Home Heart health How to reduce inflammation of a swollen vein

How to reduce inflammation of a swollen vein

by Alivia Nyhan
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The swollen veins of both the hands and the legs are a fairly common disorder, closely related to the current lifestyle where lack of adequate rest, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle abound.

Diseases that promote blood clotting, varicose veins, being overweight, using estrogens or birth control pills, and ways to administer medications or perform treatments directly on the veins are some of the possible causes.

If you want to know how to deflate a swollen vein to avoid complications adequately, we invite you to continue reading this FastlyHealarticle. You will also find why the veins are inflamed and what to do when you notice this problem.


Veins are the structures that carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues to the heart.

  • A group of veins is located between the tissues, known as the deep venous system.
  • On the other hand, the superficial venous system is another set of veins embedded in the fatty tissue immediately under the skin.

The superficial veins are very evident in some people and may even appear swollen. These people tend to have fair skin and little fat, which shows the tortuous course of the veins, even more so when they exercise or have their arms or legs down for a long time.

Just as this situation is normal, other circumstances inflate the veins. This disorder is known as phlebitis. In superficial phlebitis, other symptoms will appear, in addition to the enlargement of the veins, such as:

  • Pain in the affected area.
  • Redness
  • Inflammation of the nearby skin.
  • Edema.
  • Accumulation of fluid in tissues beyond infection.

Why do veins swell?

The causes of phlebitis can be pretty varied. Below you will know the most common:

Trauma or injury

When a vein is hit or injured during a procedure, it can become inflamed and infected.

After an IV injection

Some germs can penetrate when a drug is placed intravenously, especially in people with low defenses.

This situation can also occur in the presence of an intravenous line or a catheter used to administer serum, medications, or perform dialysis. This is more possible when the track remains for a long time.

A clot inside a vein

The formation of a clot within a vein is known as a thrombus and can occur in different situations, such as:

  • A coagulation disease: is when there is a certain tendency of the body to harden the blood from being in a liquid state to a more solid form. Some inherited diseases such as thrombophilia and an increased number of platelets in the blood are the case.
  • Prolonged rest: there is the possibility that the blood stagnates in the veins, and the formation of clots is favored. It is possible when you spend a lot of time in bed, sitting, such as on a long trip or when you keep your legs crossed for a long time. This is especially difficult after extensive surgical procedures in people with varicose veins, obesity problems, or bleeding disorders.
  • Varicose veins: the tortuous and thickened path of the veins favors the formation of clots, and therefore phlebitis is more possible.
  • Cancer: This disease usually involves a state of hypercoagulability of the blood. The blood can become thicker, and it may stagnate in a vein to form a thrombus.
  • Use of contraceptive pills or estrogens: they also favor the formation of blood clots, especially in women with certain risk factors such as being over 35 years old.
  • Smoking: Smoking alone is a tremendous risk factor for blood clots. Even more so if it is associated with other risk situations already mentioned.
  • Liver or kidney disease: a chronic disorder of the liver or kidneys can promote a state of hypercoagulability of the blood.

What to do when a vein becomes swollen?

If you are wondering what to do when a vein is swollen, you should consult a doctor if you think the vein is swollen and you feel the following symptoms:

  • Pain.
  • Ardor.
  • Inflammation of the skin.

If not, the infection is likely to spread, or part of the thrombus will break off and travel to another area of ​​the body. This dislodged clot is an embolus and is responsible for severe conditions.

If an embolus is installed in delicate places such as the heart, lungs, or brain, their blood circulation is affected. This can lead to severe and life-threatening illnesses:

  • Strokes
  • Infarcts.
  • Serious infections
  • Obstruction of the pulmonary circulation.

Therefore, it is so important not to delay the diagnosis of a swollen vein. When you get to the consultation, they will probably ask you for your history, and how the problem started, they will check you, and they may request studies, such as an ultrasound.

Once the diagnosis is made, the appropriate treatment will be carried out to reduce the inflammation of a swollen vein in your particular case.

Treatment for swollen vein

Once the diagnosis is made, a professional will indicate the most convenient treatment according to your case. The objectives of this treatment are three:

  • Deflate the vein.
  • Cure the infection if it exists.
  • Avoid complications.

Among the necessary measures that they will recommend are:

Treat the infection

If the vein is infected, antibiotics will be indicated. If the infection is significant, admission may be required to administer the antibiotic intravenously.

Eliminate clots and prevent them from enlarging

Sometimes a tiny intervention is necessary to remove the clot when it is present. It is a procedure in which a small incision is made to open the vein and remove the stagnant clot within it.

Anticoagulant drugs such as low molecular weight heparin may also be required in this case. According to the clinical picture, the background, and the criteria of the professional who treats you, it can be continued orally with warfarin or alteplase.

Improve pain

If you want to know how to reduce inflammation of a swollen vein and improve pain and discomfort, a professional can recommend anti-inflammatory pain relievers.

Remove catheter or line.

A line in a vein or a catheter will need to be removed, as sometimes this is what favors infection.

Fit a filter

Sometimes, especially in chronic and severe cases, it may be necessary to place a filter to prevent a clot or part of it from passing into more delicate areas of the body such as the kidneys, heart, brain, or lungs.

Remedies to reduce inflammation of the veins

In addition to medical treatment, there are some steps you can take to promote your recovery. They are between them:

Elevate the affected limb

Whether it is a leg or an arm, the affected limb will help solve the problem if you hold it up. This measure promotes blood circulation and is a good way if you are wondering how to reduce inflammation of a swollen vein because it prevents blood stagnation in one place.

Wear compression stockings or bandages

Compression stockings improve circulation in the area by squeezing stagnant blood in the veins so that it travels up to the heart. They are also instrumental in preventing clot formation and promoting venous return in people with chronic vein problems.

Change habits to avoid recurrences.

It is essential that after solving the urgent problem, the factors that have favored this disease are modified. Otherwise, it is likely that the situation will repeat itself or that a more serious one will occur. It is useless to cover the symptoms and know how to reduce inflammation of a swollen vein if, at the same time, it does not go to the root of the problem.

Among the measures you can take to radically improve your clotting problems or the diseases that favor them are:

  • Improve your diet: consume more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fermented, honey, and natural sugar—everything in its proper measure, without exaggeration, and look for suitable combinations of foods.
  • Put aside foods far from natural and complicate the body’s functioning, such as preservatives, dyes, vegetable oils and kinds of butter, refined products, and excess meat and dairy products.
  • Drink water: leave out carbonated drinks, excess coffee and alcohol, and drinks with sugar, sweeteners, or flavorings.
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle: staying for a long time in stillness and without movement favors all disorders. A walk, a dance, or a swim may suffice. Everything must be adapted to the physical condition of each person.
  • Get adequate rest: respecting your rest at night is key to improving any health problem. To maintain balance and health, it is necessary to sleep between 7 to 9 hours during the night, avoid going to bed very late, and use electronic devices (telephones, tablets, computers, television, etc.) before bed.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to reduce inflammation of a swollen vein, we recommend that you enter our category of Blood, heart, and circulation.

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