Home Digestive systemAppendicitis What to eat after an operation for appendicitis

What to eat after an operation for appendicitis

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

An infection in the appendix is known as appendicitis, and each case can be very different from another. It is essential to consult a doctor to obtain the correct diagnosis and the most indicated treatment. Although each patient may present one or more symptoms, severe pain is persistent and begins in the lower right area of ​​the abdomen, although it can also be located around the navel. Likewise, the patient may have nausea, vomiting, discomfort that increases when walking or coughing, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal bloating, and fever; however, the pain may vary depending on the age and situation of each patient.

There are several ways to treat this infection, but a surgical procedure is often performed. This may be because the patient is experiencing other complications or because the specialist considers it the best option. If you wonder what you can eat after an appendicitis operation, we recommend that you read the following article by FastlyHeal.

What not to eat after an appendicitis operation

For an extended period, it was believed that the appendix had no vital function for the body; however, it was discovered that this organ is responsible for storing beneficial bacteria for the body, which continuously helps to recover the intestinal flora if it has been lost, which is very common when suffering from intestinal infections, abundant diarrhea, and various digestive disorders.

The appendectomy, a surgical treatment to remove the appendix, does not involve a special diet. Still, it is essential to take care of the diet and put aside certain foods during the first month after the operation. However, this depends on the individual patient and the specialist’s considerations, so it is essential to follow their instructions strictly. Generally, it is advised to avoid:

  • Fried foods or snacks, as they are difficult to digest.
  • Cakes, sweets, pastries, and cookies contain a large amount of fat, which can bloat and make digestion considerably tricky.
  • All those foods are rich in fat, such as aged and creamy cheeses, whole milk, cold cuts, and ice cream, as they could cause stomach upsets.
  • Red meat, because the body takes a long time to digest them and could present a disorder for recently operated appendicitis patients.
  • At least for the first few weeks, Legumes could cause stomach gas and intestinal discomfort.
  • Coffee and alcohol are very irritating to the intestines and could cause pain.

What can I eat after an operation for appendicitis?

Once again, it is necessary to consult a specialist and follow their instructions for feeding after having undergone surgical treatment to eliminate this infection of the appendix; however, in general terms, it is recommended to eat a healthy and balanced diet and incorporate all kinds of fruits after the first 2 or 3 days after surgery. Next, we offer you a postoperative appendix diet so that you know what you can eat at different meal times:


  • You can start the day by drinking vegetable milk, such as oatmealalmond, rice, or soy milk, and, if you prefer cow’s milk, it must be skimmed or skimmed. However, it is recommended not to ingest the latter for at least one month after the intervention.
  • You can also include various fruits, although it is suggested to start with pineapple due to all the benefits it offers, mainly due to its excellent anti-inflammatory power.
  • Also, for breakfast, you can choose to eat a turkey and cheese sandwich, either toasted or not.


  • In the middle of the morning, you can eat a portion of pineapple, pear, or apple.
  • It is also beneficial to consume natural juices, smoothies, or smoothies, mainly made with the healthiest fruits mentioned in the previous point and plant-based milk. It is essential that no food has added sugar or use other products to sweeten without the doctor’s authorization.
  • Gelatin is free of sugar.
  • Turkey and cheese sandwich.


  • Pasta and soup made with vegetable broth.
  • If you do not have much appetite, you can prefer vegetable creams with healthy ingredients such as pumpkin, carrots, leek, potato, and zucchini.
  • Grilled chicken breast with white rice, although it is always important not to add sauces or other seasonings.
  • Baked chicken or turkey with side dishes, such as a baked potato, mashed potatoes, or a dollop of spinach, are also a good option.

Afternoon snack

  • Green tea.
  • Gelatin without sugar.
  • Bread toasts with jam.
  • A 100% natural fruit or juice.


  • Chicken soup.
  • Skimmed yogurt with peeled apple and baked.
  • Boiled eggs or vegetables

Tips for the postoperative period of acute appendicitis

In addition to following a treatment, whether medical or natural, it is necessary to consider various cares that favor a speedy recovery. Some of them are:

  • Rest for the time recommended by the doctor.
  • Do not make any effort that could cause discomfort in the wound.
  • Stroll and go for a walk if you suffer from gas accumulation.
  • Do not consume any soft drinks.
  • Add garlic to all meals, as it can be of great help thanks to its medicinal properties.

In the following article, you can see more information about the appendicitis operation: recovery and care.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to What to eat after appendicitis surgery , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .

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