Home Digestive system Hepatitis D: causes symptoms and treatment

Hepatitis D: causes symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Hepatitis D, also called the delta agent, affects about 15 million people worldwide. It originates in those who suffer from hepatitis B, whether they are carriers or it has been manifested. It is usually the result of having unprotected sex with infected people, using drugs, or receiving blood transfusions with the virus. It is a severe disease, so the earlier the medical diagnosis, the more effective its treatment will be. At FastlyHealwe, explain what hepatitis D consists of, its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Causes of Hepatitis B

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver and can contribute to liver cancer. It must be taken into account that all the blood from the stomach and intestine passes through the liver. The transformation of different substances into compounds easier for our body to assimilate takes place. In addition, bile is synthesized in this organ, a substance that processes the food we eat. Therefore, people infected with hepatitis can see these impaired liver functions.

There are four types of hepatitis: A, B, C, and D. Hepatitis D can worsen the effects of hepatitis B, sometimes causing death.

This type of hepatitis was discovered in 1977 in Italy, and like the hepatitis B virus, it inserts its genetic material into liver cells and uses the cell’s resources to multiply. But you can not spread if the person who comes into contact is no longer infected or a carrier of hepatitis B.

The causes of this condition are:

  • Taking drugs intravenously using an infected syringe.
  • If the mother is infected during pregnancy, the virus can be passed to the baby.
  • Unprotected sex with people who are carriers of HDV.
  • Receive blood transfusions that contain this virus.


The different symptoms that can occur if you have hepatitis D are:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Dark-colored urine.
  • Fatigue.
  • Jaundice is the yellowing of the skin and the white area of ​​the eyes.
  • Joint pain.
  • Inappetence.
  • Sickness.
  • Vomiting

Treatment of hepatitis D

High doses of interferon-alpha are usually given to treat hepatitis D for at least 12 months. Also, if you have chronic hepatitis B, a liver transplant is usually the most effective.

This condition is a severe pathology that puts the patient’s health at significant risk, so it is essential to see a doctor for a correct diagnosis if its existence is suspected.

Prevent VHD

The most effective way to avoid hepatitis D is to take the necessary precautions to avoid contracting this type of virus. There is a vaccine against hepatitis B usually given to newborns. Still, it can also be given during childhood or even in adults who are at risk of contracting this disease.

It is also essential to always have safe sex, avoid drug use, especially intravenously, and be careful with blood transfusions.

It would help if you always kept in mind that each of our actions can have very negative consequences for our body, even leading to death. That is why it is also essential that if suspicious symptoms are detected, you go to the doctor to be able to find a solution in time.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Hepatitis D: causes, symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .

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