Home Teeth and mouthBad breath Bad Taste in Mouth: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Bad Taste in Mouth: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The mouth is a site of numerous diseases and is also connected to structures of the digestive and respiratory systems. Therefore, it is understandable that a symptom as simple as bad taste can come from so many different origins. In the first instance, it is important to identify the type of bad taste that is perceived. Is this metallic, bitter, or does it seem more like blood? This is important to target the cause.

Next, in this FastlyHealarticle we present the causes and treatments of those problems that can cause a strange taste and ask yourself why I have a strange taste in my mouth .

Bitter taste in the mouth

A bad taste in the mouth is often accompanied by bad breath. The bitter taste can be due to many causes, including:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Unhealthy eating habits.
  • Lack of hydration with water.
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Digestive problems: poor digestion, gastroesophageal reflux, liver or biliary problems.
  • Nasal or lung infection.


This will depend on the cause of the bitter taste. Therefore, it is important to know the cause that answers your question, why do I have a strange taste in my mouth?

If there is a rhinosinusal infection, it should be treated with nasal cleansing, a light diet and sometimes antibiotics. If the infection affects the bronchi and lungs, the reason must be investigated: if it is viral, time should be given and symptoms improve, if it is bacterial, an antibiotic will be required.

If the problem is bad habits, it is very important to correct them. Improving your diet, avoiding tobacco and alcohol are key to improving not only bad taste but the vast majority of health problems.

The mouth must be cleaned every day properly. Tooth brushing after every meal and when getting up is essential. Tongue cleaning in the morning too. This should be done with a spoon or a tongue scraper that helps to drag all the secretions accumulated at night out of the mouth.

Metallic flavor in the mouth

The metallic taste in the mouth is typical in people who have a facial nerve problem . The facial nerve is responsible for collecting the taste sensations from the previous two thirds of the mouth. When there is a problem in it, this peculiar sensation of a bad taste in the mouth can appear.

The possible causes that affect the area of ​​the facial nerve responsible for taste are:

  • Facial paralysis .
  • Herpes infection affecting the facial nerve.
  • Trauma
  • Injury to the nerve in surgery.
  • Tumor affecting the nerve.


This will depend on the cause that answers why you have a strange taste in your mouth. In the case of infections or facial paralysis, time and exercises are often required to regain function of the nerve.

If there was trauma, a surgical exploration will likely be needed , but it depends on the nature of the injury.

If it is the product of surgery, recovery will often come in a few days, since touching the nerve can temporarily paralyze it.

In the case of tumors that affect this nerve, surgical treatment or irradiation may be required.

Taste of blood in the mouth

The taste of blood in the mouth is not normal and the cause must be found to solve the problem. Among the possible causes that explain why you have a strange taste in your mouth can be:


Bleeding from the nose, throat, or lungs can give this distinctive taste. It is important to detect the cause in order to solve it.


Another reason why you wonder why I have a strange taste in my mouth is the formation of tartar due to poor dental hygiene and inflammation in the gums. If your gums bleed when brushing them, it is important that you consult your trusted dentist so that they can solve the problem and not make it worse.

More information in Gingivitis: causes, symptoms and treatment .

Hormonal disturbances

During pregnancy or ingesting female hormones, tissue inflammation may occur. In the mouth, it can manifest as gingivitis or as a mass called epulis .

Treatment is usually to wait for hormone levels to adjust after pregnancy, or to modify the intake of hormonal drugs. You should consult this with the doctor who has prescribed the medication.

Medication injuries

Certain drugs can cause oral inflammation and in some cases it is important, since a small bleeding may appear. These are the cases of:

  • Some antibiotics
  • Antiretrovirals.
  • Gold salts.
  • Quinidina.
  • Sulfamidas.
  • Anti-inflammatories.


It is quite rare, but it cannot be ignored. A tumor that bleeds can give this peculiar taste in the mouth. And a tumor that is necrotic, that is to say that a part of it dies, can generate a very strong and unpleasant taste and breath .

Treatment will consist of obtaining a biopsy and, depending on its nature, its removal may be necessary.

Infections can cause a strange taste in the mouth

Different infections can cause strange flavors to be felt in the mouth:

Viral infections

Some viruses, such as herpes virus , can cause a funny smell from the mouth. You may feel some discomfort for the first few days and then some quite painful blisters appear which, when broken, give rise to an ulcer.

If your defenses are normal it is a matter of time, but you can resort to analgesics and antivirals to make the process more bearable.

Chamomile and honey infusions are usually of great help in these cases.

Yeast infections

Candida is the most common cause of infections in the mouth and, consequently, a bad taste in the mouth. The mucosa is covered with a whitish exudate that, when detached, leaves a bleeding area. It usually appears in people with low defenses, who use corticosteroids or in infants.

Treatment is to cleanse the area , maintain a healthy diet, and in some cases, nystatin may be required.

Learn more about Fungi on the tongue: why they come out, symptoms, treatments and remedies .

Bacterial infections

When there is pharyngitis , a bad and infected tooth or a lesion that was invaded by bacteria, a bad taste can appear in the mouth.

As soon as the diagnosis is reached, an appropriate antibiotic will be administered . Maintaining proper dental and oral hygiene and a good diet are keys to recovery.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I have a strange taste in my mouth , we recommend that you enter our Teeth and mouth category .

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