Home men's Health Azoospermia: what it is, causes and treatment

Azoospermia: what it is, causes and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Changes in daily life and the rhythm of life can be influenced by stress, variations in eating habits, environmental factors, and even depressive symptoms; all of these can alter the normal functioning of the body. Azoospermia is considered an infertility disorder in men.

Male infertility and Azoospermia are directly related; it dramatically affects the couple, it is not very frequent, but it can be treated. In cases where the couple wants to have offspring, they can achieve it through medical treatment under the direction of infertility doctors. If you want to know more about Azoospermia: what it is, its causes, and therapy, we advise you to continue reading the following FastlyHealarticle.

What is Azoospermia

Azoospermia is the complete lack of sperm during ejaculation. It is a disorder that occurs in males, contributing to being a cause of infertility. Semen maintains its typical appearance; the only thing that is evident if a sample is taken is that it does not contain sperm. This is a trigger to start studies to confirm the diagnosis of Azoospermia.

The patient will only become aware of this situation in cases where he is searching for offspring and time has passed without being able to have children with his partner.

Causes of Azoospermia

The causes of Azoospermia will depend on the type of Azoospermia it is:

Azoospermia secretora

Multiple causes are capable of triggering it; in this case, it is caused by a testicular failure, among which are:

  • Genetic alterations.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Inflammation or trauma at the testicular level.
  • Problems in the descent or testicular development.
  • Application of drugs in cases of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Obstructive Azoospermia

Possible causes of obstructive Azoospermia are:

  • Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens.
  • Inflammation or trauma at the testicular level can give rise to prostatitisvaricocele, or epididymitis.
  • Obstructive Azoospermia is the one that occurs after the vasectomy is used as a contraceptive technique in the male sex; this is achieved through the ligation of the vas deferens.

Diagnosis of Azoospermia

It is vitally important to perform a spermogram, physical examination, and hormonal analysis to make an accurate diagnosis. All of them are vitally important to implement the treatment according to the patient’s situation and the type of Azoospermia he suffers.

The stereogram is the study through which the semen is analyzed in a laboratory where an evaluation of the volume, concentration, morphology, and mobility of the sperm present in the semen is carried out.

Two spectrograms should be performed with 2 to 3 weeks between them. If the first is expected, in many cases, it is not necessary to perform the second. This is because the count of the number of sperm in the same person with different ejaculates is highly variable.

Once this study has been carried out and has the unmistakable evidence of the number of sperm present in the sperm, the next step is to perform a biopsy at the testicular level, which consists of taking a sample of the testicular tissue and observing it under the microscope, through it. The existence of alterations in the cells responsible for the production of sperm is evidenced.

Azoospermia and its treatment

The specialist indicated to handle this alteration is the urologist; he will be in charge of telling the treatment in this alteration. To start treatment, it is essential to know the type of Azoospermia causing this alteration and if it is secretory or obstructive azoospermia. Below we explain what is the treatment of Azoospermia depending on each case:

Obstructive azoospermia treatment

In cases where it is obstructive Azoospermia, it has an excellent prognosis since once the obstruction is released, the free transit of semen with sperm will be restored. The solution to the problem is through microsurgery; these obstructions can be multiple and located along with the semen outlet. In other cases where the block of the ducts prevents the free passage of semen, direct extraction of the sperm is carried out in the testicle or at the level of the epididymis with high effectiveness.

Azoospermia has a solution; men who suffer from it can have children. It is not a definitive cause of male infertility; Despite the absence of sperm in the semen, these can be obtained and used in assisted reproductive techniques.

Secretory azoospermia treatment

If it is secretory azoospermia, treatment will consist of restoring testicular function, and hormonal therapy with FSH must be implemented to stimulate sperm production and restore testicular function.

It is essential to bear in mind that you should go to a specialist doctor, in this case, the urologist or the infertility expert. He will be in charge of guiding the patient. He will indicate the clinical studies necessary to achieve the precise diagnosis and initiate the appropriate therapy according to the symptoms presented by the patient to benefit the sexual health and fertility of the couple.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Azoospermia: what it is, causes and treatment , we recommend that you enter our category of Male reproductive system .

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