Home Skin CareWarts Wart on the nipple: Causes and treatment

Wart on the nipple: Causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Logically, any lesion that appears in the breasts generates curiosity or rather an anxiety. The breasts are delicate, and much is said about breast cancer and its poor prognosis, but don’t worry, warts on the breast are another story. Sometimes, they are thickening of the outermost layer of the nipples, a situation called hyperkeratosis. Others are typical structures such as Montgomery’s tubercles that grow and darken with pregnancy, but they can also be warts, hyperplasia of the sebaceous, or sweat glands.

Are you trying to find out which one you have? Then, the best thing is that you read this FastlyHealarticle and get the best information about why they come out and how to remove warts on the nipple.

Why do warts appear on the nipple?

There are different injuries that the nipples can present. Warts are part of them, but others may appear to be warts, but in reality, they are not.

Common warts

Although warts caused by the papillomavirus can settle anywhere on the skin, it is not very common for them to do so on the nipples.

These types of lesions are usually growths on the outermost layer of the skin, called the epidermis. They are typically spread from one place to another, primarily when exfoliating products or sponges are handled, shaved, or passed over.

Common warts usually bleed when injured in their most superficial part, but do not try to do or remove this injury yourself since you can spread it to other healthy places.

As I have told you, they do not often settle on the nipple. If this happens, your defenses are likely a little down.

Sometimes these HPV warts grow more extensive, giving rise to what is known as condylomata acuminate.


It is the thickening of the most superficial layer of the skin of the nipples. It becomes inflamed, drier, thicker, flaky, and may turn darker with the hormonal changes of pregnancy. It usually appears after puberty.

Montgomery tubers

These are typical structures of the nipple-areola. They are responsible for producing a substance that keeps the nipples hydrated. Before pregnancy, they are small and are called Morgagni bodies. During pregnancy, they can increase in size and are called Montgomery tubercles.

It is important not to squeeze them, as you can generate infection.

sebaceous hyperplasia

It is the increase of the sebaceous glands. They appear as small depressed lumps in the center that nothing will come out if you try to squeeze. It is what differentiates it from acne.

If you have injuries to the nipples, it is better not to squeeze them because you can injure yourself and generate inflammation.

Fox Fordyce disease

In the nipple, there are sweat glands, that is, sweat-producing glands. When these are obstructed, inflammation is generated, and small lesions may appear that significantly cause itching. It is pretty rare and usually occurs mainly in other body areas such as the armpit.

Intraductal papillomas of the breast

They are benign lesions that appear to be warts but are growths that grow within the ducts that draw milk from the breast and are close to the nipple.

They can cause clear or bloody nipple discharge. They are not often seen externally in the breast, but they can be felt and can sometimes even cause pain.

Nipple wart in pregnancy

During pregnancy, you may notice some growth of the areolar glands called the bodies of Morgagni. When growing, they are called Montgomery tubers. As I have previously mentioned, they are typical structures of the breast that, with the high hormonal production of pregnancy, grow and even darken, thus pretending to be warts, but in reality, they are not.

In hyperkeratosis of the nipple, there may also be a darkening of previously existing lesions.

If you suffer from common nipple warts, it is important not to touch them to prevent their spread. Something extraordinary happens since the skin that covers the nipple is exceptional and is not usually affected by this type of injury.

If it is a confirmed case of warts, it is important to consult one or a medical professional so that they can advise you appropriately about breastfeeding. The lesions may need to be removed to feed your baby safely.

What to do if you have warts on your nipples

As I have told you, it is not very common for warts to appear on the nipples. To make sure of what your diagnosis is, it is best to go to a skin specialist so that they can help you.

If it were common warts, it is essential to study your defenses since the nipples are not a place where these lesions frequently settle.

Regarding the treatment of the lesion, there are two possible ways: leave them as they are or remove them. Warts tend to spread quickly, so it is not advisable to handle them independently.

Most warts go away on their own after a while. If you take good habits of eating, resting, and exercising, this is likely the case, but that does not happen in some cases. So it may be better to remove them. Depending on the number of lesions and the area, some irritating topical medication or microsurgery may be recommended. This should be evaluated by the specialist you consult.

If it were any other lesion that appears to be a wart but is not professional, consultation and diagnosis are even more critical. This is so because although the vast majority of the time, the lesions are benign and much does not have to be done, on other occasions, the diagnoses can be more complicated, and it is crucial to act early.

If it is about Montgomery tubers, you have to wait for the hormonal changes of pregnancy and the puerperium to subside since it is something normal.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Wart on the nipple: why it comes out and how to eliminate it, we recommend entering our Skin, hair, and nails category.

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