For families, the arrival of their children is always a happy event, although, for new parents, it is still a time of many doubts. Of course, the proper feeding of the baby is one of the issues that occupy the new parents. According to the World Health Organization, the most recommended is exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life. However, it can be a bit difficult for mothers to start breastfeeding, and one of the biggest concerns at that time is whether they can produce enough milk to feed the baby. That is why many mothers wonder: how to make more breast milk naturally? In this FastlyHealarticle, we address this question and help you find the answer by clarifying all your doubts.
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How is breast milk produced?
Breast milk is produced thanks to a cascade of hormones that begins with the baby’s birth, but since pregnancy, the system that will create and store the milk has been preparing. In the breast, thanks to the secretion of different hormones stimulated by the placenta, a network of ducts develop at the end of which are the alveoli, where the blood will transform into milk, preserving sugars, proteins, and fats.
Two to four days after the baby is born, breast milk production increases considerably; this is called the milk surge. Before that, the chest lets out colostrum; a very nutritious yellowish fluid also called liquid gold. When the baby sucks, it stimulates the mother’s pituitary gland, which produces prolactin that will stimulate milk production and oxytocin that will stimulate milk secretion; therefore, enabling the breast through the Suctioning or using a breast pump is the best answer to how to make more breast milk naturally.
It often happens, for example, that when babies are at the peak of growth, the demand for food increases, and that is why they spend more time suckling and sometimes up to several hours. This is simply the baby’s way of telling the mother’s brain that it needs increased milk production.
More excellent suction to produce more breast milk
Undoubtedly, here it is the baby who is the boss because the more he sucks, the greater the production of breast milk. Some time ago, mothers were recommended to breastfeed alternating breasts, fifteen minutes each and this every three hours. Perhaps this practice of looking at the clock is appropriate for formula feeding, but in the case of breast milk on demand, it is the baby who decides when it starts, when it ends, and when it repeats portion.
That is what free demand is about because the baby requests to breastfeed not only when he is hungry but also when he is thirsty, when he needs the hug of his mother, when his immune system is fighting against infection and requires antibodies, among many other needs covered by breast milk.
The reality is that if the mother listens to the baby’s demand, she will put it to the breast every time she asks for it. Thus, as the baby sucks, the breasts will adapt their production to his needs. It is important to remember that breast milk changes its composition according to the baby’s needs. An endless number of components have been identified; in fact, it is said that milk is alive, and it is undoubtedly the most specialized product for the most demanding consumer.
When in doubt that they are satiating the baby, some families may be tempted to offer a supplement of milk formula. This may provide a momentary reassurance for parents, but in most cases, it is the beginning of the end of breastfeeding. The inverse relationship is also genuine: the lower the suction, the lower the production. So every time the baby is fed a bottle of formula, the breast is no longer being stimulated, and the message received by the mother’s brain is that less milk is needed. Therefore, to the question ” how to produce more breast milk naturally? , The best answer is to put the child in the chest until you are satisfied every time you ask for it.
What are the benefits of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is good for the baby; it is also suitable for the mother. The World Health Organization recommends six months of exclusive breastfeeding and at least two years of breastfeeding with complementary feeding. Although many believe that children do not benefit from breast milk after one year, in reality, it represents 40% of their energy requirements at one year of age.
The benefits for the baby are not only counted in this first stage, but they will accompany him throughout his life. Breast milk contains all the nutrients necessary for the perfect development of the baby but also includes the antibodies needed to protect it from infections since, at birth, its immune system is immature and does not yet produce the necessary antibodies.
For the mother, breastfeeding is also beneficial. On the one hand, the weight accumulated during pregnancy is lost more quickly since these fat reserves go on to feed the baby. On the other, it has a positive impact on your health since it reduces the probability of suffering from postpartum depression, anemia, hypertension, and of suffering from breast or ovarian cancer.
All of the above results in benefits for society. In the first place, because breastfeeding does not need any industrial process, it does not have a cost for the family, nor does it represent any energy expenditure. There is also no need for bottles, sterilizers, or other utensils, which means savings for families and the environment.
Myths about breastfeeding
Many myths about breastfeeding tend to confuse and discourage new parents because they make breastfeeding very difficult instead of being a loving space where mother and baby meet. For example, a lot is said about foods to produce breast milk or what the mother should or should not eat, if she should drink milk to make more milk, beer if she cannot eat grains, broccoli or cauliflower because that will give her gas to the baby. And so on, endless things. Mom and baby are ecosystems, and the mother must feel good to provide that well-being for the baby. Then, the best thing would be for the mother to eat a balanced diet and observe how her baby reacts.
The size or shape of the breasts is also not necessary since what we see is only the container. The truth is that all women are endowed with mammary glands and the hormones required to produce milk. Even less accurate is that breastfeeding will damage that container, as breastfeeding does not cause the breasts to sag. This happens for other reasons that have nothing to do with it.
Many repeats that the baby cries because breast milk does not fill him up. This can lead the mother to think that her milk is not enough or is not of good quality. Crying is the only way the baby has to let his parents know that something is bothering him; perhaps it is hunger, but it could be that he feels cold or wants to hug his mother listening to her heartbeat, like when it was inside her womb.
At FastlyHeal, we are known for sharing informative content, so we always recommend consulting a specialist if doubts persist.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.