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Can I take ibuprofen while breastfeeding?

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

If you have been a mother for a short time and are breastfeeding, you will know that it is a time when doubts about drugs and foods that can be consumed or not lurk, just like throughout pregnancy.

It is usual for you to wonder whether or not you can take certain medications when you are breastfeeding your child since it is well known that everything we ingest can affect the composition of our milk, which is the food of our sons and daughters, and that elements that can be harmful to them may pass to them. For this reason, today at FastlyHealwe will know the answer to this question regarding one of the most used drugs; we will see if I can take IbuprofenIbuprofen while breastfeeding.

What is IbuprofenIbuprofen

Ibuprofen is one of the most widely consumed drugs today; we can find it in most homes. It consists of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, that is, without corticosteroids, an element that helps in inflammations but has a more substantial impact on our body, which makes the composition of IbuprofenIbuprofen not so harmful and can be taken more every day.

It also has analgesic components: pain relievers and antipyretic elements, which help regulate fever. Its action is fast and effective and is usually used in moderate pain, body inflammation, acne, or atopic dermatitis, especially in episodes of fever. That versatility is mainly responsible for its popularity since it serves so many conditions that people use it as a wild card. However, can I take IbuprofenIbuprofen while breastfeeding?

Can I take IbuprofenIbuprofen while breastfeeding?

First of all, we must tell you that if you are breastfeeding your baby, before taking any medication or drug, you should consult with your doctor, either the gynecologist or the pediatrician, to know if the taking of such a substance may or may not be benign for him—your baby’s growth.

Medications that are not suitable to ingest when we are breastfeeding our children are those whose chemical and pharmacological substances settle in our blood for some time from 8 hours, and that, consequently, pass into the milk that later our baby will take, being able to alter its functioning and its immune system.

The IbuprofenIbuprofen is one of these drugs that roost in the blood for more than 8 hours, and therefore it passes into the milk that will feed our son. The risk it generates for our child is shallow if taken promptly. Still, when we talk about the baby’s health, any trouble is too much, so it is advisable not to take IbuprofenIbuprofen while breastfeeding.

In addition, if we suffer from some illness or disease and think of including IbuprofenIbuprofen as a long-term treatment, then the answer is that it is not compatible with breastfeeding. In this case, you will be transferring these pharmacological elements to your baby. The impact on his life, the formation of his immune system, his natural conditions, and his well-being may be affected. Frequent and continuous use can cause :

For this reason, we recommend that you do not carry out such treatment, and if you do that, it is under medical prescription and with precise control of the situation.

Ibuprofen and breastfeeding: healthy alternatives

By personal decision, many mothers decide not to take chemical drugs of any kind during breastfeeding, which leads us to think that it may be helpful to present some of the home and natural remedies that we can use as an alternative to IbuprofenIbuprofen. For people who decide to take drugs, we must also tell you that other medications have less impact on the blood and, therefore, less impact on the baby’s breastfeeding, as with Paracetamol.

Here is a list of products and natural remedies alternatives to IbuprofenIbuprofen:

To lower the fever

  • Baths with lukewarm water, or else place compresses moistened with cold water on the forehead, neck, ankles, and wrists.
  • Do not dress too much and open the windows to let the airflow.
  • Drink two and a half liters of water daily and infusions of lemon verbena or mint.
  • One of the elements that will work best for you is rest, so lie down and rest.

Lower inflammations

  • If they are external inflammations of the skin area, apply compresses moistened with chamomile-infused water, as it has antibacterial, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • You can also make chamomile water baths, washing the inflamed areas with this infusion.
  • If it is indoors, drinking a lot of water and chamomile infusions can be an excellent ally to reduce such pain. The information about cinnamon, eating pineapple or tomato can also help you.

To lessen the pain

  • If an area of ​​the body causes you pain, you can apply heat or cold according to your need.
  • If it is muscle pain, heat can help you, while if it is due to a blow, it will be better to apply ice that generates cold.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

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