The appearance of pimples anywhere on the body can be a very common condition; however, it is important to consult with a professional so that the patient is correctly evaluated and the cause of them is found. These pimples can be known as a rash and cause different symptoms which become very annoying in certain cases, so it is important to carry out the treatment indicated by the doctor to eliminate this alteration and, at the same time, calm the symptoms.
This rash has as its main characteristic the itching it causes and although it can appear anywhere on the body, there are more frequent sites than others, for example, the neck. That is why if you are one of those who suffer from it, in the following FastlyHealarticle you will find abundant information about itchy pimples on the neck: causes and treatment .
Table of Contents
Causes of itchy pimples on the neck
There are numerous causes that can cause a rash on the neck, which can often also spread to the face or shoulders. As they are a large number of causes, the main ones will be categorized into two large groups. pimples caused by skin conditions and systemic conditions.
In the first group, pimples caused by skin conditions :
- Dermatitis : alteration that causes skin inflammation. When it is located on the neck and face, it is generally a contact dermatitis, in which an irritating agent comes into direct contact with the skin. Among the most common items are soaps, perfumes, pendants and detergents.
- Shave irritation : Many men have pimples on their necks that are itchy mainly after shaving. This is produced by the hairs that are cut and, at the same time, move inwards causing irritation, itching and pimples. To avoid this, it is recommended to shave after bathing as the pores are dilated.
- There are other causes for skin conditions such as suffering from seborrhea or psoriasis . Likewise, it can be identified that itchy pimples on the neck can be caused by infections such as folliculitis, disorders such as chickenpox or measles, among others.
It is important to identify what disorder is causing the presence of these itchy pimples on the neck and to carry out the correct treatment because there are certain alterations that are more complicated than others that can be prolonged, requiring medical attention as soon as possible to eliminate their symptoms.
In the second group, we find pimples and rashes due to systemic conditions that can be identified, mainly:
- Allergies : these are skin manifestations that can appear both on the neck and in any part of the body, since it manifests itself in the area that has come into contact with the element to which a person is sensitive; however, it can also be caused by eating certain foods.
- Acne : acne is a very popular condition because it can affect anyone regardless of age or gender; However, it is usually an alteration that occurs more than anything in adolescents due to the hormonal changes that the body goes through during this stage. This condition can improve with the instructions of a dermatologist, the correct hygiene of the face and the use of specific creams for this disorder.
- In this same group of causes of itchy neck pimples you can find rashes caused by high temperatures , suffering from lupus erythematosus and many other factors.
Some alterations can be easily confused since they have very similar symptoms, so it is essential to consult a professional.
Itchy pimples on the neck: symptoms
Keep in mind that pimples on the neck that cause itching and often irritation and inflammation in the area are a symptom of a particular disorder. It is a very frequent symptomatology and similar to various skin pathologies, although it can also be caused by other factors such as those detailed above.
The symptoms will depend exclusively on the cause that is generating this rash on the neck, however, the discomfort it produces is frequent, and in most cases it is usually the same:
- Itching
- Redness
- Appearance of pimples and rashes.
- Ardor.
If these symptoms last over time or if they are very annoying, it is essential to carry out an appropriate treatment for your case.
Treatment to eliminate pimples on the neck and itching
The treatment to eliminate itchy pimples on the neck will depend exclusively on the cause that is generating it, so it is essential to consult a professional and follow their instructions rigorously. The medical procedure may be based on the application of creams or the intake of various drugs to eliminate the alteration and, at the same time, calm the symptoms.
Despite the above, there are several home remedies that can help considerably to eliminate the itching that can cause the rash, but they do not directly attack the cause, so they are not a substitute for medical treatment. Among them the following stand out:
- Aloe vera : a totally effective plant to naturally treat various skin disorders. You simply have to extract the gel from the inside of the leaves of the plant to apply it to the affected area several times a day and let it dry.
- Oatmeal : thanks to the properties of this product, itching and other discomfort caused by pimples on the neck can be significantly reduced. You just have to boil 125 ml of water with a handful of oats and mix it into a paste and then apply it to the sector, leaving it to act for approximately 30 minutes.
- Chamomile : chamomile is an ideal plant to treat this alteration naturally, so you can choose to use essential oil or make an infusion by letting it cool before using it. In both options, a piece of cotton or sterile gauze should be used to soak it in the product and apply it to the neck on the pimples.
- Sodium bicarbonate : sodium bicarbonate is an element increasingly used for the natural treatment of various disorders. In the case of the skin, it is not usually used so directly, but it is advisable to add 3 tablespoons of baking soda in the tub full of water at the time of bathing, making sure to soak the nape of the neck to avoid itching.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Itchy pimples on the neck: causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.