Mupirocin is an antibiotic cream applied directly to infected skin. That is, it is used locally. Therefore, it is instrumental for different conditions such as impetigo, folliculitis, or wounds. Still, it must be applied with particular care, and for a short time since despite being “only an ointment,” it has specific adverse effects that do not you will want to have.
If you want to know more about this antibiotic, continue reading this article by FastlyHealabout mupirocin cream: what and how it is applied.
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What is mupirocin cream for?
Mupirocin is an antibiotic for local use. It acts directly on the place where it is applied, helping to improve an infection.
It has been seen that it can improve infections caused by different bacteria, especially those that cause skin infections. Therefore, mupirocin ointment is used to treat various diseases, including:
- Infected wounds: a skin lesion can become infected with bacteria, especially those that are the product of trauma or blow or if the area was not properly cleaned.
- Impetigo is an infection commonly present in young children who attend daycare centers or people with low defenses. Reddish lesions appear on the skin (near the mouth and nose, usually) that are quickly spread.
- Superinfected eczema: an allergic reaction or a rash on the skin does not usually require antibiotics but, sometimes, scratching on very itchy lesions can generate lesions that become secondarily infected, in which case treatment is needed.
- Folliculitis is the inflammation of a hair follicle, that is, the place where a hair is born. It is usually common in the area where the skin is shaved or is infrequent friction.
- Furunculosis: boils are infections also located in a hair follicle, but there is already a collection of pus. Furunculosis refers to multiple boils.
It should be noted that there are some cases in which the bacteria that cause these health problems are resistant to mupirocin, in which case this cream will not have the expected effect.
It can also act against a troublesome bacterium, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. As its name implies, this bacterium can survive a treatment with common oral antibiotics, which is a severe problem when it affects patients at risk or with other severe diseases and low defenses. This bacterium usually lives in the nostril of many people who are contaminating it with which without knowing it. When it is detected, especially in people who are in close contact with patients at risk, a treatment is carried out with this cream by placing it inside the nose for five days.
How to apply mupirocin cream
Mupirocin, a 2% cream, should be applied directly to the area of skin affected by the infection or to the nostrils when it is desired to combat colonization by methicillin-resistant S. aureus.
On the other hand, there are a series of precautions that you must take into account when using and applying mupirocin ointment:
- It should be noted that it is essential not to apply it on large areas of the skin; if the infection covers a large extent, perhaps another type of treatment is appropriate.
- It should not be applied to severely damaged skin or has deep exposed areas (open wounds, sores, etc.), as this cream also has a compound called polyethylene glycol, which is very harmful (even fatal) if it enters the body. For this same reason, you should also avoid using it on burns, especially if they are deep or extensive. It would be best if you avoid contact with the eyes.
- Another precaution you should take if you decide to start treatment with mupirocin ointment is that it should not be used for a long time. The treatments are usually 1 to 2 weeks maximum and, of course, it must be indicated by a professional because, even if it is “just a dream,” it is not free of adverse effects such as skin irritation, pain, burning, itching, redness, kidney failure in case of high absorption of polyethylene glycol, which is life-threatening.
If you do not see a good evolution, with an improvement in the appearance of the infection in 3 to 5 days, it is best to consult your doctor since it is likely that the treatment should be different.
Mupirocin cream should be applied as follows :
- First, you must clean the affected area: washing with soap and water. It must be neutral without perfumes, colorants, or other additives.
- Dry the area with a clean cloth or sterile gauze.
- Apply a small amount of mupirocin 2% cream to the injured area.
- If necessary or as directed by your doctor, you can cover with a sterile gauze or an occlusive bandage (tightly closed).
- The number of times you should perform this procedure will depend on each case, but it is usually 3 times a day.
Can mupirocin cream be used on the genitals?
Mupirocin cream can be used on any skin area, that is, the external area of the genitals is suitable for the application of this antibiotic, but (there is always a but …), do not forget that two things are essential:
- Avoid applying it if there are sores, serious injuries, or burns in the area.
- You should not apply it in the internal area, where the mucosa is. In men, avoid the glans. In women, it should only be used for the labia majora.
As always, the best thing to do if you have doubts is to consult your trusted doctor, since it may be that the treatment you need is another, and you are only wasting time, money and exposing yourself to the possible adverse effects of a medication that you do not require.
This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.