Home Bones, Joints and MusclesShoulder injuries and diseases Capsulitis in the shoulder: symptoms, causes and treatment

Capsulitis in the shoulder: symptoms, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Joint injuries are some of the most annoying that an individual can present since they cause pain and involve limitations in movement and, therefore, in their routine physical activities, even those that are traditionally simple.

One of the most critical conditions to know and treat properly is adhesive Capsulitis (also called “frozen shoulder”), which can be a significant handicap and a sign of other potentially serious health problems. At FastlyHealwe, explain what Capsulitis in the shoulder is: symptoms, causes and treatment.

Adhesive Capsulitis: definition

Our shoulder joint is made up of several main elements. As for the bones, the humerus (it comes from the arm), the clavicle, and the scapula (also called the shoulder blade) meet at the shoulder. Regarding fibrillar tissues, we have the rotator cuff tendon and the shoulder joint capsule, which surrounds this tendon and the entire joint. Finally, between the tablet and the common, we find the synovial membrane, in charge of keeping said area lubricated and free of friction.

The adhesive capsulitis shoulder occurs when this joint thickens and hardens due to the inflammation of the connective tissue, to the extent that the movement starts to be limited. A reduction in synovial fluid may also be found.

Adhesive Capsulitis on the shoulder: symptoms

Capsulitis in the shoulder is a gradual process where the passive and active range of motion of the joint in question is increasingly reduced and causes severe pain. Trying to move your shoulder beyond what Capsulitis is allowing can cause more severe pain and stress the joint itself and lead to even more severe injury.

Then comes the frozen shoulder phase, where it becomes impossible to make any movement. The pain can be maintained, reduced, and even disappear, but the immobility of the joint will remain. The most frequent location of this pain is in the outer part of said joint and, in some cases, in the armor in front.

If left untreated, this Capsulitis can take longer than six months or up to a year or cause even more severe problems. For example, at the circulatory and nervous level and the apparent implications that it may have in work and daily life. The entire recovery process takes up to 2 years.

Causes of adhesive Capsulitis on the shoulder

As we have seen, what produces this discomfort is mainly inflammation. Although many point out that its origin is uncertain or variable, there are specifically identified etiologies in reality. These are:

  • Diabetes.
  • Hyperthyroidism .
  • Hormonal changes.
  • Sports injuries and accidents.
  • Immobilization for extended periods (use of a splint, for example).
  • Parkinson’s disease .
  • Shoulder and open heart surgeries.

In addition, we must take into account that many systemic imbalances, which at first glance are not related to the shoulder joint, may be involved in an increased risk of the appearance of frozen shoulder and other tendonitis and inflammation.

With this type of systemic imbalances, we refer mainly to low-grade inflammation, where our immune system is continuously unbalanced and inflaming, consuming the body’s resources and thus making the subject prone to chronic pro-inflammatory processes of many types, including at the muscular level, or that can prevent an effective recovery from such a condition.

Treatment for frozen shoulder

The medical treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis in the shoulder may include:

  • The taking of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • The administration of steroid injections.
  • Specific physiotherapy treatment to improve the mobility of the affected joint.

In addition, it is also essential to treat any risk factor, such as diabetes or thyroid problems.

Frozen shoulder: exercises

Passive stretch for frozen shoulder

For this external rotation exercise, grasp a door frame with the hand of the injured shoulder at a distance where you can comfortably have your elbow at a 90-degree angle. Position your body facing the edge, with your feet facing forward.

Without letting go of the door frame, turn to the opposite side of the arm that takes the edge to stretch the component.

Stretch out the towel

Take one end of a medium towel or cloth with the hand of your good arm and carry it hanging behind your head and back (the hand that holds the end of the towel would be placed behind your head).

With the hand of the affected arm, try to grasp the other end of the hanging towel (at the level of the lower back) and pull that end as far down as you can with the injured arm.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Capsulitis in the shoulder: symptoms, causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Bones, joints and muscles .

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