Home men's HealthMen's sexual health Night pollution: what is it, causes and how to avoid it

Night pollution: what is it, causes and how to avoid it

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

The term nocturnal pollution is often known as involuntary nocturnal ejaculation. It receives these names since during sleep at night, there can be ejaculations, also known as wet dreams.

Nocturnal pollution can occur from adolescence to adulthood, although they are more frequent during the first period. For some parents, this may go unnoticed, as young people do not feel comfortable discussing this topic with their parents.

The appearance of nocturnal pollution can be due to several causes that, fortunately, can be controlled. If you want to know more about nocturnal pollution: what it is, its causes, and how to avoid it, continue reading this article from FastlyHeal, where you will have more information about involuntary nocturnal ejaculations.

What is night pollution?

Nocturnal pollution is an involuntary ejaculation that occurs in men when asleep at night. They are usually evident during adolescence but also appear in adults. In some men, it can go unnoticed without interrupting their dreams; When they wake up, they only realize that their underwear is stained with semen. On the other hand, others tend to wake up during the exit of the semen.

Nocturnal pollution occurs in the REM stage of sleep. When the body acquires greater oxygenation, there is more blood flow to the genitals, which can generate an erection that favors the exit of semen. In adolescents, they can occur 2 or 3 times a week. However, in adults who have little sexual activity, it can be evidenced a more significant number of times.

It is good to clarify that pollution should not be confused with ejaculation. The latter is the loss of semen produced by an orgasm, while there is a decrease in semen without orgasm in the breakdown.

Causes of night pollution

It should be noted that nocturnal pollution is not indicative of any abnormality or physiological alteration in the body. Involuntary nocturnal ejaculations can occur for different causes, among which are:

Elevated levels of testosterone

It is one of the most common reasons for nighttime pollution during adolescence. Being elevated, there is an increase in the production of sperm within the body, which results in the need to release the excess from the body through nocturnal pollution.

Prolonged sexual abstinence

Long periods of sexual abstinence promote increased emissions or nocturnal pollution due to the accumulated volume of semen in the body. Ultimately, the lack of sexual activity can be a factor that stimulates the elimination of semen from the body.

Erotic dreams

The appearance of erotic dreams can be a stimulus for wet dreams or sperm emission to occur involuntarily. You must remember that it can also be presented without their presence.

Compression in the foreskin

The sustained compression of the foreskin while sleeping on the stomach stimulates the appearance of nocturnal pollution due to the high sensitivity, the product of the nerves present in the mentioned area. Nocturnal pollution from this cause occurs more frequently during adolescence.

Inflammation of the prostate

This is one of the less common causes of nighttime pollution. Still, an inflamed prostate can occur as a consequence of the enlargement of the gland and the inability to maintain a sustained erection.

How to avoid night pollution

Fortunately, night pollution is not a disease, and you can avoid it with the help of specialists. Next, you will know what to do if you suffer from this condition:

  • Practice physical exercise: it is an excellent help to prevent night pollution, especially exercises performed outdoors, where you must do waist bends; Those where you exercise your arms and legs will also be of great help.
  • If the nocturnal pollution you present is of nervous origin, put relaxation techniques such as yoga into practice. Make sure to use them frequently for the best results.
  • It would be best to sleep in a cool, airy room with a hard bed, in a side or back position. In this regard, make sure you wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Masturbation is an effective way to expel the sperm found inside the body. This technique helps reduce nocturnal pollution.

A doctor specializing in urology is the one to guide you in the treatment to follow to prevent nocturnal pollution from occurring. In the case of adolescents, a specialist in psychology is also of great help to receive guidance and prevent nocturnal decay from occurring.

Lastly, communication is essential, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or specialist. If you are young, involve your parents, don’t leave them out.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Night Pollution: what it is, its causes, and how to avoid it, we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system.

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