Home Kidneys and urinary systemKidney disease and health Excretory urography: what it is and how to prepare

Excretory urography: what it is and how to prepare

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

In today’s medicine, there are many different methods and studies that can be applied to help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis of the ailments that you may suffer. A very useful element is imaging studies, among which the most successful in many cases are computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which can be applied to diagnose many diseases. For the evaluation of the urinary tract, there is a specialized study that consists of taking tomographies or by resonance with the previous ingestion of a contrast medium. In this FastlyHealarticle, we’ll explain everything you need to know about excretory urography: what it is and how to prepare .

What is excretory urography

Excretory urography is a complementary study that is responsible for evaluating both the structural integrity of the upper urinary tract (the kidneys, bladder and ureters), as well as the excretory function of these organs. Also known by other names as pyelography or intravenous urography, it is a test that can give your doctor information about the size, shape, position, density, and completion of the kidneys, bladder, and ureters.

When to have an excretory urogram

It is a study that is indicated to confirm the presence or absence of urinary tract alterations in patients in whom it is presumed there may be some due to symptoms or some other evidence. The most common examples of its indication are:

  • Congenital malformations
  • Kidney stones
  • Blood in the urine
  • Presence of abdominal masses
  • Blockages or obstructions
  • Assessment before surgery
  • Trauma
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Hydronephrosis

How is an excretory urogram performed?

Before conducting the study, it is important to make an assessment of the patient’s kidney function . To achieve visualization of the upper urinary tract, the patient is injected with what is known as contrast medium , a liquid that is visible on x-rays.

Said contrast medium is administered intravenously through a catheter in a dose that depends on the weight of the patient. Immediately after its administration, the patient is taken in various shots in a radiographic study that is usually known as computed tomography, although it can also be done by magnetic resonance imaging. Subsequently, more radiographs are taken at 5, 20 and 40 minutes after the administration of the contrast medium. The way the X-rays are taken can vary depending on whether it is a CT scan or an MRI.

Once the study is completed, your doctor will evaluate the images obtained together with the radiographic technician, usually on a computer. Based on the study findings, other different studies can be indicated or treatment planned to resolve possible alterations.

What should I do before an excretory urogram

Before performing an excretory urography, your doctor will give you all the necessary information regarding how the procedure is done and the guidelines that you must follow before it is performed. At this point, it is important that your something has not been clear to you, ask the professional so that you do not have any doubts about it.

Something of utmost importance is to mention all the compounds to which you have or think you have had allergic reactions , since some of the contrast media have components that can produce this type of reaction, one of the most common examples is iodine.

Preparation for the study begins one day before its application , since the digestive tract must be completely clear.

For them, the patient is usually asked not to eat food from 12 to 24 hours before the study, complemented by taking a laxative and performing enemas . It is recommended that the day before the study and the first hours of the same day, the diet consists of light liquids such as broths and strained juices.

As part of the immediate preparations before entering the CT or MRI equipment, you will be asked to remove any type of jewelry, glasses, hearing aids, removable dental prostheses and any similar accessories since the metals in these can interfere with the study.

You should inform your doctor about any other type of prosthesis you have, such as a cochlear implant, clips for brain aneurysms, coils in blood vessels, pacemakers and defibrillators, since those mentioned may contraindicate the performance of the study . Other devices such as heart valves, artificial limbs or nerve stimulators can be contraindicators of the study for certain cases.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Excretory Urography: what it is and how to prepare , we recommend that you enter our Kidneys and urinary system category .

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