Home Women's HealthVulvar diseases Pain in the clitoris when urinating: causes

Pain in the clitoris when urinating: causes

by Alivia Nyhan
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Pain in the clitoris when urinating

The clitoris is a female sexual organ located below the place where the labia minora of the vulva meet. It receives this name because it refers to “caressing,” which is the place that pleasures women during sexual intercourse. It can measure between 7 and 13 cm and contains a spongy body. It is a pleasure because it has more than 8,000 nerve endings. Despite being a structure with very little functionality, it turns out to be very delicate because it belongs to the personal care area. It can present complications due to various factors, such as Pain in the clitoris when urinating. In the following FastlyHealarticle, we will answer the causes of Pain in the clitoris when urinating.

What are the Causes of Pain in the clitoris when urinating

Under certain circumstances, women can feel a burning in the clitoris when urinating without knowing why it happens. It is necessary to differentiate it according to how you present the Pain. The following are the most common causes of pain in the clitoris when urinating:

Clitoral pain from urine infection

If the Pain occurs when urinating and is located in the duct where the urine comes out, you feel the burning in the clitoris. The feeling of wanting to urinate persists. We would be referring to a urinary infection. Urine infection or cystitis describes a disorder located in the lower urinary tract. It is widespread and affects the vast majority of the female population at some point in their life. In addition to presenting Pain when urinating and the feeling of wanting to do more, the urinary infection also produces a bad smell. Conditions can be caused by fungi, Trichomonas, mycoplasmas, gonorrhea, etc.

Clitoral pain from friction

The clitoris can also hurt after a lot of sexual activity. This Pain can last up to a week due to excessive rubbing of the area. Clitoral Pain from sexual intercourse is not dangerous or long-lasting. It can also be accompanied by inflammation which can last two days.

Vulvodynia pain

It can be caused by vulvodynia, a term that refers to inflammation of the vulva. This produces chronic Pain that can be localized or radiated. When it radiates, a burning or pain sensation can be felt in the clitoral area, which can be aggravated when urinating. Sexual intercourse in a woman with vulvodynia can be very painful, and after it is completed, the woman may have difficulty and Pain in urinating.

If you feel that the pain when urinating then begins to itch, it may be due to a simple irritation, usually accompanied by redness. This can happen from wearing tight clothing or soaps that will likely hurt you.

Causes of Pain in the clitoris when urinating

Diagnosis of Pain in the clitoris when urinating

Diagnosis to determine the cause of pain in the clitoris when urinating is made with a urine sample. This test is used to rule out possible causes of clitoral pain when urinating. To do it, you must first clean the area well and place a quantity in the container, and then it will be sent to the laboratory, which will be in charge of determining what is causing the pain.

The exam will evaluate the pH, that is, the level of acidity, color, appearance, smell, if it presents bacteria or germs and other things, the results will be in writing, and the doctor in charge of this area will be in the order of determining the cause that produces the sensation of pain.

A gynecology specialist can also evaluate the clitoris in the routine clinical examination to verify the presence of any injury and wound in it, which may well cause Pain after specific actions, such as urinating.

Treatment for Pain in the clitoris

Treatment for Pain in the clitoris when urinating will depend on its cause. However, it is essential to emphasize that self-medication is never recommended. The most advisable thing is that if you present these signs and symptoms, you go to the gynecologist, who will be the one who will determine the protocol to follow. In the same way, below, we will mention the most common treatments for clitoral Pain:

In the case of suffering from a urinary infection, antibiotics will be prescribed. This is because this infection is produced by invading harmful microorganisms in the area. The doctor will determine the most effective antibiotic for the condition, for which it may be helpful to perform an antibiogram. The most common is ciprofloxacin because it has a general action. The doctor can also clean that area.

If the Pain is due to severe sexual activity, there is no treatment, but specific preventive measures can be taken, such as lubricants. For cases in which the injury already exists, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity. to allow recovery.

If you have vulvodynia, your gynecologist may recommend the application of topical ointments with lidocaine to relieve Pain, analgesic drugs, injections of steroids, or anesthetics, among others. All this will depend on the symptoms, how severe they are, and the indication of the gynecologist.

In case of irritation, the best thing you can do is avoid wearing very tight clothes. Please do not wash them with fabric softeners or any chemical products. It is best to use a neutral soap, like during the bath or shower.

Pain in the clitoris

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Pain in the clitoris when urinating: causes, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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