Cramps are known as muscle spasms; they are characterized by a sustained and involuntary contraction of one or more muscles in any part of the body. In this case, we are talking about the neck muscles, which can cause pain and increase in volume in this area.
In people who work long hours in front of a computer or are in frequent contact with a mobile phone, the neck muscles can be affected due to overstimulation, resulting in neck cramps. These are very common, but they can vary from one person to another depending on the cause that gave rise to their appearance.
If you want to know more about neck c wires: causes and treatment , continue reading the following article from FastlyHeal .
Table of Contents
Why do they get cramps in the neck: causes
The causes of muscle spasms in the neck are not yet clear, as they can be due to several; among them, it is necessary to mention:
- Muscle injury due to strain or contraction of the neck muscles: this is known as muscle fatigue and generates the symptoms of neck cramps.
- Wrong postures, in addition to causing muscular disorders, can give rise to headaches and general discomfort accompanied by functional limitation.
- Fluid disorders due to a deficit of fluid intake can cause dehydration with loss of fluid, in addition to electrolytes such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
- Spinal nerve irritation can be caused by accidents or the presence of a herniated disc that compresses a nerve in the area.
- Spending many hours in the same position can cause spasms in the neck region.
- Spinal cord injury resulting from a car accident or trauma to the cervical region.
- Decreased blood flow to the muscles in the neck area.
- The food deficit lack intake of minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.
- Stress or depression act immediately, causing muscle tension and even tightening of the neck muscles, thus favoring the appearance of muscle cramps.
Neck cramps: symptoms
The symptoms of cramps in the neck can last days or weeks. At the moment, it is evident:
- Muscle tension in the neck area.
- Hardening of the muscles.
- Headache.
- Dizziness
- Sickness.
- Intense pain in the neck area that can reach the shoulders and arms.
- Momentary functional limitation to move the head.
How to cure neck cramps: treatment
The presence of cramps in the neck is a warning that something is happening in the body; at this time, you should go to a specialist doctor. This will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, or a muscle relaxant.
In addition to drug treatment, it is recommended to perform:
- Stretches: Muscle spasms in the neck can be treated with stretching exercises. Similarly, it is possible to apply ice at the beginning of the neck spasm for about 20 to 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a day.
- In cases where the neck cramps occur repetitively, the humid heat is helpful, even taking a hot shower, as it helps to relax the muscles of the neck.
- The application of massages in the area where the muscles are tense allows them to relax.
- The physiotherapy applied in the hand of a professional contributes to the daily practice of a routine exercise that acts on the neck muscles relaxing effect.
- In cases where all of the above does not work, the specialist doctor will indicate the application of injections based on anesthetics or intramuscular cortisone.
- The control of stress and depression can remove muscle spasms in the neck. If necessary, you should seek the help of a psychologist or a therapist who will provide you with the appropriate tools to manage stress and other emotions.
How to prevent neck cramps
The best way to avoid neck cramps is by taking steps such as the following:
- Symptoms must be treated early the moment they appear, thereby preventing them from worsening and becoming difficult to control.
- Exercising relaxes the neck muscles, especially gentle stretches. These should be done before exercising or before sleeping. In the following article, you can see good exercises to avoid neck and shoulder pain.
- Adopt a correct posture if you spend long hours in front of a computer or television.
- Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercising, especially isotonic drinks that contain potassium.
- Manage stress.
- It would help if you avoided caffeine consumption and did not smoke.
- Practice relaxation techniques; with this, you will be able to relieve tensions.
Neck cramps, also known as muscle spasms, should be treated by a doctor from the onset of symptoms. On many occasions, they are a warning of some ailment in the body; if this is your case, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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