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Syphilis in men: symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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One of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is syphilis, a condition caused by a bacterium called “treponema pallidum” that infects the genital areas, anus, mouth, or lips. Syphilis affects both men and women, and the most common form of infection is through unprotected sex, although it can also be passed from the mother to her baby during the pregnancy period.

The primary symptoms of this STD can be confused with other diseases and, therefore, can be missed at first. Still, you must be alert to any signs because syphilis can develop into a chronic illness if not treated in time. In this FastlyHealarticle, we will discover the symptoms of syphilis and the medical treatment that will help you fight it.

Symptoms of syphilis

It is essential to know how to detect syphilis to treat it in time and be able to expel the bacteria from the body. Keep in mind that this STD is transmitted by direct contact with an ulcer that has this bacteria. The most common places where these sores are found are the lips, mouth, genitals (penis and vagina), and the anus. The only form of contagion is through direct contact, that is, through sexual practices (either by penetration or oral), but it will NOT be infected by using the same toilet as an infected person, by using swimming pools, by sharing clothes, etc.

That said, we are going to indicate the symptoms of syphilis so that you are alert to them and can treat them in time; You should know that the signs are different depending on the stage of the disease in which we are:

  • Primary phase

It is the moment after you have come into contact with the syphilitic ulcer. At this stage, a single ulcer appears on the body, and, indeed, they will appear even more with time. The time of appearance of this sore can vary since it ranges from 10 days after contact to 90 days, although, as a general rule, the average is about 21 days.

This first sign is usually a small and painless mark that appears in the area where the bacteria entered our body. It usually lasts 3 or 6 weeks and then disappears without any treatment; If you have not seen the doctor during this period, the ETS continues with the second phase.

  • Secondary phase

The most obvious symptom in this phase of the disease is that a rash appears on the skin in one or more areas of the body; it is usually irritating but does not cause any itching or burning. These marks typically occur when the initial ulcer is healing or has completely disappeared from the body.

The eruptions of this phase are characterized by the appearance of rough spots that can be reddish or brown and usually appear in areas such as the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. In addition to this, another of the symptoms of syphilis in this phase is the appearance of fever, swollen lymph nodes, weight loss, sore throat, and fatigue.

  • Tertiary phase

Also known as the latent phase (the hidden phase), it is characterized by the disappearance of the signs that we have just mentioned, so the person will be with the STD even if externally they do not have any mark that detects it. This phase can last for years since the bacteria are already established in our body, so it can cause much more severe conditions by damaging organs in our body, blood vessels, bones, etc.

There are no visible marks of this phase, but there are related symptoms such as, for example, difficulty in coordinating the body, gradual blindness, dementia, etc. As you can see, in this phase, the damage can be severe and even cause death.

Treat syphilis

You must know that syphilis DOES have a cure, as long as we are in the first or second phase; the third is much more complicated to treat since the bacteria have settled in our body. Therefore, as soon as you detect any of the symptoms that we have just detailed, you must go to a doctor to examine and be able to diagnose the disease.

In the early stages, syphilis is an easily curable disease. If a person has had this condition for less than 1 year, it will only be enough with an intramuscular injection of penicillin (a type of antibiotic) to be able to eliminate this bacteria; If the patient has had the condition for more than 1 year, more than 1 injection will be needed to combat it. In the case of being allergic to penicillin, other substitutes act the same way.

When a person is being treated for syphilis, they should not have sex with anyone because the syphilitic ulcer is still latent and can infect other people. Above all, it is essential that you go to a doctor and that you do not self-medicate since, although you can buy medicines without a prescription at the pharmacy, they will not correct the symptoms but will kill the bacteria.

In the case of being in an advanced stage of the disease, the treatment of syphilis is much more robust; It may be that you have to inject daily for ten days or even that the treatment lasts for 1 year. This will always depend on the medical prescription.

People in the third phase of the disease will be able to try this treatment, but, likely, they will not be able to eliminate the bacteria because it has stably settled in the body. If a pregnant woman suffers an STD, treatment must be immediate. Otherwise, it could affect the baby’s health or even cause death.

Syphilis and HIV

When a person suffers from syphilis, contracting other STDs, such as HIV, increases. The reason is that when you suffer from the genital ulcers that we have talked about in the primary phase of the condition, it is much easier than coming into contact with an HIV carrier. This disease can be transmitted. It is estimated that being infected with HIV is 2 to 5 times higher if the person has syphilis.

The sores produced by syphilis break the barrier that our body has to protect us against other infections; In addition, this type of condition can bleed much easier when they come into contact with the genital mucosa at the time of having sex, something that increases the risk of contracting other STDs.Prevent syphilis

To prevent syphilis, it is essential to practice sex with a condom since, currently, it is the only method that acts as a contraceptive but also as an STD blocker; remember that syphilis can also spread to the mouth or anus, so always use a condom even when performing oral sex. If you have a stable partner, at FastlyHealwe recommend that you do the tests, and if everything goes well, you can practice sexual intercourse without the need for a condom.

This is the only accurate method that currently exists to prevent this STD. It will be useless for you to wash after having sex, pee, or undergo a deep wash since these practices do not affect the transmission of bacteria. If it has already entered your body, no matter how much water you pour on it, He will not go.

In addition, to avoid contagion to your partner, you must go to a doctor to help you determine whether or not you may be suffering from this condition before any sign of doubt.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Syphilis in men: symptoms and treatment, we recommend that you enter our category Male reproductive system.

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