Home Skin CareSkin diseases Why is pus coming out of the navel

Why is pus coming out of the navel

by Alivia Nyhan
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It is widespread knowledge that the presence of pus in any part of the body refers to an infection; However, few people know that the navel can also be affected by various disorders and could expel white fluid from it, so it is essential to keep it healthy and with great care as well as the rest of the body to avoid different alterations.

Many people think that only babies can be affected by the presence of pus in the navel, but this is not correct. Although newborns are more likely to suffer from this condition, it can occur in people of any age, mainly in older adults.

Suppose you do not know much about this condition, and you wonder why pus comes out of the navel in the following FastlyHealarticle. In that case, we offer you all the information about it so that you can answer this and other questions you may have on the subject.

Causes of suppuration from the navel in adults

Very often, the presence of pus in the navel refers to a clinical picture known as omphalitis, which is an infection in the navel and can have many causes. This alteration could indicate an underlying health problem, such as the presence of an umbilical hernia, an epidermal cyst, endometriosis, and an unfinished closure, among others.

This infection in the navel is localized, slow, and chronic for an adult patient and, on some occasions, is due to a lack of hygiene in the sector. Despite this, it can also be suffered simply by an irritation caused by buttons or some particular fabric of the clothing and does not usually present significant complications; however, it is essential to consult a doctor when there is discomfort, no matter how minimal.

Likewise, omphalitis can develop in a newborn when a large deposit of bacteria from the skin or the general environment is found in the umbilical cord due to improper hygiene or other factors. This infection can pose a risk to the health of the newborn, which is why situations that increase the possibility of its presence should be avoided, such as childbirth at home, infections of the amniotic fluid, ruptured membranes, and birth—premature or poor care when handling the cord.

Symptoms of an infected belly button

It is essential not to ignore any abnormal situation in the body and to be aware of the presence of other symptoms that could accompany the infection of the navel. In the case of omphalitis, the most common signs that adult patients present are:

  • Reddened navel.
  • Hot sensation in the affected area.
  • Swelling.
  • Discharge of fluid from the navel that has a foul odor.
  • Pus out of the navel.

Symptoms of an infected belly button in babies

If omphalitis is in a child, which usually occurs between 5 and 10 days of life, the symptoms are similar to those detailed above. You may see redness on the skin around the cord; it may feel different to the touch, that is, warmer, harder, or pasty, and it may also leak yellowish fluid or pus from the belly button. In addition to this, the symptoms in the child can include fever, either low or high, vomiting, irritability, and lack of appetite.

Because the immune system of such a young child is not so strong, it is essential to consult with a specialist urgently and detail all the symptoms that the baby presents so that the correct treatment can be offered.

Treatment for suppuration of the navel

Generally, when pus comes out of the belly button due to infection, not as much treatment is needed. Your doctor may prescribe certain oral antibiotics for you to take on the best days for you. He will also recommend good local hygiene to detail himself to quickly eliminate the infection and the symptoms caused by said alteration.

Likewise, the specialist may advise using some pharmaceutical ointments prescribed after the consultation; however, there are certain very extreme cases in which the treatment will require drainage of the area to be performed through a surgical procedure, although this is usually the last option.

In the case of newborns, the treatment will depend purely and exclusively on the severity. Some babies may need to be admitted to the hospital for antibiotics through a vein for about seven days. In sporadic cases, your doctor may recommend surgical debridement, which is the removal of damaged tissue.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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