Home Women's HealthVulvar diseases Vulvar vestibulitis: causes, symptoms and natural treatment

Vulvar vestibulitis: causes, symptoms and natural treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on
Vulvar vestibulitis

Vulvar vestibulitis is a condition that causes pain and redness in the vulvar vestibule. More precisely, the condition develops in the area surrounding the vaginal opening and the inner part of the labia. Although this disorder causes discomfort during the practice of intimate relationships, generally, the pain is also present during daily activities, which is the fundamental symptom that differentiates vulvar vestibulitis from the pathology known as vulvodynia.

Vulvar vestibulitis is also known as a neuroinflammatory reaction, which is why it begins with inflammation in the affected area and pain; however, this condition becomes chronic and causes even more discomfort, which can last for several years. If you want to know more about this pathology, in the following FastlyHealarticle you will find a lot of information about vulvar vestibulitis: causes, symptoms and natural treatment .

Causes of vulvar vestibulitis

Although the specific cause of vulvar vestibulitis is unknown , there are some risk factors that can promote its development . Among them is:

  • Suffering from human papillomavirus or HPV infection
  • Bacterial infections in the vagina
  • Having chronic fungal infections
  • Repeated cystitis
  • That there are alterations in the pH, that is, of the balance of the substances existing in the vagina
  • Using irritant chemicals for a long period of time

In addition, lack of hydration causes vaginal dryness , anxiety, stress and diseases such as fibromyalgia are also risk factors that contribute to the appearance of vulvar vestibulitis. To this are added:

  • Small trauma caused during rough sexual intercourse
  • For wearing too tight underwear
  • Skin hypersensitivity
  • Women who have suffered sexual abuse
  • Women who have hormonal balance disturbances

On the other hand, the pain of vulvar vestibulitis can become chronic due to different factors such as:

  • A decrease in pain threshold
  • Hyperactivity in the nerve endings responsible for transmitting pain signals
  • Cell hyperactivity related to allergies and inflammations
  • Involuntary contractions of the pelvic muscles

Vulvodynia: burning when urinating and other symptoms

Vulvar vestibulitis is defined as the abnormal sensation located in the vestibule of the vulva. This disorder can cause symptoms in which there is:

  • Vaginal pain
  • Numbness.
  • Discomfort when the area comes into contact with clothing.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse or when touched.
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Swelling.
  • Dyspareunia.


Vulvovestibulitis: treatment

If you have one or more symptoms of vulvar vestibulitis, it is essential that you consult a doctor as soon as possible. In this way, a correct diagnosis and a treatment indicated by it can be made, which can be based on:

  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Antibiotics
  • Analgesics
  • Interferon injections
  • Anticonvulsivantes
  • Hormonal agents

However, it is important to accompany this traditional treatment with a natural one to eliminate the symptoms more quickly and achieve a quick improvement.

  • Oregano oil : this product is increasingly recognized for its numerous medicinal properties, among which its great ability to eliminate infections stands out, since it is considered an excellent natural antibiotic; however, it must be consumed with caution, so it is recommended to consume it with a straw and never on an empty stomach.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar : This organic vinegar is also ideal for the natural treatment of vulvar vestibulitis because it has good bacteria that eliminate vaginal infections. For this, you have to ingest one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar every day on an empty stomach to obtain great results. Although it can also be mixed in the bath with hot water and be inside for 20 minutes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide : using peroxide to treat vulvar vestibulitis is highly criticized by many professionals, while it is recommended by others if used with great caution. Once a month, after each menstrual cycle, you should pour a ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide into four ounces of warm water, followed by a sitz bath to kill bacteria. Caution should be taken and this treatment discontinued if any side effects develop.
  • Kegel exercises : the well-known Kegel exercises, also named as exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor , can be another of the most recommended natural treatments to help fight vulvar vestibulitis. They are ideal for toning the muscles and feeling less discomfort during daily activities, although it is recommended that they be established and controlled by a professional.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Vulvar vestibulitis: causes, symptoms and natural treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system .

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