The consumption of tobacco, alcohol, foods high in saturated fats, sugars or cholesterol and even the simple passage of time are obstructing the coronary arteries, making it difficult for blood to pass through them and causing damage and even death of the heart tissue.
This type of condition is very common, in fact heart problems are the main cause of death worldwide, with myocardial infarction on the podium of the most deadly diseases.
If we are able to identify a heart attack when it is about to occur or in the first moments of occurring, we can have a lot of advantage to overcome it, that is why at FastlyHealwe have asked ourselves if heart attacks warn you , to be able to explain it to you and that you know how to recognize what it is that It happens to your body when you have a heart attack.
Table of Contents
Do heart attacks hurt?
The first question you ask yourself when thinking about possible symptoms that precede a heart attack is whether heart attacks hurt. Indeed, pain is one of the symptoms of a heart attack, in fact it is widely known that discomfort in the chest and left arm can be the consequence of an acute heart problem.
However, not everyone has the same symptoms nor does everyone have them, and among those that may not appear, is pain. Around 1 in 4 heart attacks are painless , that is, they do not produce any type of pain, so we have to keep in mind what the other symptoms of the disease are in order to know if our body is warning us of a possible heart attack.
Difficulty breathing
Difficulty breathing, medically known as dyspnea, is one of the most common warnings before a heart attack, being more common among women . This is one of the symptoms that should be taken into account more, since it can manifest months before suffering the heart attack, so it can be helpful to detect it before it causes serious damage.
In general, this shortness of breath is usually accompanied by intense fatigue , something that causes it to be overlooked, since it is generally associated with other respiratory problems before heart problems, therefore, at any time in which you run out of air without an apparent cause or you feel much more fatigued than normal, the best option is to go to the doctor for a general check-up and rule out that you have too clogged arteries.
Sweating more than normal
When the blood has difficulty passing through the arteries due to their obstruction, the heart is forced to pump harder and harder, making more effort, causing the body temperature to skyrocket . Our body has its own temperature regulation system and sweating is part of these mechanisms, so if you start to sweat excessively or more than normal it may be that you are about to have a heart attack.
Usually, people who have suffered a heart attack describe them as cold sweats and clammy skin for no apparent reason, a sweating that usually appears days before the heart attack occurs , so in the presence of these symptoms it is highly recommended go to the hospital, to be able to treat in advance any anomaly that may be in your cardiovascular system.
Nausea and vomiting
This symptom is important, especially in women, since they are twice as likely to suffer from this symptom than men. The problem with this heart attack warning is that digestive problems, among which nausea and vomiting stand out, are usually associated with other types of diseases other than heart problems.
Thus, it is easier to identify this symptom as a precedent of a heart attack if you do not usually have digestive problems, however, although you usually have poor digestion and stomach pain, if it occurs together with any of the other symptoms that we have mentioned above It is a sign that something is wrong with your body and you must remedy it.
Chest pain
Chest pain is the best known warning of a heart attack and although not all heart attacks are preceded by it, it is the most characteristic symptom of this condition.
This pain usually occurs in the chest and throughout the chest area, feeling like a kind of tightness that extends to the back, shoulders, arms – usually the left one – and jaw for about 15 minutes .
It may be that the pain is intermittent, with more acute phases and phases in which it decreases, however, it is necessary to know that neither the degree of pain nor its intensity are indicators of the proximity or severity of the heart attack.
The importance of recognizing the warnings
The popular phrase that says prevention is always better than cure takes on special relevance when the consequences of not preventing can be life threatening. If we notice any of these symptoms, whether they are accompanied by others or not, the best thing you can do is go to the hospital or call the emergency service .
95% of the deaths caused by heart attacks could be avoided if they have been treated previously, so it is preferable to go too far and go to the hospital without actually having a heart attack, than to suffer the symptoms in silence without medical attention because , being treated on time, the chances of surviving this ailment are much higher.
Tips to prevent a heart attack
Most heart attacks are caused by bad lifestyle habits and by the consumption of harmful substances, therefore, to a large extent, they can be avoided by following some simple rules on a day-to-day basis:
- Stop smoking, in the following article we give you some tips on how to do it.
- Monitor cholesterol levels .
- Pay attention to high blood pressure levels .
- Maintain a good diet to avoid being overweight .
- Exercise regularly and avoid leading a sedentary life.
- Do not abuse alcohol or use other drugs.
- If you have a direct relative who has suffered a heart attack, you should pay special attention to your cardiovascular health, as the risk of having a heart attack is hereditary.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Do heart attacks warn? , we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart and circulation .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.