Home Skin CareSkin diseases Lipoma on the back: what is it, causes and treatment

Lipoma on the back: what is it, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Hearing about lipomas is common, but very little they know why they occur and what is the ideal treatment, a rounded, soft, mobile and well-defined mass defines the term lipoma, it can appear anywhere on the body. Visually, the lipoma, not being attached to the deep layers of the skin, can be moved with the fingers. The diagnosis of a lipoma is so simple that even the patient can realize what it is.

Lipomas on the back are benign tumor growths that do not cause metastasis or cancer. In this FastlyHealarticle we will talk about lipomas on the back: what it is, causes and treatment .

Lipoma on the back – what is it?

Lipomas are nothing more than benign tumor growths that do not generate cancer or metastases that appear as a well-defined , soft and mobile rounded mass located just under the skin, that is, subcutaneous. This can be moved with the fingers since it is not adhered to any tissue.

This type of discomfort is one of the most frequent when it comes to the soft tissues that make up the human body, this cell grouping comes from adipose tissue.

The preferred location of lipomas is on the trunk, neck and back , all of them slowly grow to a standard size between approximately 2 and 10 centimeters in diameter , in fact, the largest are normally located on the back.

When speaking of a lesion as simple as lipomas, the same patient may be able to make the proper diagnosis, from the first moment this lesion appears, the size increases as time passes until it remains stable at approximately 10 centimeters in diameter. , rarely appear several lipomas producing a condition called lipomatosis. However, whenever you notice a mass of this type, you should go to the doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Why do lipomas appear on the back?

The reality is that lipomas do not have a known cause for which it manifests itself, however, around them were certain predisposing factors, standing out:

  • Family history of lipoma : only valid in the presence of multiple lipomas, that is, lipomatosis.
  • Trauma – Bumps or injuries are a common predisposing factor for lipoma.
  • Alcohol consumption : another factor related to the appearance of lipomas is alcohol consumption.
  • Weight : weight changes are related to the presence of lipoma in some part of the body. They can appear in obese or thin people.
  • Other associated diseases : for example, diabetes mellitus or liver diseases condition the appearance of lipomas.

The Revista Dermatológica Chilena carried out an investigation in relation to the epidemiological characterization of subcutaneous lipomas where 110 patients were studied of all of them, 54% of the lipomas were located in the trunk of which 62% of them were located in the trunk. back or back.

Symptoms and diagnosis of lipoma on the back

The presence of lipomas on the back rarely manifests any specific symptoms , in fact it is considered an asymptomatic condition, very rarely does it present pain or any discomfort in the person who suffers it, the patient usually realizes its presence when he notices and palpates the Rounded and mobile mass or lump under the skin.

To confirm the presence of a lipoma, the doctor does not usually request special tests, only the physical examination will suffice to give the proper diagnosis of lipoma, however in case there is doubt due to any variation in its particular characteristics in relation to this nodular growth, soft tissue biopsy or ultrasound will be indicated .

Wondering if lipomas hurt ? In the following article we will explain it to you.

Types of lipomas

Depending on their external and internal characteristics, lipomas on the back can be classified into different types such as:

  • Fibrolipomas : they have fibrous and adipose tissue cells. The lipoma, when palpated, acquires the shape of a fiber.
  • Myolipomas : characterized by having fat cells and muscle cells, this is usually subdivided depending on the proportion of each of the cells.
  • Spindle cell lipoma : It is similar to fibrolipoma in that it contains both fibrous and fat cells.

Lipoma on the back: treatment

Once knowing that having a lipoma on the back does not represent a serious health problem, it means that you can live peacefully with it, unless it grows or generates discomfort in relation to aesthetics.

There are some modern methods that allow lipomas to be treated, the first of which is to directly apply a corticosteroid to the lipoma to decrease its size. However, when the lipoma resists reduction, it is necessary to use another method to eliminate it.

Another way that lipoma can be treated is through liposuction by making an incision through a cannula to suck up all the fatty tissue that has grown under the skin.

Finally, the most used treatment is the outpatient surgical procedure with local anesthesia . This is a brief process that lasts approximately 30 and 60 minutes, this allows to definitively ensure that this mass or nodule is completely eliminated.

Lipomas, regardless of their location, are a simple problem to treat, therefore, it is worth going to the doctor to decide the effective way and the opportune moment for their elimination.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Lipoma on the back: what it is, causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Skin, hair and nails category .

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