Cold sores or fever is a lesion caused by the spread of the herpes simplex virus. After the first infection, the virus usually falls asleep and it can take a long time before external factors activate it again and new fever occurs. The sores on the lips caused by herpes can last up to three weeks and cause uncomfortable symptoms such as burning, pain, itching and tingling.
Treating cold sores in time is very important, because if the fever breaks it can spread to other parts of the skin or mouth. Ulcers are treated with topical antiviral creams that help fight the virus while inhibiting burning and pain. However, there are also natural alternatives that allow the injury to heal more quickly as the skin regenerates. Among the best home remedies for cold sores , aloe stands out , for this reason in this FastlyHealarticle we inform you about how to use aloe vera to cure cold sores.
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Benefits of aloe vera to cure cold sores
Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that offers multiple properties to treat different conditions , and that is very famous for the benefits it offers to regenerate the skin and soothe its conditions. Among the benefits of aloe vera for the skin, its emollient, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antiseptic actions stand out , which is why it is an excellent natural remedy for cold sores.
Aloe Vera has the power to increase the body’s defenses and enhance the function of the immune system thanks to its content of polysaccharides, a substance that enhances the activity of white blood cells in the blood so that they produce a greater number of T helper cells. These cells are capable of causing the immune system to produce more antibodies so that the body can eliminate all types of viruses, bacteria or diseases that affect it. Also, aloe vera is rich in emodin, a compound that hinders the action of the herpes simplex virus in the human body.
What is the best aloe vera to cure cold sores
There are many aloe vera-based topical creams and products on the market that offer to cure cold sores and treat a number of skin conditions such as dryness, blemishes, stretch marks, scars, wrinkles, and sunburns. However, it is important that before getting one of these cosmetics, we take into account the importance of choosing a product whose concentration of natural aloe crystal is 95% , since only then can we benefit from the properties of aloe vera to the skin.
Aloe vera gel is one of the cosmetics that we find most in pharmacies and perfumeries, but in view of the range offered by the market, it is also important to make sure that its content is 100% natural , since it is often mixed with other plants or chemical compounds that decrease the effect that this plant can have on the skin. Therefore, he prefers any aloe-based product whose content is extracted directly from the leaf of the plant and is not mixed with another series of emollients that can cause irritation in fever or cold sores.
Aloe vera natural
The best way to ensure that you are using pure aloe vera is to get an adult aloe plant that has been planted for at least three years. Once you have it with you, you must cut one of its stalks and chop it in half so that, with the help of a spoon, you can extract all the pulp that is inside, since it is the only part of the plant that you should use, as it is in the glass where all the medicinal properties of aloe vera are concentrated.
If you decide on this option, you can extract the pulp from two stalks and store it in a glass container in your fridge. In this way, every time you need it, you will have it at your disposal. You can also use this crystal to treat burns , apply to your face as a mask or to spread on elbows and knees and combat the typical roughness of these areas.
How to use aloe vera to cure cold sores
It is very simple! In addition to using the topical and antiviral treatment prescribed by your dermatologist, you can apply aloe vera on the fever so that your skin absorbs it and begins to regenerate while the immune system enhances its function and fights the symptoms and the action of the virus in your body. Follow the instructions below to cure a cold sore with aloe vera:
- Rinse off the fever with antibacterial soap and water.
- Moisten a cotton pad or clinical gauze with a little aloe vera cream or natural aloe pulp.
- Apply the cotton on the fever and let it sit for at least 1 hour or until your skin has absorbed all the substance.
- Repeat the procedure twice a day.
- If you prefer, you can apply aloe vera on the fever before going to bed and let it sit overnight while you sleep for a more effective effect.
Cold sore care
The fever responds well to topical treatment with antiviral creams and aloe vera, however, it is important to take into account the care that we must give to this lesion to avoid certain factors preventing the correct recovery from herpes or worsening its symptoms. Here are some tips for treating a fever:
- Applying an ice cube to cold sores helps reduce burning and pain.
- It is important to wash the fever twice a day with antibacterial soap and water to remove germs and prevent the infection from worsening.
- Hot drinks and spicy or citrus foods greatly worsen discomfort.
- Salt water or saline solution is also a way to treat cold sores naturally. You should only rinse the fever with salt water three times a day.
- Once the fever has healed, it is important to change toothbrushes, towels, lipsticks and any other daily use products that have been in contact with the cold sore.
- The daily use of sunscreen on the lips helps prevent the appearance of cold sores.
In the following article you can see good home remedies for cold sores .
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Aloe vera to cure cold sores , we recommend that you enter our category of Teeth and mouth .

I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.