Home Brain and nervesNeurological disorders Tingling in the face: causes

Tingling in the face: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Tingling is a sensation usually suffered in the hands, feet, and extremities, usually due to poor circulation that causes those areas to fall asleep. However, it is not so common that we feel it on the face so that the person can be alarmed.

The tingling in the face can be an uncomfortable and troubling condition; however, in the following article, FastlyHealwe explains its possible causes and symptoms associated with each one so you can see which matches your case.

Tingling in the face from anxiety

Anxiety is normal; it is a defensive mechanism of our body that makes us improve our performance and capacities when faced with a challenge or danger. Fear and all the tools that are activated with it are what have allowed us to get to where we are as a species. However, stress and anxiety become a problem when it does not appear only when needed, when it lasts over time or when it occurs excessively.

When this happens, it becomes a problem for the person and makes it extremely difficult to lead an everyday life due to the physical and mental symptoms it triggers. Here we explain the main symptoms of anxiety:

Physical symptoms

  • Sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Palpitations
  • Tremors
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling of suffocation
  • Shaking chills.

Psychological symptoms

  • Constant and excessive fear.
  • Depersonalization.
  • Recurring thoughts.
  • Insomnia.

But in addition to all the symptoms mentioned, there may also be tingling in the face due to stress or anxiety, the sensation of numbness, and strange sensations in the front and the hands and feet.

Tingling in the face and headache: migraine

Migraine is one of the most common ailments, especially among women, affecting 15% of the population. Anyone who has suffered a migraine understands the pain and discomfort that one suffers; sometimes, this headache is so severe that it disables the person from doing any activity. Migraine attacks are highly variable, generally occurring between 1 and 4 episodes each month, episodes that last from a few hours to 3 days.

But we cannot speak of a single type of migraine; there are several. And just as its causes are different, the symptoms associated with them are also other and very varied. Generally, the main symptoms of migraine are:

  • Intense throbbing pain in the head.
  • A dull ache in one side.
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of vision
  • High sensitivity to light.
  • Sensitivity to odors.

In addition, this intense pain and associated symptoms can be accompanied by other types of disorders, such as numbness, itching, and tingling in the face, lips, or tongue. It is typical for this tingling in the face to occur only in one half, although it can occur all over the face. That is why if the symptoms you suffer fit with those mentioned, you should visit your doctor to design a specific treatment for your case and be able to alleviate the symptoms of migraine.

Tingling in the face from menopause

When we think about menopause and its symptoms, the most common and common symptoms come to mind: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, or irritability; however, there are another series of less common symptoms that can also appear, for, For example, the tingling in the face and the numbness of the same and other areas of the body such as the extremities.

The appearance of tingling in the face due to menopause is produced by the hormonal alterations typical of this stage, basically estrogens. These alterations can affect the nervous system and cause this symptom known as paresthesia. It is an annoying sensation that generates excellent discomfort in the woman who feels it, causing secondary alterations such as anxiety or irritation. Also, although it can be a symptom of menopause, as you can see throughout the article, many causes can be hidden behind the tingling in the face. Therefore, the best option is to go to the doctor so that you can make a precise diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment.

In case it is due to menopause, one of the most effective treatments to end these symptoms is hormone replacement therapy and physical exercise to tone the muscles.

Tingling in the face and earache: causes


Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses, whether chronic or caused by an infection or condition like a cold or flu. What happens is that more mucus is produced than the body can expel, so that it is trapped, causing pain and other symptoms such as:

  • Fever.
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  • To.
  • Bad breath.
  • Loss of smell
  • Pain behind the eyes

In addition, depending on the degree of inflammation, it may affect the network of nerves that runs through the face, causing tingling in the front and numbness. However, if properly treated, all of these symptoms will disappear once the underlying cause has been removed.

Trigeminal Neuralgia

The two sides of the face are traversed by two nerves, the facial nerve, whose function is to control the muscles, and the trigeminal nerve, which is the one that provides sensitivity and control of chewing. The fact is that the affectations in this nerve are responsible for 90% of the pains, problems, and numbness of the face. Trigeminal neuralgia is one of these conditions that can cause tingling in the front and sharp pain that travels to the ears. In the following article we explain the causes, symptoms and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia.

Temporomandibular disorder

As the word itself indicates, a temporomandibular disorder is any affectation between the temporal bone and the maxilla, the mandible. The point is that when this happens, the nerves between these bones are also affected. Among the significant temporomandibular disorders, we find:

  • Dislocation of a cartilage disc in the joint
  • Deformation of the jaw.
  • Infection in the jaw.
  • Jaw arthritis
  • Tumors in that area.
  • Fractures
  • Excessive tension when chewing or due to bruxism.

All of them can cause your face tingling or numbness. In addition, several symptoms can help identify these types of injuries :

  • Sounds when opening or closing the jaw.
  • Headache, jaw, ear, or face pain.
  • Muscle inflammation.
  • Problems opening or closing your mouth.

Tingling in the face from cervical

A muscle contracture, for example, in the cervicals, is a persistent and uncontrollable contraction of a single muscle or a muscle group that ends up compressing the blood vessels and causes pain, loss of mobility, tingling, and numbness the area.

The cervicals are the muscles that surround the neck, but the nerves that extend through the face, head, shoulders, back, and even hands also pass through there. That is why the symptoms of cervical contracture can be felt in many areas of the body. Among the main ones we find:

  • Loss of mobility in the neck.
  • Pain.
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Nausea and vomiting

However, there may also be tingling in the face, neck, and arms and numbness in the same areas.

Tingling in the face from lack of vitamins

It is an aspect little known by most people, but the lack of vitamin B can cause different symptoms, among which the tingling in the face stands out. Food is one of the fundamental aspects of our lifestyle; providing the body with all the nutrients it needs is essential to function correctly. Thus, if we do not have a balanced and varied diet or, on the other hand, if we suffer a problem that prevents our body from absorbing these nutrients, the body, in general, will be affected.

In the case of B vitamins, when we do not absorb them in the necessary amounts, they can cause symptoms such as:

  • Tics.
  • Numbness.
  • Tingle.

This group of vitamins performs different functions in the body, for example, converting carbohydrates into energy, helping the body grow, producing red blood cells, certain parts indigestion, and playing a pivotal role in nerves and health. Skin. When it is missing, it is in the nerves and skin where we observe most of its symptoms. In addition to those already mentioned, other signs of a lack of vitamin B are:

  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Dermatitis.
  • Confusion.
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia.
  • Dry skin.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Sickness
  • Sensitivity to light.
  • Anemia.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, we explain what B complex injections are for and if they are helpful for this type of case.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Tingling in the face: causes , we recommend that you enter our category of Brain and nerves .

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