As time progresses, more and more developments exist in medicine and health, helping numerous people to cope with various disorders in the best possible way. In addition, thanks to the wide range of resources that exist, the quality of life of patients with different conditions is extended and improved, for example, prostheses are one of the resources that science offers for those people who have suffered various accidents.
It has become more common for people to undergo surgeries for the application of various prostheses that help the patient have a more normal life. The hip is one of the places in the body that is most required to apply this resource and it must be borne in mind that there are different types depending on the alteration. It is for this reason that in the following FastlyHealarticle we offer you all the information about hip prostheses: types .
Table of Contents
Hip prosthesis: what is it and when is it necessary?
In general terms, a prosthesis is known as an object that is made of synthetic material that replaces various parts of the body that have suffered wear for various reasons or have been broken or removed. In hip prostheses, all the components that make up the same are replaced to improve the organic function of the dysfunctional or rotal sector that the patient needs. If a total hip replacement is required, it means that two essential elements that intervene in its articulation must be exchanged, the acetabulum , also known as the pelvic cup, and the femoral head .
Generally, surgery to place a hip replacement is necessary when this part of the body is fractured or presents alterations that a doctor must correctly evaluate. Likewise, a prosthesis is required when the hip was affected by some pathology that damaged its structure, such as necrosis in the head of the femur or degenerative osteoarthritis that is in a very advanced stage. The surgical procedure to place a hip replacement may also be advisable when there is some type of alteration in the acetabulum, causing an alteration in which the head of the femur cannot naturally exert its function as a joint.
Types of hip replacement depending on the surgery and the amount to be replaced
Depending on the surgery to be performed according to the symptoms of each patient and the professional’s considerations, there are two types of prosthesis to change the joint of this part of the body:
- One of them are primary prostheses , in which the joint or some of its components are replaced by a prosthesis
- The second consists of performing a surgical operation for a revision prosthesis , that is, one of these resources of modern science that is old or worn is replaced by a new one.
On the other hand, depending on the amount of implanted prosthesis, two types of hip prosthesis can be classified:
- The total prosthesis in which the two components of the hip joint are changed, in other words, the condyle of the femur with the stem and the cup
- The partial prosthesis in which the stem and the component of the femoral condyle are supplied.
Hip prosthesis: materials
Considering the size of the components that need to be changed, three different types of hip replacement can be identified:
- The first is known as a conventional prosthesis , in which the size of the components to be replaced is normal and consists of a stem that is responsible for joining the head of the femur with a usual length and an artificial cup.
- The second type of hip prosthesis, depending on the size of its components, is called short stem , in which all the components of the hip are replaced in their normal size but the stem is shorter than usual. which causes pressure damage to the femur to be reduced to preserve bone for a longer time.
- The last option is one in which the hip replacement has a very small stem . This alternative is used in young patients who have to carry out future interventions to take care of the rest of the components and offer a better quality of life to the patient.
Types of hip replacement according to anchorage
The types of hip prostheses can also be differentiated depending on the type of anchoring of the components between themselves and with respect to the other bone structures that serve as support in this part of the body. Four different prostheses can be identified:
- The first is that the femoral condyle and acetabulum are attached and glued to the bony parts with a kind of cement .
- Next, there is the uncemented prosthesis , which is characterized in that all the components are not attached to their supports with cement.
- On the other hand, the hybrid prostheses in some parts are adhered by cement, the condyle of the femur and its stem, but the other parts are not.
- Finally, reverse hybrid hip prostheses are identified in which the cemented parts are the pelvic cup and the pelvis, while the others are cementless.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Hip prosthesis: types , we recommend that you enter our Bones, Joints and Muscles category .
I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.