Home Women's HealthVaginal diseases Gardnerella: causes, symptoms and treatment

Gardnerella: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Vaginal infections are more common than we think, and Gardnerella, or Gardnerella vaginalis, better known as bacterial vaginosis, is one of the most common. While most vaginal infections can be contracted through sexual intercourse, there is also the possibility of becoming infected with a yeast infection from contact in public restrooms. Unlike other diseases, Gardnerella is complicated to eliminate from the body since the bacillus that causes it tends to cling for a long time to the vaginal canal, so it is necessary to use a powerful and prolonged treatment to eradicate it effectively.

If you suspect that you may have a vaginal infection and you do not know if it may be Gardnerella, a compelling fact to clarify doubts is that a very unpleasant smell characterizes this infection to the intimate area, similar to that of fish. If you think you’ve caught bacterial vaginosis in this FastlyHealarticle, you can learn everything you need to know about Gardnerella: causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Gardnerella symptoms

Knowing if you have contracted Gardnerella or bacterial vaginosis is very easy to recognize since the symptoms of this condition are so characteristic that you will be able to notice it as soon as they appear. However, there have been cases in which women have been infected with this vaginal infection and do not have any discomfort, so they find out a long time later when the condition has already worsened. The symptoms of Gardnerella are :

  • Yellowish or gray discharge.
  • Very foul vaginal odor, similar to fish.
  • Burning when urinating.
  • Itching inside and outside the vagina.

To diagnose this vaginal infection, the gynecologist must perform a pelvic exam to identify the bacteria. Still, it is necessary not to use tampons or have sexual intercourse 36 hours before the medical appointment for the diagnosis to be effective.

To examine the pelvis, the doctor will ask you to lie on the table with your feet up; he will insert the speculum to open the vagina slightly and be able to examine its interior while taking a sample of the fluid with a swab. This sample should be examined under a microscope to look for signs of infection.

Gardnerella in pregnancy must be treated immediately since its proliferation can cause premature deliveries or the baby is born with very little weight. Pregnant women should see their doctor so that he can tell them what type of treatment is appropriate to eliminate the vaginal infection without harming the fetus.

Gardnerella symptoms

Causes of Gardnerella

Like any vaginal infection, Gardnerella can occur when there is a change in vaginal pH that eliminates the natural bacteria in the vagina, leaving it exposed to any fungus or microorganism to lodge in it much more manageable. Some of the reasons why the vaginal bacterial flora can be altered are the following:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics has eliminated healthy bacteria from the vagina allowing unhealthy bacteria to proliferate.
  • Vaginal douches alter the vaginal pH and cause annoying irritation.
  • Excess moisture in the vagina favors the proliferation of fungal bacteria in it.
  • The use of tampons can so dry the vagina to eradicate its natural water.

Likewise, Gardnerella can also be obtained after sexual intercourse with a contaminated partner who has passed the bacteria into the intestinal tract through body fluids.

Gardnerella treatment

Fortunately, bacterial vaginosis can be easily treated. The most common way to eradicate this vaginal infection from the body is by consuming antibiotics and applying antibiotic creams within the vaginal tract. The annoying thing about Gardnerella treatment is that, as we mentioned earlier, the bacteria that cause this infection tend to cling to the body and are very difficult to eliminate. Hence, the medication is likely to last up to two weeks.

It is essential to take medicine to the letter, so it is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages that can reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics. When the medication skips a day or the indicated guidelines are not followed, the infection may become more resistant, and it is even more challenging to eliminate it. It may also happen that after an improvement, the condition reappears.

Bacterial vaginosis cannot be spread to a male partner. However, if your partner is female, she is likely to be affected and should also be tested and treated for Gardnerella. In any case, it is recommended to stop sexual activity from allowing the infection to control correctly.

Gardnerella treatment

Tips to Relieve Gardnerella Symptoms

  • Wash the vagina with unscented antibacterial soap.
  • Dry the vagina well to prevent it from being wet.
  • Avoid the use of bathtubs, swimming pools, or whirlpools.
  • Use perfume-free pads or tampons.
  • Wear loose, cotton underwear.
  • Avoid wearing pantyhose.
  • Avoid wearing clothes with synthetic fabric or very tight jeans.
  • Taking warm water and chamomile baths can help relieve vaginal itching and burning.

Gardnerella Symptoms

How to prevent Gardnerella

  • They are avoiding sexual intercourse.
  • We were using condoms as a method of prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • We are limiting the number of sexual partners.
  • They are avoiding the use of vaginal douches that alter the pH of the vagina and facilitate the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria and their permanence.
  • Do not use towels or tampons with perfumes.
  • It was drying the intimate part well to prevent excess moisture that stimulates the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Gardnerella: causes, symptoms, and treatment, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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