Home Women's HealthVulvar diseases Itchy genital lips: causes, treatment and home remedies

Itchy genital lips: causes, treatment and home remedies

by Alivia Nyhan
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Itchy genital lips

In both men and women, the skin of the external genitalia can be affected by many different causes and manifest various types of symptoms. One of them is Itching or pruritus (in medical terminology).

In the case of the vulva in women, let us remember that it is made up, among other elements, of the labia majora (visible to the naked eye) and the labia minora (not always visible). These lips can be the object of injuries or attacks by various agents that ultimately lead to the woman feeling itchy genital lips.

In this FastlyHealarticle, we will explain the causes of itchy genital lips, the medical treatments indicated in each case, and some home remedies that can help relieve or make it disappear.

Itching in the genital lips: intrinsic causes

It would be those causes of women, where there would be no participation of external agents:


One of the first manifestations of diabetes is Itching of the external genital lips, even before it manifests itself frankly. Once the disease is established, Itching can be a symptom of altered blood glucose levels.

Food poisoning or allergy

Food poisoning and allergies manifest primarily on the skin as a reddish outbreak that can cover the entire body or only some areas. The additional feature is the Itching that accompanies this outbreak or rash. Itching on the genital lips can be the first manifestation of food poisoning or allergy.


This immune disease can manifest at the vulvar level and present as itching on the genital lips of varying intensity (basically, the labia majora).

Scratching lesions could quickly be complicated by bacterial infections at this level.

The following article explains all the causes, symptoms, and treatment of psoriasis.

Lichen planus

Another immune condition that compromises the skin due to an overactive immune system that can affect the vulva, vagina, inside of the mouth, and other areas. In addition to Itching, it would present with peeling of the affected skin, burning, and redness.


In some people, physical or emotional stress can lead to vulvar itchiness.


It is attributed to the decrease in estrogen levels during this period of a woman’s reproductive life. The accompanying vaginal dryness can induce genital Itching.

Itching in the genital lips: intrinsic causes

Itchy genital lips: extrinsic causes


Genital Candida fungal infections will present different symptoms, depending on whether the man or woman is affected.

In the case of women, there may be the presence of a milky white discharge or lumps, which characteristically is also accompanied by a lot of Itching on the genital lips, which can cause irritation at that level, which can be complicated by injuries caused by scratching.

In the following article, we expand the information on the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of vaginal yeast infection.

Bacterial vaginosis and STDs

Bacterial infections at the vaginal level and the secretions that result from these can be highly irritating to the skin of the genital lips, causing them to be affected and leading to Itching at that level.

Similarly, sexually transmitted diseases (Chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, Trichomonas, etc.) can also produce similar symptoms.


Currently infrequent, infection by these mites of the genus Sarcoptes should not be ruled out, especially in women with young children who attend daycare centers or daycare homes.

The Itching is extreme in these cases and almost always accompanied by scratching lesions, which occur unconsciously at night when it is most itchy. This Itching would be significantly accentuated in the presence of excessive sweating at this level.

Contact dermatitis

Using some types of fabrics in underwear (cotton, polyester, nylon, silk, etc.) can lead to dermatitis of the area in contact with it, the initial manifestation being, in addition to irritation and redness of the room itching on the genital lips.

In the same way, the use of spermicidal creams or lubricants, perfumes, powders, deodorants, or the same latex as male condoms can cause contact dermatitis, which would be accompanied by vulvar Itching.

Use of chemical agents

Some soaps, creams, foams, or bath gel may contain elements that irritate the genital lips, leading to Itching.

Likewise, some drugs can cause damage to the skin of the vulva leading to Itching of the genital lips. Among these, we can consider imidazoles (antifungals), neomycin (antibiotic), propylene glycol (a preservative used in many products), among others.

Itchy genital lips: medical treatment

Correct medical diagnosis is essential to establish the appropriate treatment since self-medication can aggravate previously present injuries.

For example, the use of steroids in case of scabies or fungal infections can lead to their rapid spread. The use of antifungals in drug or chemical dermatitis can also aggravate this type of injury.

Hence, a gynecologist or a dermatologist must thoroughly establish the diagnosis to make the correct indication for each case.

Steroids in the cases of psoriasis or lichen planus, antifungals in fungal infections, scabicides in scabies, astringents and cream for female genital Itching in some dermatitis, etc.

Itchy genital lips: home remedies

Sitz baths with chamomile water (cold or natural) contribute significantly to reducing Itching, burning, and inflammation of the genital lips and contribute to the action of the specific treatment. These can be done 1 or 2 times a day for as long as they are considered necessary.

Other good plants for sitz baths that help relieve itchy genital lips are calendula, arnica, and witch hazel.

On the other hand, apple cider vinegar can be an excellent ally to reduce inflammation of the genital lips and irritation in case of infections. It regulates vaginal pH and fights the pathogens that cause symptoms. You should only dilute two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 liter of water and use the liquid obtained to perform a vaginal wash.

You can see more natural treatments like these by consulting the article Home remedies for vaginal Itching.

However, as we have pointed out before, a proper diagnosis is essential to make a specific and appropriate indication for each case.

apple cider vinegar

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Itching in the genital lips: causes, treatment, and home remedies, we recommend that you enter our category of the Female reproductive system.

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