Home Brain and nerves Why do I get the chills all of a sudden

Why do I get the chills all of a sudden

by Alivia Nyhan
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Why do I get the chills all of a sudden

Chills is the term with which a cold sensation is known that, generally, is closely related to various disorders that cause it and fever, so the most associated alteration is infections, which begin to present symptoms with chills. Likewise, the chills can also refer to episodes of tremors with the same sensation of low body temperature.

The tremors are caused by the body needing to rewarm itself, and to achieve this, the muscles contract and relax quickly. Although chills can be caused by various health conditions, they are sometimes not a cause for concern. This is why if you wonder why I suddenly get chills, we invite you to continue reading the following FastlyHealarticle to know the answer.

Exposición a temperaturas bajas, produce pérdida de calor corporal

El principal motivo de sentir escalofríos de repente es estar expuesto a ambientes con temperaturas bajas sin tener la ropa adecuada para que se aísle el cuerpo. Cuando esto sucede, el organismo manda la señal de que se está perdiendo calor corporal y, en respuesta, se producen dichas relajaciones y contracciones musculares.

En estos casos, los escalofríos son solo una reacción temporal que se detienen cuando se usa ropa de abrigo, se toma una bebida caliente o se pasa a un sitio con temperatura más cálida y donde no entran corrientes de aire. Es importante que el cuerpo recupere su temperatura normal, de lo contrario, podría conllevar algunas complicaciones, sobre todo, si el ambiente es muy frío.

Mordida o picadura de un animal con escalofríos como síntoma importante

Si te ha picado o mordido algún animal que segrega una sustancia en la pie, es posible que tengas una reacción a esta y tu cuerpo provoque escalofríos de repente. Generalmente, ocurre cuando se trata de algún animal venenoso, aunque también podrían producirse ante la mordida de una hormiga u otro animal aparentemente inofensivo pero que se sea alérgico a él, por lo que en parte dependerá de la predisposición de cada persona.

If you do not know if an animal has bitten you, it is essential to look for possible marks on the body that indicate evidence of this, in addition to the fact that some effects can help determine what type of animal is the cause. It would help if you also were attentive to any other symptoms that may occur, such as pain in an area, general malaise, inflammation, nausea, vomiting, fever, and difficulty breathing, among others. If these symptoms do not diminish or are very intense, it is necessary to go immediately to a medical center for treatment.

Food poisoning, a cause of chills

The ingestion of contaminated food, either by pathogenic microorganisms or chemical substances, infect or irritate the gastrointestinal tract and the body. Alteration triggers a series of reactions, including fever accompanied by continuous chills to combat this. Although anyone can be a victim of food poisoning, those most at risk are those with a weakened immune system, infants and children, pregnant women, and older adults.

The same happens if you have a food allergy and it is consumed without realizing it. It is essential to attend a medical center to be adequately cared for, especially when presenting a clinical picture of severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, feeling cold, skin rashes, and cramps. In the following article, we explain what first aid is for poisonings.

Anemia causes a feeling of cold and chills.

Anemia is an increasingly common disease in the population, and if you have it, it may be an answer to why I get chills all of a sudden. This condition is characterized by a decrease in the number or size of red blood cells or hemoglobin level, with low iron content, which is found inside.

Not having enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to all body parts causes a lack of adequate supply and a feeling of cold. Likewise, iron deficiency intervenes in regulating body temperature, which is why people with anemia often have chilled for the moment, even when they are in a warm place.

Lupus alters body temperature.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks healthy tissues and cells in the body incorrectly. For this reason, various parts of the body can be affected, such as the heart, joints, skin, lungs, kidneys, brain, and blood vessels.

Although there are different types of lupus, there is particular symptomatology of this pathology. Lupus patients often suffer from swelling and discomfort in the joints, sensitivity to the sun, feeling excessively tired, swollen glands, ulcers in the oral cavity, hair loss, swelling in the eyes and legs, and red rashes on the skin. And fever with no apparent cause can cause shaking episodes from the chills.

Other causes of sudden chills

Considering that various disorders can be related to the presence of continuous chills, it is essential to know how to detect the different symptoms that could be accompanying this alteration, no matter how minimal, since these can be of help in determining what it is causing. Some other more common causes of sudden chills are:

  • Common cold or flu.
  • Taking the wrong dose of any drug.
  • Low pressure.
  • Suffering from thyroid disorders.
  • Infectious diseases, for example, acute bronchitis, tuberculosis, hepatitis, or Lyme disease.
  • Kidney or gallstones.
  • Leukemia.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Alterations of the mental state include anxiety, stress, or nervousness.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I get chills all of a sudden , we recommend that you enter our Brain and Nerves category .

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