When we say that our heart hurts, we refer to a pain in the area, but it does not necessarily have to be the heart. Many nearby muscles can stretch from various causes, more or less severe, but it is not always a pain due to cardiovascular problems. If we eat something well, it is heart attacks and acute pain; we attribute it to this.
But to recognize what type of pain it is, we must stop to think about what symptoms we have more. It can be simple gases, tiredness, or even seem like it is a heart attack, but it is anxiety or broken heart syndrome. Pain in the heart area can indicate other diseases. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain the causes that answer the question about why my heart hurts.
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Angina pectoris
The heart, like all other organs, needs oxygen to function correctly. Sometimes the blood supply is not adequate, and therefore the oxygen does not reach the heart, which produces pressure in the chest. Angina may occur as crushing pain in the trunk or just stress. In some cases, it can be confused with indigestion. If the pain spreads to other parts such as the shoulders, back, arms, or the neck or jaw area, it is essential to see a doctor urgently.
It is a condition typical of people with bad lifestyle habits, such as those who consume tobacco in excess or who have high cholesterol , these being the leading causes of it. So when symptoms are mild, treatment is based on relieving symptoms and changing lifestyle. When they are intense and solid pain, it is necessary to avoid a heart attack.
We can confuse heartache with simple gases. When gases accumulate in the abdominal area, they begin to rise to the chest area, but too many. In this way, the pain appears because it spreads to the muscles and nerve endings in the area. It is widespread, especially in people who have an irritated intestine.
To avoid confusing it with another more severe condition, you should be aware of the symptoms. For example, gas causes abdominal bloating. They are also intense pain in various body areas but are not accompanied by pain in the arm or difficulty breathing. If the pain is persistent and does not go away after a few hours, it is advisable to see a doctor.
Cardiovascular diseases
Many types of cardiovascular disease can cause pain in the heart area:
- We can find coronary heart disease that is the most common. The arteries narrow, and the heart does not get enough blood and oxygen. The pain is oppressive but can spread to other areas such as the arms, neck, or stomach. It usually disappears at rest.
- A heart failure can be left or right side. The myocardium becomes stiff and does not pump oxygenated blood properly, causing symptoms. In addition to the pain, there may be a cough, shortness of breath, or even liver inflammation that results in a swollen abdomen.
- An arrhythmia is a heart rate problem causing the heart to go faster or slower than it should. In addition to the uncontrolled rhythm, you can feel pain in the chest, sweating or weakness, and even fainting and shortness of breath.
- Other cardiovascular diseases that can cause problems or pain in the heart can be peripheral arterial disease, hypertension, or congenital heart disease. In these cases, you should see a doctor immediately since medical treatment is required. If you have also had or have cardiovascular problems and know the first symptoms, you should go to the doctor directly.
High levels of anxiety and stress can cause heart attacks and acute pain that can be confused with these. If you feel a very intense chest tightness accompanied by pain or throbbing and have experienced stressful situations, this is most likely the cause. They are pains that appear in the central area of the chest or the pit of the stomach since they are areas where emotional knots are formed. There may also be pain in the pectorals, left or right, or breathing pressure.
The best way to fix this is to sit down and breathe deeply for a few minutes to come back to hold a breath and relax your muscles. If the pain is persistent, it is advisable to see a doctor. In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will discuss the tricks to cure anxiety.
Broken heart syndrome
A broken heart exists, and it is a syndrome that appears when there has been an emotion that is too great that the body has not been able to resist. It can be bad news or, on the contrary, excellent information. A stress or anxiety situation is created either by the exaltation of the moment or by excessive sadness, which causes the left ventricle to weaken. Therefore the oxygen does not arrive well. In this way, they appear to have symptoms that could easily be mistaken for a heart attack. Many people go to the emergency room thinking that it is this, and in reality, it is not. There is no treatment as such but to avoid an actual heart attack. Symptoms can be treated with heart failure medications.
Tiredness and bad habits
There are fewer medical reasons for heartache, such as exercise or living an unhealthy life.
It is advisable to exercise and not have a sedentary life; however, when it is excessive and infrequent, the heart pumps too much blood so that the pulse can accelerate, and pain may appear. It is advisable to do the exercise that is carried out and not practice it all the same day in one effort.
The same goes for healthy eating and living: the snuff and alcohol help, and the like cholesterol clog arteries, causing adequate blood flow. Sedentary life and those substances harmful to the body must be eliminated. You also have to be careful with sugar and fats that can cause cholesterol or diabetes.
How to detect a heart attack
Before deciding if what you are suffering from is a myocardial infarction, you should consider all the symptoms. However, it is essential to treat it in the time since it could cause death, and every minute counts, so if the pain you suffer is very intense and lasts over time, do not hesitate to call the emergency services and request health care.
In a heart attack, in addition to severe chest pain, the following symptoms usually appear :
- The pain is like pressure in the center of the chest that lasts for several minutes and may come and go.
- Pain in other upper areas such as the arms, neck, back, stomach, or jaw. These pains can appear without the need for chest pain. In addition, numbness of the left arm may occur.
- Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.
- Stomach pain or even nausea and vomiting.
- I am feeling tired or even dizzy.
In the following article, we will talk to you in more depth about the symptoms of a heart attack.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Why my heart hurts , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.