination
- Vision problems.
- Change of flavor.
- Dizziness and lack of balance
Cognitive symptoms
- The difficulty of understanding.
- Difficulty writing.
- Difficulty speaking
Tingling in the head: Lyme disease
Lyme borreliosis, popularly known as Lyme disease, is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia Burgoferi that enters our body through the bite of ticks. For this disease to be transmitted to humans, it is necessary, on the one hand, that the tick be infected and, on the other, that it adheres to the body for more than 24 hours. For their part, ticks are infected with this bacterium by having bitten deer or previously infected mice.
Lyme disease symptoms are very variable, and they change depending on the stage in which the patient is. It is important to detect it early and start treatment since it will eventually affect vital organs such as the heart and brain. Tingling in the head, along with the hands and feet, is one of the first symptoms of Lyme borreliosis, other of first symptoms are :
- Chills and fever
- Headache.
- Discomfort.
- Joint pain.
- Neck stiffness.
- Red spot on the skin where the tick bit.
If not treated in time, Lyme disease will cause other more severe symptoms :
- Heart conditions.
- Shortness of breath
- Neurological problems, such as blurred vision.
- Hallucinations
- Facial paralysis.
This disease can be treated based on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories under a prescription. However, it is vital to start treatment as soon as possible to prevent possible sequelae.
Burning and tingling in the head from herpes
Although we are much more used to seeing herpes on the lips or genital herpes, the reality is that this type of virus can appear in any area of the skin, also on the scalp. Among its clinical manifestations, we find a tingling in the head that can become more intense and sometimes somewhat confusing to detect.
One of the most common types of herpes on the head that can cause tingling of the scalp is herpes zoster, caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus that has remained dormant after this condition has passed. The first symptoms are usually tingling and burning, which can evolve into very intense pain along with the appearance of blisters.
It is essential to go to the doctor to undergo antiviral treatment. If you want to know more about this condition, we recommend you read the FastlyHealarticle on herpes zoster: symptoms and treatment.
Tingling in the head: causes
In summary, the leading causes of tingling in the head are:
- Anxiety.
- Cervical problems
- Migraine.
- Trauma
- Lyme’s disease.
- Herpes.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Tingling in the head: causes, we recommend that you enter our category of Brain and nerves.

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.