Home Women's HealthVulvar diseases Can vulvodynia go away?

Can vulvodynia go away?

by Alivia Nyhan
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The discomforts in women with vulvodynia are usually annoying, limit their sexual life, and affect their mood and quality of life. These reasons have led many medical specialists to think that this condition may be related to anxiety or stress. This pathology in women is sometimes difficult to diagnose and treat, mainly because a late diagnosis tends to occur, and treatments that are inappropriate for women, in particular, are often used since not all are equally suitable for all.

Because of this, many women have asked themselves the question: can vulvodynia go away? Therefore, in this FastlyHealarticle, you will get the answer to this question, and we will talk about how long it lasts, how to treat it, and more details.

How long does vulvodynia last?

Vulvodynia is considered a chronic pathology for many specialists due to its duration. It can be more than three months when an accurate diagnosis cannot be made to determine the origin of the problem.

Some women have reported the onset of this pain after childbirth, and in these cases, it is somewhat more straightforward and faster to reach the diagnosis. Still, in most cases, the ailment in question is long-lasting due to its difficult diagnosis or the silence of the woman who suffers from it and, in this way, the start of treatment is lengthened and consequently the control of symptoms.

What limitations does vulvodynia cause in women?

The main symptoms of vulvodynia cause a lot of discomfort and cause limitations.

  • Pain.
  • Ardor.
  • Irritation.
  • Swelling.
  • Redness of the vulvar region.

The primary limitations that vulvodynia produces in women who suffer from it are:

  • Limitations for prolonged sitting.
  • Difficulty walking for a long time.
  • Limitations on urinating and cleaning well. Although it can be done, it is difficult and uncomfortable due to the pain that can be felt in the area.
  • Difficulties may also be experienced when having sex.

In this way, the moving part of the woman tends to be affected, which leads her to feel:

  • Anxiety.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depression.

Because of the situation, many women feel misunderstood because no one understands their pain, leading to isolation due to this condition.


Can vulvodynia go away?

The answer to this question is YES, and vulvodynia can go away. It is essential to go to the gynecologist and not solve the problem alone using only home remedies found on the net or recommended by someone you know.

Although there is still no specific cure for vulvodynia, gynecological treatments can help you feel better and achieve an active sex life, but above all, satisfactory. If you follow all the specialist’s recommendations to the letter, you will be able to control this ailment.

What is good to improve vulvodynia

There are different treatments for vulvodynia, but not all of them work the same for women who use them; however, the following scheme is followed with great success. In the first instance, your doctor will carry out an interrogation (anamnesis), in addition to a physical examination to determine the diagnosis. Subsequently, the prescription of medications will take place such as:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Application of neuronal blocks.
  • Creams for local use.
  • Antihistamines.

The use of each of these drugs makes the tissues of the vulva less sensitive, helping to reduce chronic pain. Specifically, antihistamines can help reduce itching. Other possible treatments are those related to therapies and the surgery itself:

  • Biofeedback Therapy: through this treatment, you will learn to control and relax the pelvic muscles since their tension and contraction aggravates the vulvar pain picture.
  • Physiotherapy: through this rehabilitation therapy, it is possible to strengthen the pelvic muscles, thus relieving vulvodynia.
  • Surgery is a rare option, but it is performed in extreme cases without improving the indicated treatment. This procedure removes the tissue from the vulvar region with too much sensitivity.

Some recommendations to relieve vulvodynia

Apart from the treatments, therapies, and surgery indicated in the previous section, we give you more recommendations to improve vulvodynia :

  • Avoid practicing exercises that affect the vulvar area, such as cycling or horseback riding.
  • Maintaining good hygiene of the vulvar area is very basic for any woman, but even more so if you want to solve a problem like this.
  • Do not use irritating products such as soap when cleaning your intimate area. Only use water when you have this condition and then dry the area well.
  • Use vaginal lubricants. In this way, it will reduce irritation during sex.
  • It is also advisable to wear loose cotton underwear. With this, you will avoid the irritation or humidity that other fabrics generate, such as nylon, developing infectious processes.
  • Do not hold the urge to urinate for a long time. With this, you will avoid increased pressure in the vulvar region.
  • If you suffer from vulvodynia, do not suffer it in silence. Go to your gynecologist. He will guide you in the steps to follow to control this condition.

We hope we have helped you better understand the problem of vulvodynia and find ways to improve this problem. Suppose you often suffer from discomfort in the intimate area. In that case, we recommend that you learn more about the health of this area of ​​the body and read other articles like this one by FastlyHealabout Pain in the genital lips: causes and medical treatment, as well as of course, visit your gynecologist as soon as possible to find a diagnosis and the most suitable solution for you.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Can vulvodynia disappear? We recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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