Home men's HealthPenile diseases Why does my penis smell bad

Why does my penis smell bad

by Alivia Nyhan
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Why does my penis smell bad ? This question is asked by many men who feel like their penis has an unpleasant and unusual smell. Because of the damage and embarrassment, they rarely turn to their GP for quick treatment to end this condition. On the contrary, time goes by, without commenting on it with anyone and avoiding sex for fear of having embarrassing situations with their partners.

If you wonder why your penis smells bad, if you feel like a fishy smell , at FastlyHealwe will explain what may be happening to you and we will give you some advice on the actions you should take to regain normalcy.

Why does my penis smell like fish?

There are different causes that can lead to a bad smell in the penis. Below we explain them all, in addition to giving you information about the characteristic symptoms of each one:

The cells of our body are continuously regenerating, being born, dying and being replaced by others. The skin cells of the penis are not different, so when they die, if the foreskin is not washed properly, they can accumulate under the skin. If we add to the dead cells the humidity caused by sweat, by the remains of urine and because it is an area without ventilation, the result is a fertilized field for the bacteria to proliferate, which, when they decompose these remains, produce this unpleasant smell fishy .

Fungi cause a bad smell on the penis

If, in addition to producing a bad smell, you feel itching and burning in the penis , it is very likely that the cause is a fungal infection. The skin of the foreskin, if not opened, ventilated and cared for regularly, offers a warm and humid climate that favors the proliferation of fungi. The cause of its appearance is poor hygiene or poor drying after showering, something that becomes even more serious in poorly circumcised men.

Another feature that can alert you to a yeast infection is that the head of the penis swells and becomes red. When the glans becomes inflamed, the condition known to us as balanitis occurs . If this inflammation spreads into the opening where the urine comes out, it can also cause painful urination.

Bad smell in the male genitalia due to sexually transmitted disease

Among the sexually transmitted diseases that can make your penis smell bad, the most common is vaginosis , be it bacterial, parasitic, or fungal. If the woman has vaginosis, her vagina gives off a fishy odor produced by microorganisms that, during sexual intercourse, can pass to the penis. One way to know if it is vaginosis is if the woman has vaginal secretions, one of the main characteristics of this disease. Another pathology that can cause a bad smell is trichomoniasis , caused by a parasite.

My penis smells bad: smegma

Smegma is a discharge that appears on the penis, white and sometimes yellow in color, which has a bad smell reminiscent of cheese. Its appearance can cause the glans and foreskin to become inflamed, and its main cause is poor hygiene.

That is why to eliminate it there must be a daily and correct genital washing, which prevents the accumulation of bacteria, dead cells and residues that facilitate its exit.

Other causes of bad smell from the penis

There are more causes that can cause a bad smell in the penis, less common but also possible. The main one is urine infections . If these are not treated well and are not cured, the infection can progress through the urinary tract until it reaches the opening of the penis, causing the bad smell.

In turn, some people who suffer from diabetes can be affected by ketonuria, a condition resulting from the breakdown of fatty acids in the body that, when accumulating in the urine, cause an intense fishy smell.

Bad smell from the penis: treatment

Although most cases of bad smell in the penis can be solved in a simple way, we recommend that in case of any problem or doubt you go to the doctor, since only a professional can give you an accurate diagnosis and guide you on how you should act. However, here are some tips on what you can do to avoid the bad smell in the penis :

  • Wash your penis daily with warm water and without using soap, as this can alter the pH of your skin and promote the appearance of fungi and bacteria. Pay special attention to the areas that are covered.
  • Properly dry your genitals before putting on clothes, especially the skin inside the foreskin.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Pay attention to your diet, it is important to consume the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why does my penis smell bad , we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system .

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