Home Women's HealthNatality control When to Start Birth Control Pills and its effectiveness

When to Start Birth Control Pills and its effectiveness

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

One of the most effective methods for avoiding unwanted pregnancies is the use of contraceptive pills; they must be taken every day and not forget their intake so that you achieve the effect you are looking for. Depending on the day you start taking them, the care you should take will be different if you don’t want to be surprised the following month.

To better understand how your body works and the menstrual cycle, when it is best to start taking contraceptives, and how effective they are, keep reading this FastlyHealarticle. We answer the question: can I start taking birth control pills any day?

How do birth control pills work?

Birth control pills are very effective in preventing pregnancy. They are artificial hormones that work in a similar way to those produced by the female body, triggering a series of effects that are ultimately intended to act as contraceptives. Among these effects are:

  • Alter cervical mucus and conditions in the uterus (to make it less receptive).
  • Prevent ovulation.

When to start taking the contraceptive pill?

The female menstrual cycle lasts 28 days (between 21 and 35) and consists of different stages:

  • Follicular phase: these are the days before ovulation, from the first day of the cycle until ovulation occurs. Menstruation or rule occurs at this stage, and they are the days of bleeding that generally last from 2 to 7 days, highly variable from woman to woman. The first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle.
  • Ovulation: one of the ovaries releases an egg, often around day 14 (in regular cycles).
  • Luteal phase: when the egg is released, hormonal production changes. The body prepares to nest the fertilized egg. When this does not happen, hormonal levels drop to lead to the uterus detaching, and a new cycle begins with the bleeding.

The birth control pills can be taken at any time during the menstrual cycle, i.e., can be started any day, but as you’ve chosen, time will be other care you should have to prevent pregnancy during the first month:

  • If you start the pillbox right on the first day of the cycle (when your period comes down), the effects will be practical, as ovulation will not occur. You would expect that pregnancy will not happen if you have sex without using another method.
  • If you start the medication after five days or more, the contraceptive effect may be delayed so that ovulation may occur, implying an increased risk of pregnancy. So if you want to avoid it, you should use another method (such as a condom) for the first seven days that you are taking contraceptives.

Of course, whatever the time you start, the pills must be taken every day since their sustained development is needed for the contraceptive effect to occur correctly.

There are presentations in which a single hormone is used and others in which different ones are combined. Depending on the case, there will be 21 or 24 pills with medication and others with placebo (without hormone), which are used so that you do not lose the habit of taking the pill every day. Some brands bring only the hormonal tablets that are enough for the first 21 days, and you should not take anything like the last ones. This interrupts hormones the previous week is so that the period can occur and the body works as close to normal.

Effectiveness of birth control pills

The hormonal method is one of the most effective ways to prevent pregnancy, its effectiveness being close to 98%. This minimal possibility of pregnancy is reduced if the pills are taken every day, without forgetting.

Certain medications can reduce the effectiveness of your contraceptive medicines, including:

  • Dexamethasone.
  • Some antibiotics
  • Some antiretrovirals.
  • Antacids
  • Heat.
  • Phenobarbital.
  • Phenytoin
  • Topiramate.
  • Barbiturates.
  • Primidone.

If you use any of these medications, you should consult your family doctor to indicate the best way to avoid pregnancy.

If you are going to start any of these medications and take contraceptives, you must use a condom while using both and continue to use it for seven days after its interruption. But, once again, it is best if your doctor advises you in your particular case.

If you have other questions about this method, you can consult the Oral article contraceptives: frequently asked questions.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can, I start taking birth control pills any day? We recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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