Home Women's HealthNatality control How to know if I am ovulating from the flow

How to know if I am ovulating from the flow

by Alivia Nyhan
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The days of our ovulation are the only moment of the menstrual cycle in which we are fertile since it is when the ovum is mature enough to detach itself and receive a sperm that fertilizes it. Of course, this condition produces a series of physical and psychological changes in our body that indicate that we are during our fertile days, a sign that is important to know how to interpret if we are looking for a baby. That is why at FastlyHealwe explain how to tell if you are ovulating due to the flow and offer you basic information about this critical stage of the month.

Calculate my fertile days

To achieve a successful pregnancy, the first step is to know our fertile days, which is very simple in women with a regular menstrual cycle. By productive days we understand that moment of the month in which the ovum is mature and is detached to be fertilized, a condition that lasts between 24 and 48 hours.

In women who have regular periods, the rule occurs every 28 to 30 days and can vary two days before or after but always around these intervals. The fertile days range between days 12 and 16 of our menstrual cycle, considering that it begins the first day our period comes. Keeping a calendar with the date of our menstruations is very useful to determine the days on which there is more probability of pregnancy when we must have sexual intercourse.

It is also appropriate to know that sperm can be kept alive for up to 72 hours inside our body, so even having sex a couple of days before ovulating, we could get pregnant if we do not use any protection method.

Although calculating the fertile days is very easy for some women, those who do not have such strict control need to know in-depth the changes manifested in the body, which indicates that we are in a fertile stage. The flow is undoubtedly one aspect that changes the most during this period.

Changes in flow during fertile days

Vaginal discharge is secreted by the sebaceous glands located in the cervix and the walls of the vagina throughout the menstrual cycle to help clean the vaginal canal and keep us free of infections. However, during ovulation, the amount and appearance change noticeably due to the increase in estrogens. This happens with the purpose of helping the sperm to move through the cervix and finally reach the fallopian tubes, where they can fertilize the ovum.

During the fertile days, your flow changes and becomes:

  • More abundant, you may notice the presence of discharge in your underwear or when cleaning your vaginal area.
  • It becomes stickier and thicker, similar to the texture of uncooked egg white or mucus.
  • If you take the flow with your index finger and thumb, you will see that it is very flexible and can stretch even 2 centimeters.
  • The color of it is white or even something transparent. It will never be green, yellow, or smell bad. Yellow discharge indicates the presence of infections and various pathologies, especially if it smells terrible, so in these cases, it is essential to consult your gynecologist.

Other signs that I’m ovulating

In addition to the precise changes in vaginal discharge, during the fertile days, there are other body changes such as:

  • An increase in our body temperature is known as basal temperature. It can rise between 0.5 and 1 ºC during ovulation, so many women use a thermometer to monitor their temperature during the month and identify when they are ovulating.
  • Mild but stabbing pain on only one side of the belly, specifically in the ovulating ovary. This symptom does not occur in all women.
  • You can also perceive a slight discomfort and inflammation in the breasts due to the increase in estrogens.

This article is merely informative. At FastlyHeal .com, we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor if you present any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to know if I am ovulating due to the flow, we recommend that you enter our category of Female reproductive system.

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