Home Bones, Joints and MusclesLeg injuries and diseases Twin puncture: causes, symptoms and treatment

Twin puncture: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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If you have ever suffered very severe pain in the calves, you should bear in mind that this has been the product of what is known as a fibrillar tear in the calf, which causes a very intense pain described as a puncture in the calf.

This injury is common among people who play sports frequently. They describe it as a strong puncture or a kick in that part of the leg. Athletes who commonly present this injury are runners, footballers, or swimmers, but anyone doing physical exercise can be exposed to it.

In this FastlyHealarticle, you will learn everything about the causes and treatment of a twin puncture.

Causes of twin puncture

The overload of the twin can generate this alteration, and the most frequent causes are:

  • Lack of warm-up: this is one of the most common reasons for this injury. A sudden contraction or stretch occurs if an introduction is not done before the exercise routine.
  • You are not used to physical effort when the person makes a much greater effort, and the muscle is not used to it. A fibrillar tear may occur.
  • Injuries to the calves: a blow received directly in the muscle can give rise to an alteration of the fibers, producing a puncture in the calf.
  • The muscle is already tight or rigid: sometimes, the power is overstimulated and can respond with a puncture and even rupture of the muscle fibers.
  • The recovery time between exercise and exercise is not enough: this is seen during prolonged training without the proper advice from the coach or physiotherapist, who guides the athlete or the person complying with an exercise routine to give them due to rest to the muscle during training.
  • Poor circulation: the presence of circulatory disorders generates overload in the area where the twins are, giving rise to the appearance of the puncture in this area.

Symptoms of twin puncture

The symptoms that are present at the time of suffering a twin puncture are:

  • Sudden pain like a tear or hole.
  • Tightness and stiffness in the muscle.
  • Difficulty supporting the leg in cases where the pain is extreme.
  • Inflammation of the force.

How to Heal a Twin Puncture: Treatment

For the treatment of a puncture in the calf, medical advice of a traumatologist and a physical therapist are needed, who is in charge of muscular exercises to improve the injury.

The first thing is the medical evaluation, where according to the degree of injury and the symptoms, it will be indicated :

  • Repose.
  • Compression with elastic stockings.
  • Ice massages.
  • Elevation of the extremities.
  • Analgesics and anti-inflammatories.

Once the symptoms are alleviated, the treatment will begin with physical stretching and the progressive incorporation of the exercise routine.

Finally, following the medical instructions and the physiotherapist for complete recovery from the injury in the shortest possible time is recommended.

How to stretch your calves

If you are practicing any physical activity, you should know that a good warm-up before training in which specific exercises that stretch the calves are performed will avoid punctures or rupture of the muscle fibers.

Among the exercises that you can do to stretch your calves are:

  1. Use the support ladders to place your toes resting on the step and leave your heel in the air. Holding onto the railing, drop the weight, so the heel comes down. In this way, the calf stretch will occur.
  2. The following exercises can be done on a stool or in several books. The important thing is that you hold on to a fixed structure not to fall. It would be best if you went down and up several times. If you want to add a little tension to the exercise, stretch the knee and slightly bend the hip.
  3. If you have a chair with a backrest and where to place your arms, you can do this exercise: place your foot at the back of the seat, put your toes on the backrest, bend one knee, then stretch it; at that moment, you will notice the stretching of the calves. Hold on to the chair’s armrest and lean your body, then flex and stretch several times to change the tension in your calves.
  4. Standing, you can perform the following exercise: place your legs a little apart, put the weight on the right leg, and raise the toes of the right foot as much as possible without taking off the heel. In this way, hold the stretch and relax. You can do this exercise 10 times with each leg.
  5. With your legs apart, you can also stand on your toes, go up as far as possible, and hold this position for 10 seconds. You can repeat this exercise 10 times.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Puncture in the calf: causes and treatment, we recommend that you enter our category of Bones, Joints, and Muscles.

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