Home Heart health Stitches in the heart: causes

Stitches in the heart: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The punctures in the heart or chest usually cause us the immediate alarm because once we fear for the health of this vital body or feel a suspicion that it may be an alarm to announce a heart attack. But do they always reflect a heart problem? The answer is no; in most cases, the origin of these discomforts does not have to do with the heart but with our nerves; however, it is essential to review each case carefully and see a cardiologist if there are certain factors. Risky.

At FastlyHealwe, explain the causes of the most frequent punctures in the heart to clarify the picture.

Know the risk factors for heart problems

Apart from those heart diseases of genetic or hereditary origin, most of the pathologies of the heart occur after the age of 50 and in people who meet certain risk factors that can affect heart health. Knowing them is essential, as it will allow us to see when a puncture in the chest may indicate a heart problem and when it is the product of other causes.

The risk factors for heart disease are:

  • Be over 50 years old.
  • Suffering from high cholesterol or triglycerides.
  • Having high blood pressure.
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • To live a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Having a family history of heart attacks or heart disease.

If you meet these conditions, then you must improve your quality of life, follow a diet that allows you to lose weight and have your blood values ​​in order, go annually to the cardiologist for a check-up and be aware of the appearance of punctures in the heart that, accompanied by other symptoms could betray a cardiac emergency.

Anxiety, the main cause of this disease

Anxiety is considered the most common cause of punctures in the heart or chest, especially in young patients who do not meet the risk factors to suspect heart disease. They can occur amid situations of great stress, but also when we are calm and we think we do not feel nervous, for example, after a day of exhausting work or activities that fill us with tension.

Stress is cumulative because the cortisol hormone, once generated by the body, cannot permanently be easily lowered, so the pangs in the heart can appear when we are at rest and in an apparent calm situation. These can be accompanied by:

  • Trouble breathing.
  • Dizziness
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Muscle tension.

Although all these symptoms may sound like a heart attack, it is essential to keep in mind that they are also signs associated with anxiety attacks. When performing an electrocardiogram and chest examinations, everything is standard; it a clear that the origin is emotional and not physical.

What to do in an anxiety crisis?

To calm the pricks in the heart, you must start by organizing yourself; that is why it is recommended:

  • Sit in a comfortable position, relax your body and close your eyes.
  • Take a slow and deep breath through your nose, feeling your chest expand.
  • Hold the air for 4 seconds.
  • Opening your mouth slightly, slowly and deliberately release the contained air.
  • Repeat the procedure four times or as long as necessary to calm down.
  • Relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, or Pilates can help you improve your anxiety levels and gain health.

If you feel that you do not improve and that the pain is continuous, spreading to the left arm, jaw, or shoulders, go immediately to a health care center.

Muscle pain in the chest

Another reason chest punctures are perceived is the discomfort of muscular origin, which usually occurs after exercising the pectorals on previous days, when we have made a muscular effort in this area or when resuming physical activity after a while sedentary lifestyle.

The pain is usually worse when you touch the affected area or perform movements that involve these muscles. It is more of a nuisance, and it usually stops after a few days, although if it lasts for many days, it is essential to visit a doctor as it could be more severe muscle damage that requires the use of medication.

Signs of a heart problem

The most dreaded cause of punctures in the heart is not necessarily the most common. However, everyone who meets the risk factors listed above should be alert.

We can suspect a heart problem before these signs:

  • Feel throbbing in the heart that lasts for 5 minutes or more.
  • It appears with the realization of moderate or intense physical activity.
  • The discomfort does not stop and increases as the minutes go by.
  • There is a feeling of tightness in the chest and shortness of breath.
  • Other symptoms include pain spreading to the shoulders, neck, jaw, or left arm in more severe cases.

Given this situation, especially if we are at risk of heart disease, we must go immediately to the emergency room to receive timely medical attention and rule out any major heart problem.

When to go to a doctor?

  • Frequent punctures in the heart are a reason for consultation with the cardiologist. Carrying out the corresponding checks will allow us to detect if there is any critical heart condition that needs to be treated.
  • If these discomforts occur and we have a history of heart conditions, it is advisable to visit the cardiologist as soon as possible.
  • If you have crushing pangs, trouble breathing, or pain in the left arm, shoulder, or neck, you should go to an emergency center.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Punctures in the heart: causes , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .

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