Home Skin CareCorns and calluses Nails in feet: causes and how to remove them

Nails in feet: causes and how to remove them

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

Injuries known as spikes in the feet occur most frequently on the edges of the toes and the soles of the feet as a result of pressure. These lesions usually appear due to the excess keratin production in this area. Anyone is exposed to them for multiple causes ranging from the type of footwear and pressure on the feet to poor posture—all influence in one way or another in the appearance of this alteration.

These lesions are characterized by being very painful due to compression of soft tissues due to irritation of the peripheral nerve endings and, at times, can lead to limitation of walking. In this FastlyHealarticle, we explain the causes of nails in the feet and how to remove them with the right treatments.

What are nails in the feet?

Nails in the feet are complex pinpoint lesions and, unlike calluses, cause a lot of pain when pressed. These lesions are located under the skin and have a kind of pointed ending, hence their name; they appear on the anterior part of the sole at the level of the smallest toes and on the back where the foot is supported. To walk.

The area where the nails appear in the feet has multiple nerve endings, so they generate so much pain. Pins in the feet are more common in adults, as they perform various activities. Those in the elderly are more likely to suffer from this alteration due to the physiological changes of aging.

Causes of nails in the feet

The appearance of nails in the feet can be due to several causes, among which it is necessary to mention:

  • The use of inappropriate footwear: it is essential to take into account the type of footwear that is used. The excess pressure that the shoe exerts on the foot and its hardness are variants that can trigger the appearance of the nails on the soles of the feet.
  • Malformations in the feet: the presence of some malformation in the feet from birth or some atrophy can give rise to this type of injury, as well as the presence of bunions, hammertoes, or bone spurs.
  • The practice of some physical exercise: the use of tight footwear that exerts undue pressure on a specific area of ​​the foot can trigger the appearance of the nails.
  • Adopting bad postures: walking in inappropriate postures favors the appearance of nails on the feet.
  • Papovavirus is a virus spread to those who walk barefoot in toilets or public showers. This may be the cause that determines the appearance of these lesions.

Nails in the feet: symptoms

The presence of a plantar nail gives rise to a series of symptoms that can vary from one person to another; among them are:

  • Intense pain in the area where the pin is located.
  • Inflamed and itchy skin.
  • Presence of a complex, rounded bump with a kind of point under the skin.
  • Lesions are more minor than the so-called plantar calluses or helomas.
  • Inability to walk properly if the size of the nail is considerable.
  • Presence of one or more nails if it is not treated in time.

How to remove nails in feet: medical treatment

In the presence of a nail in the foot, you should go to a professional podiatrist. After the medical evaluation of the feet, the podiatrist will indicate the appropriate treatment according to the type and location of the injury.

The treatment of the nails in the feet may include the following:

  • Lack of understanding of the area.
  • Use personalized templates, special bandages, pads, or some elastic prosthesis that reduces pain and compression of the injury area.
  • Keratolytic drugs: through them, it is possible to reduce keratin production in the area. These are applied locally and directly to the injury.

If the lesions persist or recur repeatedly, surgical removal of the lesion or cryotherapy is recommended, which consists of applying liquid nitrogen to the place where the nail is in the foot.

Home remedies for nails on feet

Removing the nails in the feet with home remedies is not possible, and it is essential to go to the podiatrist in the presence of these. The natural remedies that we mention below can help relieve the pain and symptoms that these injuries caused in the affected foot:

  • Castor oil and apple cider vinegar: both products have antibacterial properties that help prevent infections. Its application consists of placing hot water, liquid soap, and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a container, then the feet are immersed in this solution for 15 minutes. Then, the dead skin is removed with a pumice stone. The feet are dried very well to later apply two tablespoons of castor oil on both feet.
  • Garlic: garlic has excellent antiseptic and antibacterial properties. A garlic clove must be crushed until it is like a paste mixed with a bit of extra virgin olive oil to use as a remedy. Afterward, it should be applied directly to the lesion and wrapped with a piece of cloth. This will allow the fabric to soften.
  • Calendula is a plant with antiseptic and healing properties that will help regenerate damaged skin and prevent infections. The calendula leaves must be crushed, and the resulting paste applied to the lesion, covered with a bandage, and left to act for about two hours.

In the following FastlyHealarticle, we show some other home remedies for corns.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Nails in the feet: causes and how to remove them , we recommend entering our skin, hair, and nails category.

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