It is within easy reach, and yes, it is a temptation to remove that wart, but let me tell you that it is not recommended that you start that injury. Warts are pretty contagious, and, in addition, they can bleed, which is why to remove them altogether, it is better to resort to other more effective methods than just pulling them out. In addition, you must bear in mind that warts appear when the defenses are not entirely high.
Do you want to know more? In this FastlyHealarticle, you will find the most effective options to eradicate warts and the information you need to understand what happens if you remove a wart.
Table of Contents
Why do warts appear
Warts are small lesions that appear in different areas of the skin, most frequently on the hands, feet, and face, but they can be located in any area of the body.
They are related to the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are more than 100 types of HPV. Some cause warts on the skin, others in the genital area, others in the mucosa of the mouth and respiratory tract, some only give rise to warts, and others are linked to more complicated diseases such as cancer.
What you should know is that an immunological predisposition produces warts. If your body is in balance and your defenses are high, you do not have to have a large number of warts distributed throughout your body.
Therefore, it is good that you know the proper way to remove warts, but it is also a warning that your body is giving you that something is not right and that it would be essential that you pay attention.
What happens if you tear off a wart
Warts are usually spread by contact. Usually, only one appears, and, as you touch them, you can apply them over other body areas.
The way they are usually spread is:
- Touching the injury.
- With shaving.
- With exfoliations.
- Dispersion in areas of damaged skin or exposure to irritants.
Often, there is some delay between infection and the appearance of the lesions. This time can range from 6 months to several years. Therefore, it is essential to be careful when handling warts since you may not immediately notice contagion. Still, in a while, multiple lesions may appear that may not be related to the first one you have had.
It is not advisable to remove warts by tearing them off. Most likely, you will spread it to other sites, and not only one wart causes problems, but many of them.
On the other hand, what characterizes all warts is that they are vascularized. This means that a blood vessel runs inside the lesion that provides the wart’s nutrients to maintain itself. This characteristic also allows differentiating warts from other types of similar lesions. The wart has an internal vessel, and other lesions do not.
Therefore, the lesion is very likely to bleed a lot when removing a wart.
That is why I suggest you resort to other treatments to remove warts more effectively and that do not generate complications.
The best thing is to go to one or a professional who can indicate different methods, both with drugs and surgical. It is even preferable that you treat it with home remedies but never try to start it.
How to remove a wart
Remember what I told you before: warts are signs that there is something wrong with your body; therefore, in addition to removing them, it is good to pay attention to how your body is in general. Observe your digestion your habits and evaluate what may not be healthy for you.
As for how to remove warts, you can do it with medication, undergoing a surgical procedure, or using home remedies, some highly effective and medically accepted treatments.
Pharmacological, medical treatment
If you consult one or a professional, they can indicate some substances to eliminate the wart. Most of these products work by burning the lesion. After applying them, a scab will appear, and then the wart will fall off with practically no mark.
The most used are:
- Salicylic acid.
- Tretinoin
The treatment is usually slow, but precisely by leaving few marks, it is the most indicated for apparent areas such as the face.
Surgical Treatments
If the wart is pedunculated, its attachment to the skin is thin, or if it is in a place that is not very visible, surgical excision of the lesion can be used. Various methods can be used, such as:
- Cryosurgery: cold is applied to burn the lesion, scab forms, and the wart falls off.
- Laser: it also burns but through heat.
- Microsurgery: with delicate instruments, the lesion is removed.
All of these techniques can leave some degree of scarring. This depends on where the lesion sits, the type of skin, and the care after removal of the lesion.
It is not a suitable method for highly exposed areas, such as the face or hands.
Home remedies
Some natural substances can be very effective in treating warts. It is essential to choose only one and be consistent in its use. The longer the essence remains on the lesion, the more effective the treatment. An advantageous way is to apply the remedy at night and leave it to work until the following day.
You should be careful not to touch healthy skin, as the substance is often irritating and can cause discomfort if applied outside the wart.
Among the best home remedies for warts are:
- She.
- Onion.
- Rubber.
- Ghee with turmeric.
- Artemis.
- Aloe vera.
In the following article, you can see more home remedies for warts.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to What happens if I tear off a wart, we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair, and nails category.
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.