Few things are as painful as a tooth infection. Fear of the dentist is quite common: a bad experience or remarks that scare you can put the annual visit that we all need to postpone. Having a swollen face from an infected tooth can be a big problem, because the infection can spread to other delicate areas or it can get worse, especially in people with low defenses.
The first thing you should do if you think your face is swollen from an infected tooth is to go to a dental center or at least a health center. But in the meantime, if you ask yourself ” what to do if my face is swollen from an infected tooth ” you can read this article by FastlyHealto get ideas on how to take care of yourself and what you can do until you get to the consultation.
Table of Contents
Why does a tooth get infected
If you wonder what to do if my face is swollen from an infected tooth, first of all it is to know the cause. An infection in a tooth can have different origins:
- Bad hygiene habits : the lack of brushing and correct cleaning of the teeth can cause cavities and bacterial proliferation in the mouth.
- Bad eating habits : such as excess sugar and unhealthy foods.
- Lack of regular dental control : if you go to a dentist frequently, it is possible to diagnose lesions in early stages, such as cavities. If they destroy the tooth, it is more likely to become infected.
- Periodontitis : it is the infection of the gum and the tissues that surround a tooth. In these cases there is usually exposure of the tooth roots with retraction of the gingiva.
- Trauma : a blow or injury to the mucosa (for example by biting or touching it with a toothpick) can give access to bacteria and cause an infectious disease.
Symptoms of a dental infection
Usually, before a swollen face, other milder stages of a toothache infection usually go through first. Symptoms of a dental infection can be:
- Pain in a spontaneous tooth or when biting .
- Pain in or in front of the ear.
- Sore throat .
- Cold or heat discomfort.
- Bleeding in the gums .
- Tastelessness.
- Bad breath .
- General discomfort.
- Decay.
- Fever .
- Swollen neck glands.
- Inflammation in the cheek (in this case infection is in an upper molar or upper dental arch).
- Inflammation in the jaw (the affected tooth is down, in the lower dental arch).
What to do if I have an infected tooth
You should know that an infected tooth is not a minor problem, much less if you already have a swollen face for that reason. It is very important to go to a dentist or on-call dentist and, if you cannot see him, you should go to a health center as soon as possible.
If you are reading this article, it is likely that you have a certain suspicion of the dentist and are looking for what to take for toothache, but you should know that home remedies can make the situation worse .
Infections of this type can be easily complicated, especially in people with low defenses (such as those with diabetes or insulin resistance). Possible complications include:
- Extension of the infection to other areas of the face, neck, nervous system or even the blood.
- The latter can bring problems such as: pneumonia , infection in the heart or a brain abscess.
- Loss of tooth or tooth.
As you can see, do not delay your consultation out of fear. Fear paralyzes and in this case you must take action. There are no magic solutions, solving the infection is essential to make you feel better. But you can do some things to improve your condition and facilitate your recovery:
- Clean your mouth: brush and floss, not just now but from now on.
- You can swish warm several times a day – these can help clean your mouth and decrease inflammation a bit. You can use only warm water, sea salt water, sea water, or Prinz’s solution. The latter is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and a teaspoon of bicarbonate in a glass of warm water.
- Drink ginger tea : a ten minute ginger root decoction can help. It is anti-inflammatory and helps to calm the discomfort a bit, but it does not solve the infection of the tooth.
What to expect from your dental visit
When the dentist receives you, as a first step, they will ask what has happened to you and since when have you been like this, if you have other diseases or have suffered a blow. By checking your mouth you can tell what is happening. Sometimes an x-ray may be necessary to see possible complications or extent of infection.
The most important thing is to resolve the cause of the infection. Among the objectives that the person who treats you will pursue will also be to save the tooth and reduce the possibility of complications.
If there is a cavity it must be treated, if there is a foreign body it must be removed, if there is an abscess it must be drained and if there is injury to the nerve endodontics may be needed. They will also recommend what to take for toothache after your visit.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to What to do if my face is swollen from an infected tooth , we recommend that you enter our Teeth and mouth category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.