Our brain has a functionality that allows us to coordinate people’s motor systems, which are affected when we suffer from Parkinson’s. This condition is a degenerative disease that causes the deterioration or death of nerve cells found in the black matter of the brain, which is the area that is precisely responsible for controlling our movements. This occurs still unknown, although they have found some patterns in different patients, such as having suffered from viral infections with encephalitis, head injuries, etc.
In this FastlyHealarticle, we will talk to you about the symptoms of Parkinson’s, something essential to detect to start treatment as soon as possible and, thus, improve the patient’s quality of life. We will also discover the different therapies for Parkinson’s that currently exist so that you know what alternatives.
Table of Contents
Let’s start by talking about the disease itself to understand what we are talking about when referring to Parkinson’s. As we have already said, it is a disease that affects brain connections and manifests itself progressively. Currently, there is no cure to treat this disease, but some medications are indicated to reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life of the patient.
In the brain, we have a black substance that contains dopamine, and thanks to which we can coordinate our movements; Parkinson’s affects this brain area by considerably reducing dopamine, which is the chemical agent that is sent to the brain and with which it is possible to control the body. For this reason, patients present the characteristic symptom of tremors in the hands.
But, in addition to tremors, Parkinson’s also produces other alterations such as slow movements, something that appears in the early stages of the disease and is usually associated with age and chronic deterioration. The patient may also take longer to answer in a conversation because the information he receives reaches his brain more slowly, so avoid yelling at him: he hears you perfectly.
Parkinson’s symptoms
Parkinson’s is a disease that manifests itself slowly and progressively, and, for this reason, many people who suffer from it are still unaware of it. The first symptoms that it presents can easily be confused with age ailments since it hinders movements, slows down speech, and fails memory, which is also usually related to the passage of time.
Below we will discover the first symptoms of Parkinson’s, that is, those first effects that appear in the patient and that may be the antecedents of the development of the disease:
- Joint pain: it is one of the first symptoms of this disease and can make it more difficult for the patient to move and carry out their daily routine, such as cleaning the house, going down the stairs, etc.
- Impaired motor capacity: Parkison affects dopamine; as we have already said, there will be signs showing that movement control is no longer as precise. You will notice how the calligraphy is modified, for example, how he walks more slowly, etc.
- Exhaustion: the patient feels specific actions that he used to do almost automatically become uphill. This extra effort that he has to make produces tiredness and fatigue in the patient.
There should always be a medical examination that will indicate if these signs are due to Parkinson’s; If this is the case, the patient will have to be treated immediately to control the symptoms of Parkinson’s when the disease is fully established in the patient’s body. These symptoms are:
- Tremors: they begin to appear in the extremities such as the hands but can spread throughout the body. They become more intense when the person is nervous or, on the contrary, when he is relaxed but without going to sleep.
- Muscle stiffness: the patient feels stiff as his brain does not receive movement transmissions correctly.
- Slowness in movements: the connection between exercise and the body is affected. Therefore, it is usual for the patient to be slower to move, speak, change posture, etc.
- Loss of facial expressiveness: when we gesture with the face, it is also because we send that message to the brain; therefore, when suffering from Parkinson’s, that message is lost, and, therefore, the face is much more impassive and without expression.
Treat Parkinson’s
You should know that Parkinson’s has no cure until now. When we talk about treatment, we refer to the medication that the doctor prescribes and that is designed to reduce the symptoms that we have just mentioned and, therefore, improve the quality of life of the patient. These drugs are indicated to be able to increase the production of dopamine and, thus, control the deterioration of the disease.
The most commonly prescribed medicines to treat Parkinson’s are the following:
- Levodopa: it is the most effective in avoiding muscle stiffness and better control movements; Of course, it usually has side effects such as drowsiness, hallucinations, etc.
- Selegiline: manages to block the metabolization of dopamine; thus, it can be maintained at better levels.
- Anticholinergics: it manages to combat stiffness and trembling of the hands, but it also produces side effects such as blurred vision, cognitive alterations, or constipation.
- Amantadine reduces the spasms and tremors typical of Parkinson’s but has side effects such as insomnia and confusion.
But one of the most important aspects of treating this disease consists of physical rehabilitation, which will allow maintaining motor functions and muscles in good condition. For this reason, it is essential that the patient exercise at least 30 minutes each day, but before starting the training, it is necessary to consult with the doctor to indicate which activities are the most recommended for your condition.
There are recommended exercises for the arms, legs, and torso. Still, other speech therapy exercises are indicated to improve the ability to speak and allow you to maintain correct speech without presenting too much alteration. At FastlyHealwe advise you to talk with a specialist to facilitate an exercise routine designed especially for you.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Parkinson’s: symptoms and treatments, we recommend that you enter our Brain and Nerves category.
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.