Home Bones, Joints and Muscles Psychogenic rheumatism: Causes

Psychogenic rheumatism: Causes

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Psychological disorders in people who suffer from the rheumatological disease are pretty frequent. If these psychological disorders produce rheumatic symptoms, we will be facing psychogenic rheumatism. However, it must be clarified that psychological symptoms can also be caused by rheumatic disease or the stress caused by chronic disease.

But, what is it that causes it? What types of pain can manifest like this? In the following FastlyHeal article, we will explain psychogenic rheumatism of psychological origin.

Causes of psychogenic rheumatism

The causes of these psychological disorders could be classified into:

  • Psychogenic rheumatism. The rheumatic symptoms are due to somatization or a projection of emotional distress onto the physical plane.
  • The rheumatic disease itself produces a series of psychological symptoms related to the stress it entails, dependence on other people, lifestyle changes, decreased motor skills, etc. All this, together, can lead to an anxious-depressive state.
  • The simultaneous existence of a rheumatic disease and a psychological disorder, with no relationship between the two. Some experts do not accept this cause and consider the human being as a whole. Therefore, according to these, the symptoms in a person, whether physical or mental, are related.
  • The side effects produced by certain drugs to treat rheumatism (anti-inflammatory and corticosteroids) can lead to corticosteroid psychosis.
  • If the rheumatological disease affects the nervous system, it can also cause psychological disorders.
  • Chronic pain involves some psychological alterations, and patients who suffer pain usually present specific psychological symptoms: anxiety and depression.

Cases of psychogenic rheumatism

Psychogenic cervicobrachial syndrome. Its main symptom is pain in the neck that usually extends to the occipital region. Other symptoms may also appear:

  • Vertigo or dizziness can affect balance.
  • We are ringing in the ears and hearing problems.
  • Vision disorders.
  • Discomfort when swallowing.
  • Tingling or numbness (paresthesia) in the upper extremities

Since there is a direct relationship between symptoms and mental problems, many of these symptoms disappear when the problem is solved.

It occurs more often in middle-aged women (35 to 45 years) who have depressive symptoms. Therefore, neck pain would be considered part of a somatoform depression.

Benign back pain

It is a back pain located between the shoulder blades or “shoulder blades” that extends from the base of the neck to the waist. Its intensity is variable and can spread to the side or chest. It can also cause tingling or burning.

Young women, between 16 and 40 years old, who suffer muscular overload in their professions and excess attention, with the consequent nervous tension, are the most numerous patients.

The pain is characterized by persistence and is usually accompanied by mental problems. Physically, a muscle contracture is generally detected in the area and pain when pressing the vertebrae.

Psychogenic low back pain

If the low back pain appears due to a sudden movement or overuse, the treatment will focus on it, and with time it will disappear. On the contrary, if this pain is chronic, we are of the somatization of a psychic conflict or psychogenic low back pain.

It occurs more frequently in women under 45 years of age. In their psychological profile, great insecurity is detected in the face of the demands of their lives, which translates into excessive rigidity of the spine. On the other hand, it also occurs in women who have given in, overwhelmed by the weight of demands.

Treatment, therefore, must take into account psychological factors and not be limited only to physical ones since the pain could become chronic.

Nocturnal acroparesthesias

They usually appear during the second half of sleep and can even interrupt it. It is characterized by the sensation of tingling, numbness, or numbness in the feet and hands and can spread to the arms. It is not accompanied by muscle atrophy or motor disorders.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

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