Cysticercosis is a chronic infection caused by the larvae of the Taenia Solium , better known as tapeworm or by the nickname “the tapeworm.” The larvae can be present in the person and not be malignant but in pigs they grow and become harmful in case the person who eats their meat becomes infected.
The infection then occurs in which cysticerci (cysts) are formed that can appear in several areas, the eyes being one of the most common. Ocular cysticercosis can blind the person who suffers from it, although symptoms may take time to appear. This infection is more typical of rural areas of developing countries that do not have the appropriate hygienic conditions. In this FastlyHealarticle we explain what ocular cysticercosis is: symptoms and treatment .
Table of Contents
What is ocular cysticercosis and why does it occur?
The Taenia Solium , better known as tapeworm, is a worm that lives in the intestines of humans . It can be quite long, reaching 7 meters in length on some occasions. It is divided by sectors or segments and at the end is where the eggs that cause the problem accumulate when they are expelled through the feces.
If this happens within adequate hygiene conditions, nothing would happen. In fact, in many developed countries, where there are pig farms or rural areas where these animals are raised, it is not a problem since the pigs are not in contact with the feces of the person.
However, when sanitary measures are not followed or hygiene is not adequate, the animals can come into contact with the feces infested with eggs. This means that the pigs ingesting the eggs lodge the Taenia in their organism and it is here where it grows and reaches the size of a larva. At this time it is called cysticercus.
When a person eats the meat of the infested pig, the microorganism returns to the human body and becomes infected. The larva lives there until it grows and that is when the symptoms of cysticercosis begin to appear or it develops. It usually takes about four months. The tapeworm passes through the blood and can reach the eye area, among others, and forms small cysts (cysticerci). This worm can also cause other infections such as tapeworms.
It can also happen that many vegetables or fruits are infested since in many areas, such as some regions of Mexico, farmland is irrigated with waters containing pig excretions. Strawberries are very susceptible to infestation.
Ocular cysticercosis is more common in young people between the ages of 10 and 30 and in underdeveloped countries with inadequate hygiene measures, usually in rural areas.
Ocular cysticercosis: symptoms
The symptoms of ocular cysticercosis usually appear months after being infested and in some cases are asymptomatic , depending on where the cysticercus is located.
Ocular cysticercosis can cause :
- Retinal swelling or detachment
- Cloudy or blurred vision. In the following article we explain why I see blurry .
- Point vision
- Eye pain
- Photophobia
- In the most severe cases it can cause blindness
Other areas such as the eyelids, orbit, anterior chamber, or subconjunctival area may also be involved.
Diagnosis of ocular cysticercosis
To diagnose an ocular cysticercosis, the first thing is the physical examination . The ophthalmologist will look at the back of the eye to see if there is any cysticercus (a cyst with a head or scolex). You can also be performed stool tests to check for the presence of larvae or blood count to detect antibodies against the parasite.
Its diagnosis is sometimes complicated, because it can be confused with other vascular or tumor diseases. However, if the cyst has a head presence and is yellowish or whitish in color, almost translucent, it is undoubtedly a cysticercus.
Treatment for ocular cysticercosis
Being a parasitic infection, the treatment will be mainly through antiparasitic drugs combined with anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation. However, in the case of ocular cysticercosis, steroid treatment will be indicated a few days before starting the other drugs to avoid inflammation during the antiparasitic procedure.
However, since complications can occur after lysis of the parasite, antiparasitic treatment is not highly recommended for treatment in the eye and therefore surgical treatment is often used .
In these rural areas of underdeveloped areas or with poor hygiene, a series of measures should be taken to avoid becoming infested :
- Pork meat must be frozen previously and in addition to this it will only be consumed if it is properly cooked or fried previously, to avoid contagion.
- Raw meat such as sausage, chorizo, etc. it should not be ingested.
- On the other hand, strawberries that are very susceptible to contagion and to be infested must be washed very well and, when they are bought, it is necessary to find out about their origin and irrigation and cultivation process to know if there is a possibility that they have been infested or not. .
- In Spain cases of cysticercosis do not usually occur commonly since the hygiene conditions are adequate.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Ocular cysticercosis: symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Eyes and Vision category .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.