Home Digestive system Intestinal infarction: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intestinal infarction: causes, symptoms and treatment

by Alivia Nyhan
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Intestinal infarction, also known as intestinal ischemia or intestinal necrosis, occurs when the arteries in the intestines become narrowed or blocked, resulting in reduced blood flow in the body and the death of intestinal tissue. This can affect the small intestine or the large intestine or colon. There are several causes that cause an intestinal infarction, so the treatment to be applied will depend on this and its timely diagnosis, since it is a serious condition and that can cause death if it is not treated in time. That is why it is important that you know how to recognize what is related to this issue and in this FastlyHealarticle we will explain the causes, symptoms and treatment of intestinal infarction .

Causes of intestinal infarction

The most common cause of an intestinal infarction is an embolus or blood clot originating in the heart that obstructs one of the arteries of the intestine, cutting off the blood flow to the intestine. Generally, it is the result of another condition, such as

  • A recent heart attack.
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Episodes of atrial fibrillation.

Intestinal infarction can also be caused by arterial thrombosis and occurs in 10% or 15% of cases. It occurs when a clot blocks the passage of blood that travels through the intestine, so blood accumulates in this organ, causing swelling and bleeding. It can also occur due to the excessive deposit of fat on the wall of an artery, known as atherosclerosis . This thrombosis could be due to trauma to the abdomen, hormonal treatments, inflammation of the pancreas, abdominal infection, bleeding disorders or cancer in the digestive system.

Intestinal ischemia can develop from low blood pressure , known as hypotension, or constriction of the vessels that supply the intestine. This condition reduces blood flow to the intestine, possibly due to shock, chronic kidney failure, heart failure, or the intake of certain medications.

Symptoms of intestinal infarction

In the presence of an intestinal infarction, different symptoms can occur, some mild and others more severe. The most characteristic symptom is abdominal pain due to distension or bloating and may generally be accompanied later by diarrhea. You may also have bouts of vomiting, fever, and decreased peristaltic sounds. Other symptoms of intestinal infarction are:

  • Inflammation of the peritoneum.
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Occult blood in stool or stool stained with blood.
  • Bad breath.

The weight loss unintentional is another manifestation associated with intestinal infarction, as some foods can trigger the occurrence of these symptoms, so there is a lack of interest or fear for food and there is a decreased intake.

Treatment of intestinal infarction

Depending on the severity of the intestinal infarction and the cause that causes it, it will be the treatment that your doctor will recommend, either a surgical intervention or the intake of medications.

The surgery that is performed is called enterostomy , it consists of making an opening in the intestine or removing a portion of it, the blood clot or fat deposit that obstructs the passage of blood can also be removed.

To remove the mass that blocks the artery, an angioplasty can be performed, for this a thin tube that has a balloon at the end is inserted into the artery and inflated to push the clot or fat deposit against the wall of the artery and restores blood flow. If necessary, a stent or prosthesis can be placed to keep the artery open after removing the clot.

Your doctor may prescribe blood-thinning medications for three to six months to prevent new clots from forming. Also, avoid those used for migraine, drugs that constrict blood vessels or hormones.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Intestinal infarction: causes, symptoms and treatment , we recommend that you enter our Digestive system category .

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