Home Women's HealthCandidiasis What to do when you have fungus and the period

What to do when you have fungus and the period

by Alivia Nyhan
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fungus and the period

Suffering from yeast vaginitis at the same time as your period is coming down can be absolute torture. Flow, burning, itching, cramps, headaches. It seems impossible that all this can happen simultaneously, but if you are reading this, it is because it is less rare than it seems.

At least 70% of women suffer from a vaginal yeast infection at least once in their life, and did you have to touch them just with your period? Don’t worry, and you can continue with your everyday life after you apply the advice that you will read in this interesting article by FastlyHealabout what to do when you have fungus and your period.

Why do fungi grow in the vagina?

Yeast vaginitis is the most common infection in the female genital area. The Candida albicans fungus usually causes them, hence vaginal yeast infection.

There are many reasons for this type of mycosis to occur. You are more likely to suffer from it repeatedly if you have any of the following habits:

  • You douche or douche.
  • You regularly use tampons or feminine pads every day.
  • You use hormones, IUDs, or diaphragms as contraceptives.
  • You have poor digestion.
  • Your diet includes white flour and sugar, excess dairy, and meats or processed products.

It is also common for fungi to appear when you suffer from diseases that lower your defenses, such as diabetes if you are pregnant or going through menopause, and use estrogen to minimize symptoms.

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infection

Not all vaginal discharge is considered a yeast infection. This type of vaginitis usually has some or all of the following symptoms :

  • Thick off-white discharge, sometimes sticky or cottage cheese-like.
  • Itch.
  • Ardor.
  • Irritation.
  • Bad smell.
  • Discomfort when urinating
  • Pain or discomfort when having sex.

Is it common for fungus to appear during menstruation?

When there is a yeast infection, it usually remains for the entire period. It is expected that when there is more estrogen, these types of conditions get worse. This usually happens on the days close to ovulation (day 14 after menstruation) and the days before menstruation.

The usual thing is that in those days, a slight transparent or whitish discharge appears rather sticky, but if the symptoms mentioned in the previous section already appear, it is more likely that it is a vaginal yeast infection.

It can be uncomfortable for your period to come down and feel itchy or burning in your vagina. And not to mention if, in addition, you suffer from discomforts such as colic in the belly, gastrointestinal disorders, or headaches. These can be pretty terrible days, especially if you continue with your daily obligations.

What do I do if I have fungus and my period?

Stay calm. Yes, it can be not very pleasant what is happening to you, but believe us, you can be better.

To solve a fungal infection, you can do different things, the more you do, the faster it will heal, and it will be more difficult for you to suffer it again.

As you have seen, vaginitis of this type is not usually random; your habits have a lot to do with its production, especially in its becoming chronic. So, in addition to treating it with drugs, you must consider your habits.

Drugs for yeast infection

The pharmaceutical products that you can use to treat vaginal yeast infections during menstruation are exclusively systemic. While the period is coming down, it is practically useless to apply eggs or creams to the vagina to treat a condition since the menstrual blood will carry them away and won’t stay long enough to take effect.

That is why the indication of antifungal tablets is preferred. The most frequently used is fluconazole. Usually, it should be taken once a week and repeated for the necessary time.

When it comes to the first infection, usually three takes is enough, but this is not enough when it comes to a problem that recurs repeatedly. Taking too short a treatment can be harmful as the infection can become chronic.

If you suffer from recurrent vaginal yeast infections, you should maintain this treatment for six months. Still, you should know that it may happen later if you do not change the habits that generate this predisposition.

Modify habits

Fungi grow in the vagina because their normal flora is altered. The tiny microorganisms that live naturally in the vagina and help regulate the pH and fight infections by harmful microorganisms are called normal flora.

When these normal florae are no longer balanced, it is common for there to be excessive growth of Candida. As you have seen, some factors can contribute to this flora imbalance.

Here are some tips to feel much better with small changes that make a difference.

Pay attention to your diet.

White flours and sugar are harmful to the normal flora since they help modify the pH in your vagina. This usually happens in combination with poor digestion.

That is why it becomes so important to eat in the most natural way possible, without preservatives, chemicals, or unhealthy additives.

To do this, you must pay attention to the fine print on food labels.

Also, try to achieve a certain balance. Too much of certain foods or the wrong combination between them can significantly affect your health.

Avoid douching

This is a widespread mistake. During and outside of it, douches wash away the normal flora. This makes infections more likely because you generate irritation and leave the field free from other unwanted microorganisms.

And you may wonder, and then how do I clean my vagina? Well, let me tell you that the vagina does not need you to clean the inside. She has a mechanism that makes her clean herself doesn’t complicate her work. If you suffer from a bad smell in the area, you are facilitating a vicious cycle with the showers since you will only cause the bad smell to continue to haunt you.

And what happens if the defenses are down?

Better to try balance by modifying your habits. Most chronic diseases have a lot to do with the kinds of foods you eat, how you sleep, how you handle stress, and how you deal with the symptoms you have.

Does the rule eliminate fungi?

This is a question that many women ask themselves, and it is not surprising because, just as for many, the days of menstruation can be stormy with a lot of itching and discomfort. For others, everything improves.

As we have told you, a lot has to do with the state of health or balance and the hormonal influence in all this. That is why if the days around the period all the symptoms disappear, it is not because you have definitively cured of the fungi, but rather because your body does not suffer so much with them.

It would be essential to know if you suffer from a vaginal mycosis or only a pre-ovulatory or premenstrual discharge.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to What to do when you have fungus, and your period, we recommend that you enter our category of the Female reproductive system.

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