The gallbladder is a sachet located just below the liver; it is where the bile is stored and from where it is released when fatty foods are consumed to facilitate its digestion.
Bile travels through the bile ducts to the intestines and, with its action, allows the body to absorb and assimilate the vitamins found in fats. However, if stones or gallstones form, rigid bodies that can develop in the gallbladder hinder and hinder the proper functioning of this organ, making it extend to the stomach and the entire digestive system.
Usually, the cause of its appearance is due to high cholesterol levels or any other nutritional imbalance in the bile; that is why a correct diet is essential to treat the annoying symptoms of biliary colic and to avoid and prevent these stones from forming. . Next, at FastlyHeal, we will advise you on the steps you should follow to design a diet for biliary colic correctly.
Table of Contents
General advice
Before explaining which products you can and cannot eat, you must understand that digestion is a process that begins even before you put food in your stomach. To avoid any complications or discomfort during digestion, we give you these recommendations:
- Chew all food properly, do not swallow until well chewed. Any shredding you do in your mouth will save your gallbladder work. We also recommend eating slowly, without rushing or extensive drinks or bites.
- Do not eat large meals; it is much better to eat in small amounts throughout the day than to eat large meals that lead to heavy digestion.
- Avoid fat as much as possible; as we have explained, fatty foods cause the gallbladder to secrete bile; the more you refrain from trying this type of food, the more your body will thank you.
- The way you cook will do as much or more than what you eat itself: boiling, grilling, or steaming are good ways to cook food while frying or heating above 100 degrees is an unnecessary way to make your gallbladder work.
What should you eat?
The diet for biliary colic is intended to fulfill two essential functions; On the one hand, logically, you should avoid consuming fat as much as possible; on the other hand, it should facilitate digestion, taking care not to overload the gallbladder. Next, we are going to indicate which are those products meant to eat if you suffer from gallstones:
- All kinds of soups and broths, vegetables or chicken, are recommended, as long as they are well cooked. You can add pasta, rice, noodles, or even cooked lentils, chickpeas, or legumes.
- You can eat pasta, be it macaroni, spaghetti or any other type, as long as the sauce is not heavy, preferably white should be taken.
- When it comes to meat, you can eat any lean meat such as rabbit or specific cuts of veal and mutton; however, if you opt for chicken or turkey, you must first remove the skin.
- It would help if you ate white fish since all these species are low in fat.
- You can eat fruit, either in juice, raw or cooked.
- Infusions such as tea or chamomile are also recommended. We invite you to read our article on inputs to improve digestion; surely you can get exciting ideas.
In the following article, you can find the list of foods with less fat.
What you should not eat
Once you know what you should eat, we explain what the foods you should avoid are:
- You should not eat milk or its derivatives, the vast majority of cheeses have fat, so it is not advisable to eat it. If you find it difficult to stop eating milk, you can try to skim. However, it should be in small amounts, and monitor its effects on your digestion.
- In the previous point, we have listed the meats that you can eat, the lean ones; now, we will explain which ones you cannot eat, that is, the rest. Lamb, pork, sausages, and processed meat, in general, are very high in fat; another tip to apply in your meals is that you remove the visible fat from the blood and do not eat it.
- Whitefish have very little fat; however, bluefish can have up to 12%, so you should refrain from eating salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, or mackerel. Even if it does not have a lot of fat, Seafood is not recommended in this diet for biliary colic.
- The egg’s fat is concentrated in the yolk, which is prohibited, but you can use the white to make an omelet or scrambled eggs.
- The nuts can contain up to 50% fat, which makes your digestion heavy and does not make them suitable for your diet.
- Under no circumstances should you eat fried oil, the worst enemy of gallstones; however, crude oil can be an excellent way to season your dishes if not in abundance.
- Butter or margarine is not a good companion for digestion, are not advisable in your diet.
From FastlyHealwe bring you foods high in saturated fat, which you should avoid at all costs.
More bans
Apart from these foods, some other habits and condiments can play tricks on you when digesting your meals. Therefore, they must be eradicated from your day today:
- Even though a moderate consumption of alcohol, less than 14 grams per week, could be beneficial for gallstones, high-alcohol liquors and drinks make digestion tasks very difficult, so that you can have some beer or wine smooth during the week but nothing else.
- The snuff does not contribute anything good; apart from all other causes with harmful effects on health, smoking is linked to the onset of biliary colic. Do you know what happens in your body when you stop smoking?
- It is undoubtedly one of the most difficult things to give up; however, after following this diet, you will appreciate the effects on your digestion. The sauces, seasonings, and spices like curry or other spicy foods and products are irritative and complicate the task of the gallbladder.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Diet for biliary colic , we recommend that you enter our Digestive System category .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.