The bursa is a bag with synovial fluid; its function is essential to reduce friction and blows between a tendon and the bones; that is, it acts like a cushioning pad. These bags are present in the hip, and if they are damaged, we will feel pain in the area, inflammation, and excess fluid, known as hip bursitis.
Hip bursitis can be suffered by men and women of any age, being more frequent in women with obesity and between 40 and 60 years of age; it also predominates in athletes, such as marathon runners. At FastlyHealwe will explain the symptoms, causes and treatments for hip bursitis, but do not forget to go to your family doctor, who will recommend the best for you.
Table of Contents
What are the symptoms of hip bursitis?
If you suffer from this condition, you will most likely have a series of symptoms; among the main ones are:
- Stiffness of movements in the hip.
- Inflammation of the bursa.
- Excess fluid in the bursa.
- Searing and intense pain in the affected area can later turn into neuralgia and affect a larger hip area. It usually occurs when getting up from a chair after a long time of sitting or at bedtime.
- When lifting the leg, there may be a slight clicking noise.
- Pain when running, climbing stairs, or during a long walk.
- The sensation of heat in the affected area.
Possible causes of hip bursitis
There are several conditions for which you can suffer hip bursitis; check the list that we present below with the most prominent causes and see if you have experienced or are experiencing any of them:
- Injury from falls or blows: it can cause bleeding in the bursa, and this reacts by inflaming the area.
- Pressure on the hip: when sitting for a long time on hard surfaces.
- Repetitive overuse injury: includes sports activities such as cycling or running; it also occurs when climbing stairs, lying on one side of the body for a long time, or standing for a long time.
- Bacterial infection: usually staphylococcal, for example, Staphylococcus aureus.
- Spinal disease.
- Leg dysmetria: When one leg is slightly shorter than the other, walking can irritate the bursae.
- Rheumatoid arthritis: increases the risk of developing inflammation of the bursa.
- Surgeries: such as hip replacement implants and hip replacement.
- Diabetes.
- Drop.
- Bony spurs in the tendons attach the muscles to the trochanter.
- Obesity.
- Fibromyalgia
It should be noted that, in the hip, we find two main bursae, and they are the ones that are frequently inflamed and irritated; the greater trochanter bursa, which when inflamed is called trochanteric bursitis and is the most common condition in the area, and the bursa of the iliopsoas, the swelling of which is known as ischial bursitis. In trochanteric bursitis, the pain will appear in the lateral region of the hip, also causing difficulty sleeping on that side. On the other hand, in ischial bursitis, the area with ailments is located on the side of the groin. This bursitis predominates in people who spend a lot of time sitting on flat surfaces.
What treatments can I follow to reduce hip bursitis?
Remember that your doctor is the one who must determine in what condition is the inflammation of the bags in the hip and what method is best to combat it. However, here are some measures you can use to relieve pain, no matter if it is trochanteric or ischial bursitis:
- Do not do activities that make the pain worse and when the pain subsides, begin to move slowly to a regular movement.
- Let your hips rest for as long as possible by sleeping on your back or the opposite side of the affected area and placing pillows between your knees.
- Apply ice wrapped in a towel or a bag to the hip bursitis area. In addition to reducing inflammation, it helps stimulate blood flow. It is recommended to use after exercise routines.
- Use a cane for support when walking or crutches until you feel better.
- Do stretching exercises for the hip muscles. The best thing is for a specialist to show you the correct way to do it; He may also recommend other treatments such as roller therapy, ice, and heat.
- Medication intake NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, piroxicam, and celecoxib, can reduce and relieve inflammation. Use it in short periods, as they may have side effects or not be compatible if you are taking other medications.
Other treatments can only be carried out under the supervision of the doctor; among them are:
- Remove excess fluid from the bursa.
- Corticosteroid injection: it is a simple and effective method. Generally, a single injection is necessary to relieve bursitis permanently. Otherwise, a second injection can be given. Overuse of these injections can damage nearby tissues.
- Introduce growth factors: help regeneration and rapid healing of damaged tissues. If the specialist deems it appropriate, it can be combined with ozone therapy.
- Surgery of the bursae in the hip: the infrequent occasion is reached for this treatment since the previous methods are very effective. Removing the bursa does not cause damage to the hip, and the hip can function normally without it.
How to prevent hip bursitis?
We can avoid hip bursitis or reduce the risks of suffering by following these tips:
- Avoid activities that strain the hips, such as prolonged standing.
- Lose weight if you are overweight to take pressure off your hips.
- Sit on foam cushions or soft surfaces.
- Do warm-up exercises, stretch your muscles before doing sports activities or routines, and try cool-down movements afterward.
- Use an adapter to compensate for leg lengths, such as orthotic inserts or special shoes.
This article is merely informative, at FastlyHeal .com we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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I am a Surgeon with a diploma in comprehensive ultrasound and surgical care residency, an area I am specializing in. During the exercise of my profession, I have realized the need for patients to know the diseases they suffer, and I can tell you that a large part of their complications is due to a lack of information. Being a health web writer allows me to transmit my experience, without borders, to all those readers eager for knowledge, educate them in the prevention of diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle.