Home Teeth and mouthHerpes labialis Home remedies for cold sores

Home remedies for cold sores

by Alivia Nyhan
Published: Last Updated on

One of the infections that more people suffer around the world is cold sores, a type of condition that appears in the mouth and causes itching, discomfort and burning. The duration of a herpes usually lasts up to a week and usually presents an inflammation of the lip as well as an unsightly mark on the face. In addition to medical treatments that are designed to reduce swelling, there are some other natural remedies that can help reduce symptoms and make the infection heal faster.

In this FastlyHealarticle we are going to discover some of the home remedies for cold sores that will help you improve your condition, as well as we will indicate some of the preventive measures to avoid contagion.

Cold sores: causes and symptoms

Herpes on the lip is caused by the spread of a virus known as ” herpes simplex “. This condition is also popularly known as ” fever ” and the reason for this name is that it causes a burning sensation and a sensation of heat in the area of ​​the mouth where the infection is.

The cause for which cold sores appear is, basically, because we come into contact with the virus but, as always happens with viruses, it may or may not develop, it all depends on other factors such as, for example, that our system immune system is in good condition. In the event that we find ourselves in a period with low defenses, it is possible that we develop herpes.

In the case of women, hormonal changes also have a lot to do with the appearance of herpes because, at times of having menstruation, being pregnant or being with menopause it is likely that the herpes virus is activated or that reappear.

At the moment in which the virus is activated for the first time, it is quite common that you can suffer it at different times throughout your life, especially in the episodes that we have just indicated (low defenses, hormonal changes, etc.).

Among the symptoms of cold sores , the most common are those listed below:

  • Tingling sensation : before the condition appears, you will feel a tingling on the lip since your body has already been infected by the virus but has not yet developed.
  • Sensitivity : days before the herpes itself appears, you will have extreme sensitivity in the part of the mouth where it will appear, this will cause you to feel the thermal contrast or the textures in a much more intense way.
  • Appearance of blister : when the herpes already blooms on the lip is when we observe how a blister appears that can become a small wound over the hours. Afterwards, it will develop into a sore that will take about 2 or 7 days to go away.

In On Salus we give you all the information regarding cold sores so that you know how it is spread, what the symptoms are (in detail) and what the treatment is.

Cold sore remedies

If this is the first time that you have a cold sore, from On Salus we recommend that you visit a doctor to tell you which is the best treatment to follow. In a complementary way, you can apply some of these home remedies for cold sores that will help you improve the symptoms and that the healing is faster.

  • Ice

Ice has an anti-inflammatory effect that will help reduce swelling, dispel redness, and relieve itching. To do this, you will only have to apply an ice cube on the herpes that is covered with a cloth or a napkin (otherwise, you could burn yourself and worsen the condition of your lip); apply it several times a day and, little by little, you will notice the results.

  • Aloe vera

This plant is one of the best to restore damaged tissues while promoting skin healing . For this reason, it is one of the most recommended treatments for stretch marks or facial marks. In On Salus we tell you in more detail the benefits of aloe vera .

In the case of oral herpes, it is best to cut an aloe leaf and apply the pulp directly to the affected area, you can repeat this process 2 or 3 times a day. If you do not have the plant, you can go to a health food store and buy a gel already prepared in its natural form.

  • Vitamin E

This nutrient is perfect for curing a cold sore because it promotes hydration of the skin, in addition to acting as a natural painkiller that will reduce the burning you feel due to this infection. In addition, it acts directly on our body’s defenses , increasing their production, thus increasing the response to any attack or infection.

The best way to take advantage of these benefits is by mixing drops of this vitamin with a lip balm or a moisturizer for the lips. Apply it several times a day and you will be able to see results in a short time.

  • it

One of the most suitable natural remedies to fight diseases and viruses is garlic. The reason is that it is an ingredient full of antiviral and antibiotic properties , something that make it perfect for curing herpes. In this sense, you will only have to cut a garlic in half, rub it gently on the infection and let it act for about 15 minutes; then rinse the area with plenty of water and repeat the procedure before going to bed.

Avoid the spread of cold sores

As we have already pointed out, herpes is a virus that is spread very easily so if you suffer from this infection keep in mind that not only other people can be harmed by the virus but, in addition, you can spread it to other areas of the skin. For this reason, you should exercise extreme caution and try to keep the infection under control.

Next, in On Salus we are going to give you a series of hygiene tips that will help you take care of herpes without risk of contagion:

  • Do not touch it : it is essential that you never touch the blisters or wounds that have appeared due to the virus nor should you try to remove them. If you touch them, you could have the virus on your hands and spread it to other areas of the body so be very careful!
  • Do not kiss : while you have cold sores it is important that you do not kiss your partner, your children or your friends because you could spread it to them in a very easy way.
  • Do not share objects : glasses, cutlery, lipstick, etc., they are objects that we usually share with our family without realizing it. But when you have a herpes on your lip you should avoid it at all costs because you could pass the virus to it.

This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to Home remedies for cold sores , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

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